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Media Representation in Management and Organisation

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Media Representation in Management and Organisation

The role that visual media plays in shaping and informing our experience of management and organized work.

Visual media plays an essential role in determining the management and organization of our work through the experiences we gain. The likely effect of optical media is shaping and helping us understand our daily lives and those around us. They help us have insights on the importance of managing and being managed. It, therefore, provides evidence on how it looks at management and organization.Visual media such as films and television programs, bring out the skills of analysis which way any individual, including students, can apply in their daily lives.

Individuals spend most of their time on the internet. In the United Kingdom, for instance, an average person is required to watch television for at least four hours per day. These indicate that the pictures we see in films and television are vital to how we perceive other individuals, our surroundings, and organizations. A person’s interest is, however, based on the movies and television stations they watch, which is an essential source for learners interested in management and even business. There are several reasons why visual media is a vital tool regarding management and organization.

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Visual media helps people see places and different ways of living that they probably have not been aware of. It is essential to read and research more about people encountered through films and televisions as they provide information about their way of living and where they come from. This could be a historical view that is outdated, hence help us appreciate change. It results in exposure to specific new organizational roles such as authority persons who include; the managers and chief executive officers, among others. Through entertainment and comedy, visual media plays a significant role in portraying how managers view their subjects.

Visual media’s purpose is meant to be watched and even entertain. Using films and television programs to educate is also a means of looking deeper into management and organization other than other items such as books, case studies, magazines, journals, among others. Visual media brings out a clear picture of how to tackle life other than other management items and regular classroom teaching. The use of films and television, for instance, helps bring a connection of the classroom work and what is happening in the real world. It is, however, hard to alter what is seen in these visual media and therefore analyze with classwork.

Visual media helps empathize with people and situations. Emotional responses are depicted through the emotions brought out by the visual media (Bordwell & Thompson, 2013). These involve working together with management through the emotional reactions of various characters. The scenarios in the films may result in some responses like smiling, hurting, crying, among others. How we feel about something raises our emotional connection hence has a reflection on how to deal with specific life encounters. For instance, when we encounter an old male character working for a particular organization, as a young person, you can anticipate work at a young age hence merging through various challenges of the business.

Different cultures define our shape, attitudes, and what we expect. It is achieved through watching visual media, which draws us emotionally and at the same time entertaining us. We may want to emulate and follow certain characters on how they carry themselves and behave. Television and film characters can give us insights on ways of behavior that can be emulated. These may result in shaping the attitudes to the kind of job an individual is interested in. By seeing what people do in visual media, such as high status of living, dressing well, having power over others, earning more money may raise one to desire regarding their daily experiences (Lacey, 2009). These play a significant role in the management and organization of work. Individuals will, therefore, tend to clear their duties on time, to manage their time, dressing correctly to work, and loving their job.

Visual media is essential in passing out important information on management, work, and organizing. They are, however, sophisticated means of analyzing and involvement due to overlapping issues of either art or business. Art is perceived as how people understand and see society, whereas the company looks at how to make products more attractive in the eyes of the consumers and is watched widely. Therefore producing a film as part of both art and business can mean different intentions, which will bring confusion to whether it is business or art.

The main idea for visual media is to pass information, and our analysis will depend on how we view it. Different cultures play a role in how we carry ourselves and how we take things. It is, therefore, important not to depict the characters in the films as real. That is if the manager and those managed to have a close view on how they represent the different aspects of working and managing.

Visual media, through images and ideas, educate on management and organization got from various films and television programs. For instance, in the film, “Westworld” shows that information is construction and a way of appreciation. It is to show that the film act as motivators in attaining goals and purposes. It is also significant to put into consideration the critical agenda of the producers whose aim is to motivate and how they use different techniques to attract and catch the emotional response of various viewers ( Long & Wall, 2009).

Most producers in these visual media are always culturally centered. That is to mean they are either looking at art or business hence coming up with a message they would love to pass through these media relating to the different societies they live in, which have dominant ideologies. Most visual media reflect on the social and economic situations within their vicinity of production. The historical context and the social changes notable in the societies and their course of evolution. We can take an example of a bad attitude towards a large business and the cynicism on ethnics of individuals working in that organization.

People working in such an organization will have a social and economic issue like a financial crisis, which might result in risks on finances. The way individuals perceive various visual media show how they do things such as; their reaction to specific events, other people, to ideas and even institutions. It plays a significant role in how an individual manages and organizes their work. Through visual media, we can come up with four ways of coming up with firm management and organizing skills, which include; aesthetics. It is the narrative form of how communication is passed in the entire duration of the programs and films.

