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Need for Adopting Artificial Intelligence

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Need for Adopting Artificial Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence is a technology that has been argued about by many, with most people supporting it and a considerable amount standing against it. Many controversies are surrounding it, and this is the reason some of those against it feel the obligation to do so. Some of them do this simply because of the moral issues they feel AI goes against. These and other issues, some of which are just misconceptions, can be solved and make AI appear to be a good thing to all people, giving clear reasons why it should be adopted. Despite all the reasons given not to support the technology such as privacy issues and job replacements, there is enough evidence to show that AI has benefits that surpass the costs and that this technology serves to better human life rather than make it worse in terms of improved efficiency and effectiveness, bringing about new possibilities and the ability to manage privacy issues surrounding the technology.

Relation to my degree

Artificial intelligence relates to my computer science degree because it relies on data, which Computer scientists involve themselves in every day. Data computation, algorithms, as well as manipulating data, storing and communicating it. Artificial intelligence is the future of computer science, and those working in the field may be spending most of their time developing and maintaining the technology. Artificial intelligence in relation to computer science is the next big thing that will improve lives all over the world. The main interest in this issue is attributed to the controversy that artificial intelligence will either benefit society positively or negatively of moving forward.

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Key points

As most of the technologies that have ever been developed have faced controversy and opposition in their initial stages. Despite the controversy and opposition, such technologies were able to rise over the controversies and opposition to become some of the most used and sought-after technologies through continuous improvement in efficiency and effectiveness. This is the same issue with AI, which has been growing stronger since its first initial stages, where it had limited abilities to currently where its abilities have greatly improved and will continue becoming the most sought-after technology in the future. Secondly, most technologies ever developed do not only replace the tasks previously done by humans, but they also make unimaginable things possible. AI will not only replace some of the tasks carried out by humans but will also bring new possibilities in improving the lives of people. Finally, the controversies arising around the issues of privacy in regard to personal data collected can be adequately addressed through the development of laws and regulations that will guide how collected data should be used and protected.

The first key point of most technological inventions and development facing opposition and then emerging as the most sought after the technology is highly supported by Tegmark’s article since it explores the controversies as well as myths around AI. The second key point on how AI will bring in new possibilities that would previously be viewed as impossibilities will be supported by Nadimpalli’s article since it has an in-depth analysis on the great benefits of AI as well as how to mitigate the risks to ensure that the benefits are enjoyed safely. Finally, the critical point on how to address and mitigate the risks of AI is well addressed by Nadimpalli’s article as it offers in-depth research on the risks and concerns of AI as well as how to deal with them effectively.


From the argument that AI is the future of the world, there are three main aspects that can be strongly supported by evidence. First is the great benefits that AI currently provides in various fields such as marketing, home solutions, and automobiles. Secondly is the capacity of AI to bring in potential mega benefits that the advanced artificial general intelligence (AI) will bring in the future. These benefits will bring in new possibilities such as getting rid of diseases in the world and eradicating poverty. Finally, evidence can fully support that some of the concerns raised in regard to the negative effects of AI can be adequately addressed and dealt with. For instance, the issue of privacy on personal data can be dealt with through strict laws and regulations.

Supported arguments from sources

Tegmark has gone ahead in his article to show how AI, just like previous technologies, would go ahead to surpass the opposition, and its use is widely increased in the future. According to the article, AI is surrounded by many myths that are not based on any logical evidence but around fear (Tegmark, 2016). Previous technologies have been opposed as such, and in modern times, they are still used in a broader scale, with many of the opposing parties growing to see the benefits of such technology. In the article, he covers the benefits of AI, as well as the dangers and myths surrounding it. Despite all the myths and controversies, Artificial Intelligence will be successful in its implementation. This is because of the benefits it has that cancels out all the possible costs it might bring.

AI, as the future is evidenced by such benefits as increased efficiency and effectiveness in marketing, automobiles, and home solution. In the future, marketing will be machine-controlled. Machines follow instructions, and as such, they are 100% accurate. This means that there would not be any errors resulting from their use unless it is an error caused by humans. Automobiles seek to make the transport industry better (Russell & Tegmark, 2015). Accidents have often been caused by human negligence, something that the AI seeks to remove. Being machine-controlled, they can never make mistakes, and neither can they tire or make wrong judgments. Home devices will remove the need for tedious work, and everything will be done by machines, giving note time for family.

Many possibilities come with the use of AI, as explored by Nadimpal in his article. This article explores all the benefits and risks associated with the use of AI. However, there are ways to ensure that AI is beneficial and useful despite the controversies surrounding it. AI can be made safe for use, and the trust of the people in it improved (Nadimpalli, 2017). AI is just a technology created by humans meaning that human beings are responsible for how it is being used. It is in power to do whatever they want with, and if everyone seeks only to benefit from it, the eventuality will benefit. The power to create and destroy is in the hands of human beings, and creating AI for so long has been for the sole purpose of making things better.

