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My leadership skills

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My leadership skills

“for something this vital, I had to do things myself to demonstrate my leadership skills. I hereby present my documents for the available posts as a manager in your company. I believe with the skills, education, training, and knowledge that I have acquired previously will help me undertake my duties as a manager perfectly. I got this information from your website, and I believe that I have all what is needed to get the job.

I would like to share an instance in my previous jobs that prove that I have the qualities needed for a management position. I was chosen as a team leader most of the times, and my team always had the best results. For instance, in the recent task our team was required to carry out research the importance of using technology in organization. My team with my leadership was able to collect the largest amount of information that really impressed our managers. I was awarded as the best team leader and my team emerged as the one with the most crucial information and data to be used by our company.

I believe that I have all the qualities needed for this post since I have the leadership and team-building skills. I also have good communication, decision-making, problem-solving, and creative thinking skills. I believe that I have the ability to make god decisions for my company and to mobilize my staff to work together to achieve the overall organizational goals. the greatest lesson that I have learn with difficult situations that I have faced previously is that nothing is impossible as long as a person works hard, remain focused in their jobs, and they work as a team. I intend to make my company the best and demonstrate to the world how good leadership and team work reward a company.

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