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Module 1 – Case

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Module 1 – Case

Question 1

Travelled to Europe = 68

Not travelled to Europe = 124

The total no of respondents = 192

The likelihood of getting someone travelled to Europe = travelled to Europe/ total number of people on the survey

68/192= 17/ 48

The probability of picking someone who was to Europe is 17/18 or 35.425%

Question 2

There are 20 members in the golf club; eight members earn less than $ 100, 000 while 12 earn $100,000 and above.

The probability of selecting one less than $100,000= 8/20

= 2/5

Member was drawn randomly the likelihood of randomly choosing someone who earns at least $100,000 will be 12/20= 3/5.

12 Of the 20 incomes below, more than $100k is expressed. Thus, the response will be 12/20 or 60 percent probability of a member earning at least $100 K

Question 3

Total no of students = 59

Total no of female students = 37

Born in Jacksonville = 16, born in Orlando = 12, born in Miami = 9;

  1. There are 37 female students in the survey, given that 12 of them are born in Orlando, then this would be represented in like 12/37. To break this down as a decimal, you get 0.32, which translates to 32% of female students born in Orlando in the survey.
  2. The total number of male students in the survey is 22, seven of whom were born in Miami, this can be represented as a fraction as 7/22. When it is broken down, it can be represented as 0.31, which translates 31%
  3. The total number of students in the survey is 59. Out of the 59, 26 of them were born in Jacksonville, fraction representation of this would be 26/59. The decimal equivalent of this is 0.44, which can be represented as 44%. The probability of finding a student born in Jacksonville in the pole is 44%

Question 4

Since there were 215 individuals out of 538, 215/538 would be represented. 215/538= 0.40 which can be represented as 40%

Question 5


The likelihood of getting the first four questions correct on a multiple choice by randomly guessing is 1/81. Each question has three multiple choices, so the probability of getting one question correct by randomly guessing is 1/3. Therefore, for the four questions, you multiply the probability of all the probability with each other to get 1/81 equivalent to 0.01234%

Question 6

An independent event is an event in which another case does not affect the result. The result of a second event affects a dependent one. Using the example of the ticket drawing, the dependency is established in the second drawing; as with ticket A no longer in play, the possible outcomes were reduced to only tickets B and C.

Question 7

A case of kids doing the bottle flip test. In this experiment, kids flip a bottle to see whether it is going to land the right side up. The interpretation of this is form experimentation of chances. There are two probable outcomes from the bottle flip, just like tossing a fair coin. The bottle can land the right side either up or down. Consequently, if you flip the bottle 100 times, and the right side is 40 times. Then the probability is 40/100, which can be translated to as 40%.

Question 8

  1. The probability of a certain event to happen is 1
  2. 60 is the probability of an event that will happen more occasionally than not happening
  3. For an event that will never happen the probability is 0
  4. 25, if for an event that will happen but less likely to happen.

Question 9

When flipping the coin it landed on tail 14 out of the 25 times, so the chance of experimentation is 15/25. As there were only two probable outcomes, the statistical likelihood of it landing on either head or tail is 1/2 or 50% for a fair coin.

Question 10

  1. From the chart, it can be seen that the probability is 0.20. equivalent to 20%
  2. By adding the three candies, they reflect a likelihood of 0.55. which is 55%
  3. By adding all the colors given in the table, they add up to 0.75. This gives the probability of choosing an orange candy to be 0.25. which can be represented as 25%

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