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Personal Values & Life Goal Inventory

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Personal Values & Life Goal Inventory

Mission Statement

Achieving success in life starts with the acknowledgment and identification of personal values. My personal values are my guiding principles and core beliefs that shape my career, among other roles that I play in my life. Since a young person, my personal values have contributed to coloring my passions and interests while framing thoughts, words, and how I relate with people. They have encompassed in the decisions I make and my daily choices in life. Growing up, I was taught to aspire towards greater excellence, more stability, and better outcomes. I have kept these lessons closest to my heart, and I endeavor to live by them every day. As such, my mission in life is to become a leading expert in the field of healthcare. Along with that, I hope to be a professor – a journey for which I will prepare by enrolling for two masters’ degrees, one in MHSA and the other in Business Administration (MBA), mainly focusing on Healthcare Management and Administration of Healthcare Organizations. My life will also be dedicated to taking care of my own family and staying in perfect physical health so that I may live longer and see my generations grow.

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Ranking of Goals and Values by Importance

In my opinion, goals and values should be ranked according to those which are most important to an individual, as well as based on the practicability of its achievements. In this regard, the values that an individual holds should guide such ranking. For me, the values and goals might be ranked as;

  1. Family security (Taking care of, and being with my family)
  2. Career
  3. Spirituality (prayer, meditation, striving to be a good person, good self-image, self-esteem)
  4. Physical health and well being
  5. Sense of accomplishment and Achievement (promotions at work)
  6. Love, friendship, and intimacy
  7. Justice (equal opportunity for all, concern for disadvantage)
  8. World at peace

Goal Statements


Family Security

The importance of family in my family cannot be underestimated. Having been brought up in a stable family, I have always aspired to have a happy and loving family. As a mother and wife, my goal is to see that my family stays happy and nourished. I intend to sacrifice my time beginning next year after my graduation to see the best in my family. Although we are related by blood, I intend to increase the connection I see in my household through greater compassion for each other, love, and support. I intend to remain conscious as a parent since children often learn from actions than words. I will show them love in order to teach them how to love, care, gratitude, and appreciation for the little things in life.

Security in the family will enable me to achieve aspirations in life with ease. I will promote their health, push my children to work hard, and support them where I can. I will take insurance covers for all my children to secure their future in my absence to ensure their stability. I intend to make my home a safe place since it is my children’s first school. It is the basis of everything and will act as the foundation for their values and aspirations in life. It is also my plan to secure my family with a stable home in a secure place. My husband and I are making plans to find our own home in the next five years, where we will spend time together having fun and enjoying life for what it is. I also have plans to enroll my children in good schools where they will be taught essential values in life that will guide them to remain awakened all their lives. My family is my life; I intend to put them ahead of all my aspirations and career goals because they are the reason why I work hard and want to achieve greater things in life. It is my aim  that I will establish a stable background for them such that they will make it in life with and without my support.



I intend to graduate in the next few years from college with a commendable masters’ degree. I am working hard to pass in my masters’ degree to pave the way for other endeavors in my career. Along with my college degree, I plan to be a professor by enrolling for two master’s degrees; one in Business Administration and another one in MHSA. My main focus is on Healthcare Management and Administration of Healthcare Organizations in order to make a direct change in the lives of people. Throughout my career, I want my ambitions to be guided by my personal values that I acquired as a little child, to impact other people positively rather than money. Rather than directing my career on money, I want to lead a fulfilled life where my aspirations will be guided by passion and desire to see the best in others. Becoming a healthcare executive will not only give me financial rewards but will also satisfy my life to see that I have changed the lives of other people. After enrolling at the VA Medical Center in Detroit as an intern, I was amazed at how they execute their operations and prioritize people over money. It is my hope that I will be employed in the same facility by next year, an aspect that will contribute to my aspirations of becoming an executive individual in healthcare.


VA Medical Center, Detroit

My aim is to impact people’s lives positively in all aspects of my career. Along getting employed at the VA Medical Center, I intend to shift from a substitute teacher for middle school students and instead become a permanent time to get enough time with my students. Being accorded enough time to change their perspective in life and how they interpret different circumstances will be fulfilling. It hurts to be in a position of power without any means of influencing the people in need of help. As such, I will direct my career path towards changing people’s lives and balance my time between VA Medical center and being a teacher for middle school students.