Semiotics involves the images and objects which show how the managers and those managed are viewed. The genre and ideology which stands for the message being communicated. Do the ideologies relate to management? Do the ideologies differ with management and organization? Lastly is the role of the audience. Does their role interpret what is being communicated to them through the manager and those managed? How information is being transmitted results to the different reactions by various audiences.

Narrative Analysis

It is through narration that an individual understands the world. People can learn through stories made by others, engaging in conversations with others, and even making inquiries. It is through these various ways individuals learn how to manage and organize their work. Through visual media, individuals are able to listen to stories which either influence them partly or entirely. Individuals, therefore, need to be dynamic to learn through a range of cultures.

Narrative analysis is used in organizational dynamics. It involves recording and interpreting stories that might turn out to be of impact to the audiences. It is a representation of management and organization in that it assists in coming up with the current hypothesis and explain how they came into being over time. The approach is crucial as it looks at the life span of organizing, various cultures, leadership(manager and the managed), arising issues such as power, among others. We are living in sophisticated surroundings marked with changes, and therefore narrative analysis looks at the organizational and management phenomena. The narrative analysis provides an opportunity to give stories in order for individuals to understand the social aspect of life and the changed that accompany the organizational environment. These help individuals come up with managerial plans to help them in their jobs.

Organizations as institutions have a unique way for any learners to understand how to manage and organize their work. This is because it looks at various human dynamics that influence the institutions.

Learners get an opportunity to draw issues concerning any challenge they might be facing. Since narratives bring reality in the life of an individual, it helps a person know what is needed of them hence have a positive impact on their future. Narrative analysis is, therefore, linked to embracing change as it is based on fact narrations. It is holistic encouraging individuals to gather collect and analyze information that is helpful to them ( Monaco, 2009). It raises conflicting issues, which gives an individual the urge to explore and analyze various impacts in their performances. Leadership, historical context, and even cultures are phenomena that are measurable and change. This indicates that narratives tell the current situations and also shaping the future.

Today’s world is getting more complex and dynamic. Change is so fast, and through this, an individual is able to work hard to cope up with the changes. Narratives give a person a group perspective and which shows their current stand and how they need to work on it. We can, therefore, say that narrative analysis best works to fulfill a managed and analyzed work.

Theoretical and Methodological Approaches

The theoretical approach looks at a source of something and any possibility of it happening in the future. While dealing with any experience in management and organization of work, visual media will be the way of communication. That is the way people view some aspects now and in the coming future hence have a positive impact on their work. Media is, therefore, an essential aspect in the process of creating reality. The way of conveying information through media has gone changes over the years.

The enhancement of vital methodologies is now required. The methodological approach deals with the amount of information about a specific thing collected from social media. In context to the visual media context as a fruitful way concerning the way, it shapes one’s experience on management and organization. Methodological looks at the number of comparisons and variations on which to compare.

The review of the evidence-based management and organization of work focus on visual media. The methodologies approve that as self-aware of what they want after watching the visual media. The different films they watched were based on cultures, on other peoples, social hierarchies, leadership, and other social class issues. It is clear that the films influence individuals to work harder to attain such. Most evidence is based on learners who are impacted by visual media by the use of a linear causal explanation. When individuals have a better understanding of media and get exposure, they will probably be affected positively, resulting in proper management and organization, which will impact their future job (Long & Wall, 2009).


Society is highly influenced by the infinite number of dissertations of organizing and managing their work. The media stands for the most heard and influential voice. Personal views and those of groups and the roles involved are greater influenced by visual media such as television programs and film on information delivery. The media gives us insights into how we need to manage and organize our work. The significance of these is that, once something is established, it plays an impact on the patterns of action. The expectations of visible media are to shape and mold individuals in their work and even social life.




Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Bordwell, D., & Thompson, K. (2013). Film Art: An Introduction. McGraw-Hill.

Bordwell, D., Smith, J. and Thompson, K. (2017) Film Art: An Introduction. New York:

Lacey, N. (2009) Image and Representation: Key Concepts in Media Studies.

Long, P. and Wall, T. (2009) Media Studies: Texts, Production and Context. Harlow:

Monaco, J. (2009) How to Read a Film: Movies, Media and Beyond. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Pearson Longman.





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