Mexican architects/artist
Write a 1500-word biography of one of the following three Mexican architects/artists: – Luis Barragán – Frida Kahlo – Juan O’Gorman (I chose Luis Barragán.. but you can do other person if you would like to. And my thesis was like Barragan is the most successful architect mastered in space and light with emotion. Please start with a THESIS
statement for the first sentence of the essay! And support them with evidences.) (Below is the ′rubric′! Please refer and mention the five images you′re using in text and carefully write the captions as it′s part of the rubric.) It should contain: 1. An overview of their life/career; 2. A desсrіption of their most important works; 3. An assessment of their significance, in Mexico, and internationally [unique_solution]4. A bibliography with 5 academic articles and/or books, in chronological
order 5. Four images of their work plus one portrait. Make a caption for each of the five images. For all assignments, use the Chicago Manual of Style for shortened citations (in the notes) and bibliographical entries (in the references). See: Notes and Bibliography: Sample Citations (Sources that I was going to use) (Some quotes) ″I think that the ideal space must contain elements of magic, serenity, sorcery and mystery.″ ″Architecture is an art when one consciously or unconsciously creates aesthetic emotion in the atmosphere and when this environment produces well being.″ Please do well on this!!