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Organizational Behavior Analysis

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Organizational Behavior Analysis

            In the modern corporate world, various organizations have been established with the interest of improving human requirements in general. The established organizations are responsible for satisfying the individual needs by either providing services or products to the targeted customers and clients. However, sufficient and adequate operation of the organization is effectively implied by increasing the organizational culture and impression on the general performances by encouraging the adaptation of the most compelling organizational behaviors. The organization’s response describes the active culture practiced in the organization that interestingly defines the daily activities of the members in the organization and, in turn, improves the coordination and improvements of the performances in the organization (Jonah, 2018). Various institutions in different parts of the world are responsible for the establishment of good organizational performances. However, the effective operations of these organizations are increasingly impacted by various challenges relating to the organizational behavioral concepts. The identified problems are, yet fixed by improving the system’s activities that aim at increasing the actual operational practices and interests of the company and identifying some of the most robust solutions to fix the developing organizational behavior problems. Therefore, this paper evaluates Tesco Public Limited Company, by describing the organization, assess the problem, and presenting the most powerful solutions to the identified challenges.



            Tesco PLC is a leading retail organization based in the United Kingdom that was initiated with the interest of serving various objects to society. The primary purpose for establishing Tesco PLC of providing the best services and products to the shoppers, thus actively contributing to the extensive development of their organizational performances. The organization aims at simplifying the purchasing interests of the buyers and the impression of delivering high-quality products and services to the customers (Alam & Raut- Roy, 2019). However, these deliveries are actively influenced by the improved performances of the organizational behaviors that purpose in dictating actual and impressive characters needed to increase the effectiveness of Tesco PLC.


            The organization’s mission is mainly dictated by the impressive purposes for establishing the company. For instance, the task for creating Tesco PLC is the interest of uniting various stakeholders in achieving the most critical matters needed in the evaluation of the services and products provided to the potential customers. The mission purposes of shaping the identity of the organization where various strategies are applied to promote a significant role in stabilizing the purpose of establishing Tesco PLC (Awadari & Kanwai, 2019). The mission of the company is the target of providing quality services and products to their potential customers, thus making it relevant and exciting to sustain the relevancy of the organization’s performances. The primary mission focuses on the customers.

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            Tesco PLC has developed an instrumental culture effectively applied with the impression of promoting the general culture and practices that help the heathy standards of the company and its relevancy. The traditional culture makes the company an employee-owned where it controls a unique workplace. The active culture is team-oriented that purposes on improving the personal growth and empowerment of every involved stakeholder increased innovation, and sincere interest in serving the customers with meaningful and quality products and services (Maynard et al., 2018). The cultures that include every party in the operation that promotes the organization’s development is necessary for presenting the interests of every party in sustaining normal operations in general.

Specific Job Duties

            At Tesco PLC, every individual involved in the transaction play a significant role in sustaining healthy operations and smooth coordination of activities in the system. Therefore, various functions are created and coordinated to realize the desired objective of the company effectively. For instance, the essential aim of Tesco PLC is the focus on their customer services. Therefore, a customer assistant is instrumental in taking the aim of replenishing the Tesco store displays and shelves with the impression. The organization also has other stakeholders in the management docket who are responsible for making decisions and focusing on the activities that would ensure the organization works towards attaining their objective at the end of providing quality services and products to the organization (Jonah, 2018). The employees play their roles effectively in making the products available for the customers as well as the customers maintaining quality interactions at the organization to sustain the relevancy of the company.


Work Ethics

            Although Tesco PLC is one of the leading organization that values its employees and renders most of the sensible practices to work in their capacities, they also experience a negative implication and outcome in the negativity of their behaviors and cultures of how they also engage with the organization. Therefore, being a team-oriented organization, Tesco maintains the interest of working as a team with the benefit of increasing the organization’s performances, however, the inclusion of every individual and every worker to work in detail with the implication of expanding the outcome and quality of service provision, the organization also faces the challenges of experiencing work ethics as its leading problem in the organizational culture assessment.

The developing work ethical problems are useful in realizing the ineffective leadership approach where the administration does not make decisions and strictly follow up to ensure adequate evaluation of the performances that aims at sustaining excellent effects and improvements of the organization’s achievements. Several occasions, the problem has been realized in the instance where the organizer’s forms occasions where they make manipulated numbers in the organizational reports thus giving the different impression of how to coordinate the activities within the organization and implicate critical circumstances used in sustaining the strong coordination of events in general (Alam & Raut- Roy, 2019). In some occasions, the inappropriate activities that indicate ineffective healthy practices of the organization would include the concept where the individual might engage the impression of accepting unnecessary gifts from the suppliers thus demeaning the records implicated in the system and giving the wrong impression of how the system realizes its general structures and reactions.