I plan to be more conscious of my inner self by engaging in meditation and prayers seriously. In the recent past, I have begun thinking about humanity and the meaning of life in this life. It has come to my realization that human beings are made of souls that are connected to the divine. Separating the soul from their divine source can facilitate the development of undesirable diseases and behaviors, including depression, hatred, jealousy, and envy that facilitated the growth of other behaviors. It is for this reason that I have decided to become more prayerful and make meditation a part of my life. I am hopeful that I will be in sync with myself and with others in the coming years. As part of my life, I plan to progress with more respect for self and others and appreciate life for what it is. In order to achieve this, I will engage in physical health, eat healthily, and take time to cleanse my body of undesirable toxins. I hope to lead a healthy life and guide others through this journey of well-being. It is my hope that I will guide my family to have increased faith, love, and trust by joining me to remain awake in this place. I intend to take spirituality as part of my life and walk away from all forms of darkness in life.

As Beyonce says, “rise up to the light in the sky, watch the light lift your heart up” in her song Spirit, I also intend to walk away from frustration, depression, toxic people, generational issues, and take hold of my life. I intend to connect with everything that exists and lead a positive relationship with other people by being a good listener and having high self-esteem. I hope to attain a higher purpose in life rather than just paying bills. Instead, I want my life to be guided into the light by love, gratitude, appreciation, and connection with everything that exists.

Physical Health and Wellbeing

With the growing rate of lifestyle diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure, I have made a resolution to remain aware of my physical health. I plan to enroll at a gym in the neighborhood in the following month and tag my husband along. Although being healthy begins with the mind, I also plan to remain healthy in my body and soul. I will drink water more often, exercise regularly, and eat healthily. Exercising can deem exhausting and demotivating most of the time. However, I will ask for assistance from my therapist and the gym specialist to ensure that I remain on track. Gyming with my husband will make it easy for me to achieve my physical health in that I will have a friend to motivate me all the time. Additionally, I will regularly participate in cardio exercises at home with Jeanette Jenkins or Tae Bo 30 minute exercises. Exercising and remaining active will enable me to undertake my daily tasks actively as a result of increased flexibility, muscle strength, and endurance, and enhanced body composition.

Apart from exercising, I believe that well-being has more to do with feeding and mental stability. In terms of food, I will cut out all junk food and, instead, add more fruits and vegetables in the family diet. As a health practitioner, I understand the health benefits that an individual can derive from fruits and vegetables as opposed to feeding on junks regularly.  Considering that most medications can be extracted from fruits and vegetables, I intend to make a healthy diet part of my life. I will also remain hydrated to get rid of unhealthy toxins from my body, which often transform into diseases. These efforts will be culminated in having a positive attitude towards my resolution to lead a healthy life. I will view physical fitness and a healthy diet as a necessity rather than a requirement in life. I will also make it part of my family’s lifestyle and culture to ensure that we remain fit physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Achievements and sense of accomplishment

Achievements in my life are the main building blocks that enable me to develop a sense of success in myself. In the next two months, I would like to increase my achievements in terms of my promotion at work and improving the lives of other people through my profession. I am to increase my efficiency as a health practitioner in order to secure promotions and awards, among other rewards of achievement. My achievements in life cannot be complete if they fail to encompass the maintenance of a happy and healthy family. While it is necessary to enjoy additional financial accomplishments, my main form of achievement is to see that my family remains happy all the time. Money is of little use if the accomplishments cannot be transformed to the efficient management of complexities and challenges that people face on a daily basis.


The achievements that I have accomplished in the past provide tangible evidence that I can achieve greater things in the future. One of my greatest accomplishments is the ability to high-quality and interesting work that creates a positive impact on myself and in others. My happiness has always been derived from the ability to make other people happy in their individual problems; having stimulating and interesting work often provides me with a sense of joy and pride that I tend to pass to other people. My career allows me to enjoy autonomy and freedom that I perceive as an achievement in itself. I have always taken great pleasure in the work I do in terms of clarity of research, elegance, and reorganization of my daily operations in a manner that contributes positively to myself and to others. In the future, I would also like to exercise additional authority, influence, and leadership on the people I lead both as a teacher, a health expert, and in my home. I want to have financial accomplishments and emotional achievements by changing other people’s lives positively in different ways.

