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Patient-centred relationship

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Patient-centred relationship

  1. In my opinion, the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) ought to impose limitations on the number of hours that nurses work due to nurse fatigue and the greater chance of making mistakes detrimental to patients. One of the evidence-based (EB) research that supports the assertion is Dallora et al. (2015). The study aimed at determining the relationship between working long shifts and burnout as well as dissatisfaction with the flexibility of work schedule, job dissatisfaction, and the intention to leave the current job amongst hospital and healthcare facility nurses. The study found out that long hours of working for hospital nurses are linked to adverse outcomes for nurses. Further, some adverse outcomes exemplified by high burnout may present risks of safety not only for nurses but the patients as well. I think 12-hour shifts are increasingly becoming common; however, based on the findings of Dallora et al. (2015), the Texas BON should limit the number of hours on a lower scale to mitigate against fatigue and the resulting medical errors and adverse events.
  2. I have to admit that I paid close attention to professional boundaries issues in my professional practice before the course. However, I have learned numerous concepts about professional boundaries that will alter how I deal with professional boundaries issues in my practice. I learned, as explained in Remshardt (2012) that professional boundaries refer to the space between the patient’s vulnerability and the nurse’s power. Therefore, it is my responsibility as a nurse to ensure a patient-centred relationship by respecting the power imbalance. In other words, the violation of professional boundaries is not only done by an act of commission but can also be done by an act omission. Before the course, I was not aware that acting in a way that is not beneficial to the patient- an act of omission- by, for example, showing disinterest in a patient, is a violation of professional boundaries. Therefore, in such a case and more, I will be more cognizant of professional boundaries issues in my practice that I were before the course.

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Dallora, C., Griffiths, P., Ball, J., Simon, M., & Aiken, L. H. (2015). Association of 12 h shifts and nurses’ job satisfaction, burnout and intention to leave: findings from a cross-sectional study of 12 European countries. BMJ Open5(9). doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-008331

Remshardt, M. A. (2012). Do you know your professional boundaries? Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!10(1), 5–6. doi: 10.1097/01.nme.0000406039.61410.a5

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