Artificial Intelligence will bring more possibilities than anticipated for human beings. The world will be made a better place with super benefits that were planned and unplanned for making it easier for a living (Silver,2011). One of these possibilities is the eradication of deadly diseases that have left scientists and doctors baffled and at a loss on what to do. Such a disease is cancer and HIV, diseases that are believed to have no cure. It is only through AI that these harmful diseases can be cured and stopped. Diseases will become an issue that does not concern the human race, increasing life expectancy. Another possibility is the eradication of poverty. Poverty is a constant issue that has disturbed developing countries and even the developed countries in the lower classes. Lives have been ruined as a result because if the inability to provide for basic needs. This will not be an issue since AI will put a stop to it. Life will not be all about work, but instead, human sustenance will be the main focus.

The issue of security and privacy can be tackled by establishing policies and customer privacy rights. In “Artificial Intelligence,” in Gale Opposing Viewpoints, the article gives a clear step on how privacy rights can be created as well as the steps involved in developing AI. From the article, the issue of privacy can be managed, and as such, it should not be a good enough reason to oppose the implementation of AI. Since privacy seems to be a significant concern, ensuring its existence in the use of AI seems to be the appropriate thing to do to tackle the opposition that comes with AI. By enacting and enforcing strict laws that govern the use of AI and personal data, privacy will be ensured for all on data (“Artificial Intelligence,” 2019). Regulating the use of AI would ensure that this technology is used within the scope allocated by the government and that illegal use of AI would be countered.

AI is a technology that will change the world for the better provided the appropriate measures are put in place. Though it faces its challenges, AI has many benefits that include increased efficiency and effectiveness, increased opportunities and possibilities, and protection of personal data through privacy rights. All these remove any possible doubt on the use of AI to better the world. Therefore, since the benefits outweigh the concerns that can easily be managed, there is no reason as to why AI should be opposed to seeing that it is accurate and would make things better for everyone (CISMARIU, L., & GHERHEŞ, V. (2019).

The Audience

My primary audience is the opponents of AI, who primarily focus on the few concerns raised by the development and use of AI. This audience tends to be blind to the current great benefits offered by AI, as well as the potential future benefits of AI. Due to this biased view, this audience fails to view AI holistically. This results in strict, narrow opinions of AI that do not have room to explore on how AI can be improved to ensure that the concerns such as safety are eliminated or how rules and regulations can be developed to ensure that such concerns are adequately addressed. This audience needs to have a broad and holistic view of AI to appreciate the tremendous potential impact that AI holds.

The goal of the essay

The purpose of this essay is to inform as well as persuade the opponents of AI. Since the opponents of AI are only focused on the few adverse effects of AI, this essay will play a key role in informing them about AI in a holistic manner. This will include the key benefits that AI currently offers as well as the tremendous potential benefits that AI holds for the future. On the other hand, it will inform on available alternative methods that can be used to ensure that adverse effects or concerns raised by AI are adequately addressed without entirely opposing AI. It will persuade the audience to drop their objection on the continued use of AI as well as its development. It will seek to show that AI’s benefits highly outweigh the adverse effects.

Revision strategy

The feedback that was received from my instructor has influenced me in many ways, to know that I am doing an outstanding job, and heading in the right direction with this essay, has built a lot of confidence within me and will help me moving forward. One of the many key changes that I have made within the overall essay would have been implemented more sources in order to develop strong evidence relating to my topic. Moving forward, there are many ways I can go about revision, having experienced on the different ways of revising an essay, I plan to implement the same strategies I’ve used back in English Comp 1. One task I plan on taking is using the online writing center SNHU offers, which will help in written feedback on areas within the essay that can improve.

As the essay progresses more through ought the learning modules, I want to try using both Large-scale and Small-scale revision within my essay. I want to make sure I am clearly stating and emphasizing the overall meaning of the article. As far as Small-scale revision, I plan on building the whole structure when it comes to grammar and proofreading. Proofreading tends to help me ensure that I am communicating the critical points within the essay. The changes I tend to put forth in the essay is to make sure the structure of my article is clearly stated, supported, and summarized this encourages me to go more in-depth with my argument, to structure a strong persuasive essay.

Overall the plan for this essay is for it to be persuasive toward the audience about the given topic. With this, I must be sure my supporting sources have enough evidence to cover and back up my key points. I will continue to research and discover sources academically in order for the success of this paper.

Annotation Source

  1. Artificial Intelligence. (2019). In Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale. Retrieved from

The author of this source is Artificial Intelligence 2019 and is titled as Artificial Intelligence. The database information in which the source is contained is called “In Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection.”

It appears that this source is claiming that artificial intelligence has supported the automation of numerous tasks ranging from grading exams and transcription of spoken words to driving cars and vacuuming carpets. The evidence which is being used to support the argument is that all prevailing technologies are examples of narrow AI as they are designed to handle a specific kind of problem or accomplish a particular set of activities. Moreover, AI has been applied in various and consumer contexts; by 2017, the majority has the U.S adults had applied for at least one service, program, or devise involving AI elements.