In conjunction, the system also implies the necessity of showing the relevancy of how the toxic working environments are ineffective in realizing and sustaining the actual environments of coordinating the relationships among the team members. Despite the struggle of making the most interesting area for the workers to perform adequately in attaining the most instrumental culture and work ethics with the interest of improving the coordination (Awadari Kawnwal, 2019). However, the toxic culture at Tesco implicates the occasion where the company is helmed unethical leadership that are not effective in sustain healthy coordination of the activities thus limiting the interest of the company to control the actual operations and nature of limiting the incidents of practicing factors of the system.

The main cause of toxic work culture is mainly caused by the incompetent leadership practices and the poor coordination and interests of individuals that aims at limiting the operations and the interests of individuals throughout the practice. In the occasions of limited leadership practices, Tesco PLC aims at creating the work culture where every individuals is actively involved in the direct coordination and implication of the activities of the company (Maynard  et al., 2018). However, the matter gives the sense of conflicts in the organizational coordination where the parties involved in making suggestions and impressions of how the organization might operate includes the realization of the actual concept and impression that dictates the general structure that results to more chaos as every individual would like their opinions to count and every event in the business transaction to imply the interest of the general system in learning. The indication of the healthy operational standards implies the impression needed in evaluating the most impressing activities and practices used in sustaining a healthy coordination of the team relationship that would give an outstanding outcome of the operation.

Organizational Challenges

            Tesco PLC also faces a significant influence of the challenges in the organizational behaviors that are significantly influenced by the developing organizational challenges that affects the general organization from the management to the employees and customers. However, the recruited bosses at Tesco PLC have learnt the developing challenges in the expression of significant numbers of challenges such as the improvement of the production qualities on the services and products provided, the management of technology and innovation, coping of the temporariness and evaluation of the ethical behaviors.

Improvements of quality and productivity. Due to the development of the globalization liberation and privatization, Tesco PLC is significantly exposed to increasing competition. In the occasion of increasing competitiveness, the managers have to develop another thought on how to address the quality and production statuses of their services and goods thus generating an influential structure significantly needed to address the interest of the organization practices. To attain the objective of sustaining the organizational relevancy in the system, Tesco PLC management have to apply the use of significant programs such as Total Quality Management and Reengineering programs (Mayer, 2018). The application of the Total Quality Management concepts defines the management philosophies in the management practices that aims at attaining customer satisfactions through the extended improvements of the entire processes in the organizational operations. The Total Quality management practices at Tesco PLC implies the ideology of existence of organizational behavior since it needs the employees to effectively think what they should do and become more informed in their places of work. The structure needs the managers at Tesco PLC to consider the most effective way to complete the task and their structures in the organization if they were to reestablish in a new way of operation. The management at Tesco PLC have to understand the ideology that the application of slight efforts needed in planning for the changes are needed to evaluate the relevancy of offering the insights needed to help the managers work through the developing challenges in the organization.

Managing technology and innovation. In the modern corporate world, organizations such as Tesco PLC are exposed to a significantly competitive environment thus the managers have to identify the set of issues involved in the technology management practices alongside the developing innovations and changes. The successful achievements can only be recorded in Tesco PLC when it purpose on sustaining their flexibility on a continuous approach thus improving the quality of services and products attained with the interest of advancing the general implications needed to address the challenge of high competition in the industry (Bleda et al, 2017). The employees at Tesco PLC are identified as the leading individuals that would embrace the idea of technology implication with the interest of sustaining the effectivity of the organization’s performances in the environment. Therefore, the approach would implicate the innovation and interests of the employee’s innovativeness that targets the exact operation statuses of the individual’s corporation statuses.

Coping with the increasing temporariness. For the new managers at Tesco PLC, the concept of change is considered as a developing interest considered in the effective implementation of change with the ideology of changing the organization’s performances. The concept of registering continuous improvements in the society registers the constant change applications that increases the relevancy of the organizational performances in general when addressing the interest of sustaining the effectivity of Tesco PLC’s development structure and realization of new ways effectively applied to increase the organizational performances. The organization consistently face the stages of permanent, temporariness (Bleda et al., 2017). The actual job faced by the workers in effectively embracing the interests of the organizational performances aims at improving the general applications of the gauge in the worker’s performances considered to be in the gage of consistent flux that they need to update continuously as they need to realize their abilities to overcome resistance of   change and the best way they would purpose on establishing an effective organizational culture that develops on the interest of change.