Love, friendship, and intimacy

There is no greater law than to love others as oneself. In the coming months, I would like to achieve more connections with the people I love, including my family and friends. This is important, considering that I have felt a great sense of disconnection in the past owing to my busy schedule. I have lost several friendships due to the diminished ability to communicate and lack of interest in other people. Although I love and treasure my friends, I have found myself with little time to switch between my career, family, and friends. I often find myself tied up by duties at work such that I leave very tired to hook up with any of my friends. Although I have always wanted to make time for them, I have been required to attend to more urgent issues such as my young family and the need to make additional savings to make my ends meet. However, in the coming months, I intend to increase my flexibility, such as to make time for my friends and myself. I want to show more love to others, but I must begin by loving myself first.

However, although I have failed in my friendship, I am grateful for a lovely family and a sparked intimacy life. I am happy that my love life with my husband is admirable, and our intimacy is recommendable. Since I got married, I have had a happy marriage and a lively intimacy life that I count as an achievement proudly. However, although it feels awkward to talk about a happy intimacy life, it is the root of a happy family. I believe that sexual satisfaction goes beyond physical into the emotional world. To keep a rejuvenated life with my husband, I would like to increase our intimacy and make time to add a little sparkle in our lives.

Justice and world at peace

Michael Jackson asked people to make the world a better place, for me, for you and the entire human race. Walking closely in his shoes, it is my prerogative to make the world a better place through the creation and promotion of justice. The world is currently undergoing significant issues and disasters that have made it hard for anyone to look out for another person. Having identified the gap, I intend to make personal efforts to promote world peace and justice in the next 5years. Achieving justice, particularly for the poor, has been difficult such that most of them continue to suffer while the privileged continue to undermine their importance in society. They feed on leftovers, drink from dirty cups, live in polluted places, and hardly access healthcare facilities. They have no means of survival, yet the world is buried in corrupt practices. In order to achieve world peace, I intend to begin from where I stand. I will teach my children to look out for each other, feed the hungry, and protect those who are easy to victimize. In my career, I will join hands with other health practitioners to ensure that the underprivileged get fair and just services that will help them equally human.

In terms of justice, I will ensure that I promote the voices of the underprivileged by joining activists and motions in the next three years. I will ensure that I do the least I can to promote the health and well-being of all people in a manner that will help them to see the need for promoting and protecting world peace. Although my work may appear insignificant, I will motivate other people; we will achieve justice and world peace a day at a time. It is my responsibility and yours to create the world that we would like to live in by showing love, gratitude, appreciation, and promoting justice to make the world a peaceful place for all.

Lessons from my Goals and Values

Based on my aspirations for the future, it is evident that I am highly driven and relentless. I am ambitious, and I believe that all things are set out to work for my good. In all my endeavors, I prioritize optimism and positive energy to align the things I aspire to get in my path. My pursuit of two masters’ degrees while still holding two jobs is a testament to this. I intend to pursue my degrees, run my family well, and I plan to shift from a substitute teacher to a permanent one. Further, from my goals, I have come to understand that I love stability and would like to find my own family and draw comfort therefrom. I will ensure that my family remains happy, an aspect that has enabled me to realize that happiness, love, and gratitude are the main keys to a fulfilling life. Overall, within the next year, I hope to have made significant strides towards achieving my career goals. I should still focus on the two jobs that I currently hold – with the hope that each will contribute towards my future progress at work. I have also learned that spirituality is not only for the religious but a human privilege provided by the divine. While I thought spirituality is for those who feel connected to God, I have come to realize that all we are flows from the divine. It has also come to my realization that life is not only about paying bills and making achievements. However, we all have a higher purpose that we should strive to achieve. This purpose is to connect with humanity and nature and help other people enjoy their stay on earth. However, this can be achieved only by making love, appreciation, and gratitude part and parcel of life.


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