The counterargument for the source is that some AI systems tend to violate the privacy rights of consumers, raising concerns over the utilization and user data ownership. Besides, AI is claimed to replicate prevailing inequities as a result of algorithms which are saved by the human biases and assumptions.

Personally, I believe that the source is performing well in supporting its arguments to cite the information and uses real examples to elaborate on its arguments. I ponder that this article will be useful in supporting my argument as it defines well how AI supports automation.

  1. Nadimpalli, M. (2017). Artificial intelligence risks and benefits. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 6(6).

Nadimpalli wrote this source in 2017. The title of the article is Artificial Intelligence risks and benefits. The database in which the source is found in the International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering, and Technology.

It seems that this source is claiming that artificial intelligence has both benefits and risks. The evidence which is being adopted in underpinning the argument is that AI creates the best outcome for organizations in ensuring that they advance high-quality products and conduct the process of logistics successfully.

The counterargument for the source concerns the risks associated with AI. Artificial intelligence portrays a misconception and risk of replacing every human being’s elements and makes them less concerned about the emotional dimension.

Personally, I consider the article to be doing good in supporting its arguments as it adopts several references to cite the information in the source adequately. I think that this source article will be useful in underpinning my argument as it reveals clearly both advantages and risks associated with artificial intelligence.

  1. Russell, S., Dewey, D., & Tegmark, M. (2015). Research priorities for robust and beneficial artificial intelligence. Ai Magazine, 36(4), 105-114.

The author of this article is Russell, Dewey & Tegmark (2015). It is titled “Research priorities for robust and beneficial artificial intelligence.” It is found in the “Ai Magazine” website.

The article is arguing that the success of the implementation and development of AI in the manufacturing sector has proven to have a growing impact on the economy. Because of this development, a lot of questions on how the development will impact the economy and the production ways have to be raised. For instance, the effects of AI on the labor market and foresting, how the development will impact policy application and the automated based economic measures which will be used. Besides, the question of privacy has to be a big issue in the implementation and use of AI.

Personally, I consider the article to be doing well in backing up its opinions as it uses other published articles to support the main ideas in the source. I consider this source to be useful in reinforcing my argument as it highlights the priorities of strong and beneficial artificial intelligence.

  1. Tegmark, M. (2016). Benefits and risks of artificial intelligence. Future of Life, 29-31.

article “Benefits and the risks of artificial intelligence” was written by Max Tegmark. The aim of writing this article was to show the befit of using artificial intelligence in modern society. Besides, the author aimed at showing some of the risks which are associated with artificial intelligence.

It seems the author of this source is arguing artificial intelligence has changed many things in modern society because of the benefits associated with the use of artificial intelligence. To support the argument, the article is using evidence that artificial intelligence resulted in various improvements in the economy. Through the use, improved technology in artificial intelligence poverty and disease eradication has been easy. Besides, artificial intelligence has improved the manufacturing sector. However, artificial intelligence has negative impacts on society. If in the hands of the wrong people, artificial intelligence can be programmed to do something devastating.

My view is that the author of the article is doing a job to support the arguments because the article provides clear examples of how artificial intelligence has impacted society. I believe this article is helpful in supporting my views because it clearly explains how AI is important to society as well as some of the existing myths about AI.

  1. CISMARIU, L., & GHERHEŞ, V. (2019). Artificial Intelligence, between Opportunity and Challenge. BRAIN: Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence & Neuroscience, 10(4), 40– 55.

The article “Artificial intelligence between opportunity and challenge” was written by Cismariu and Gherhes. The authors of the article aimed at investigating the attitudes which people have towards the development of AI and how the development might impact various sector of the economy.

The authors of the source are arguing that the way the public perceives AI affects its implementation and development. To support their argument, the authors use the evidence that because of the positive attitude which many people have, AI has been effectively implemented in various sectors. However, the authors argue that some people view that the implementation of AI affects interpersonal relationships, thus limiting the development of AI in some of the sectors.

My personal view is that the source is doing a great job to support the arguments raised because before making the arguments, the authors conducted research that involved individuals from different sectors. These individuals included employees and investors. This source will be relevant to my argument as it provides the attitudes which people have towards the implementation and development of AI.

Artificial Intelligence. (2019). In Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale.

Nadimpalli, M. (2017). Artificial intelligence risks and benefits. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 6(6).

Russell, S., Dewey, D., & Tegmark, M. (2015). Research priorities for robust and beneficial artificial intelligence. Ai Magazine, 36(4), 105-114.

Tegmark, M. (2016). Benefits and risks of artificial intelligence. Future of Life, 29-31.

Benefits & Risks of Artificial Intelligence

CISMARIU, L., & GHERHEŞ, V. (2019). Artificial Intelligence, between Opportunity and Challenge. BRAIN: Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence & Neuroscience, 10(4), 40–55.

Silver, D. L. (2011, August). Machine lifelong learning: challenges and benefits for artificial general intelligence. In International Conference on Artificial General Intelligence (pp. 370-375). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Machine_Lifelong_Learning_Challenges_and_Benefits_%20(9)


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