Ethical behaviors.  A significant organizational change is related to the social responsibilities and ethical behaviors. The managers at Tesco PLC have the responsibility of creating an ethically stable environment for their employees with the interest of making the individual attain their objectives responsibly and productively with a clean conscience. Social responsibilities shows the organizational responsibility of protecting and contributing to the social environment where the organization functions effectively (Mayer 2018). Both concepts are important in the recent years of operation and the leadership organizational culture and the group’s culture needed in the establishment of significant organizational behaviors that are relevant in the concept management practices and address.


The evaluation of the organizational challenges at Tesco PLC points out the work ethics places and organizational challenges as the leading problems affecting the development of the company. Therefore, effective solutions are necessary in promoting the organizational performances with the interest of shaping their working environments. Therefore, the challenges such as work ethics can be solved by embracing significant practices such as making the stakeholders know the laws and policies of operations, setting expectations at the places of work and training the employees to actively engage in various operations in the society.

Knowing the law. Tesco PLC works on promoting the interests of every organization purposely working with the interest of knowing the law thus promoting the implication where every individual world work on impressing the significant operation and structure needed to encourage organizational performances. The United Kingdom have established effective laws applied in increasing the concepts of every organization working under strict laws that help in sustaining healthy environment for the organization to perform effectively to encourage the implementation of required structures and ideologies with the identification of increasing the institution’s interests and application structures (Jonah, 2018). The laws dictates how Tesco PLC should treat the employees and other stakeholders such as the suppliers and customers, therefore, the concept of knowing the law would help the organization minimize the potential conflicts that might arise in the operations and evaluation of activities within the company’s constraints.

Set expectations at work place. The concept of setting a specific expectations is also a significant solution that would be necessary in dictating the most influential structure of the organizational performances needed to dictate the general practices and interests of the company’s performances that aims at increasing the general factors dictating and influencing Tesco PLC’s coordination of its stakeholders (Awadari & Kanwal., 2019). The approach therefore implies the concept where the management at Tesco PLC develops the workplace policies and regulations depends on the philosophies of the company and the structures of the organizational interests needed to evaluate the actual structure that would influence the general implications and interests of the nation that implicates the actual factor embracing the interests of the organizational purposes on achieving the implicated targets in the system at large.

Training employees. The provision of the workplace employees implicates the effectivity of training the employees on the sensible structures and address of the ethical issues at the place of work. The system utilizes the verification of instruction techniques needed to evaluate the engagement of employees in the interests of learning how to identify and resolve the ethical challenges generating at places of work in the occasion every person is included in dictating how the organization performs such as the case at Tesco PLC.

Also, other solutions are significant for Tesco PLC performances as they purposes on addressing various concepts of the challenges registered at the places of work. Some of the identified challenges Tesco PLC faces at the implication of their abilities to work effectively includes the concept of improving productivity and quality, management of technology and innovation, coping with temporariness and ethical behavior concepts (Meyer, 2018). Therefore, some of the applicable solutions necessarily applied to fix the case includes the implication of the most appropriate challenges needed to dictate how the Tesco coordinates its activities with the interest of developing the interesting practices that aims at developing the activities used in coordinating every stakeholder responsible for the organizational development statuses.


In conclusion, Tesco PLC faces several challenges in relation to the organizational behavioral practices. The identification of the challenges begins with the incident of evaluating the most applicable approach needed in understanding how the system is applied to identify the significance of Tesco in the market place. The evaluation of the purpose, mission culture and specific job implication in the society is necessarily required to improve the systems needed to evaluate how the individuals are coordinated with the interests of coordinating the actual operations focusing on advancing the general structures and interests of the organizational performance states. Tesco PLC faces major problems in the work ethics and organizational challenges as evaluated and discussed in the paper. However, the challenges can be limited effectively by coordinating the limitation needed to evaluate the actual structure and practices in the business environment that dictates the actual applications needed to promote the active operations of the company’s interests.




Alam, S., & Raut-Roy, U. (2019). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Reward Strategy at Tesco: Evidence from Selected Stores in UK. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 55(1).

Awadari, A. C., & Kanwal, S. (2019). Employee participation in organizational change: A case of Tesco PLC. International Journal of Financial Accounting and Management, 1(2), 91-99.

Bleda, M., Clarkson, G. P., Epitropaki, O., Galavan, R. J., Healey, M. P., Hodgkinson, G. P., … & Martin, R. (2017). Methodological Challenges and Advances in Managerial and Organizational Cognition.

Jonah, U. I. (2018). The Influence of Transaction Costs on the Business Performances of Tesco Supermarket. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 9(5).

Maynard, M. T., Kennedy, D. M., & Resick, C. J. (2018). Teamwork in extreme environments: lessons, challenges, and opportunities. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39(6), 695-700.

Meyer, M. (2018). The evolution and challenges of the concept of organizational virtuousness in positive organizational scholarship. Journal of Business Ethics, 153(1), 245-264.


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