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Personality Development Paper

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Personality Development Paper

Personality is a combination of elements that produce who an individual is, how one does different tasks, deals with situations, and how others describe different individuals. At various times one’s personality defines who he or she is, guides one, and keeps one on top of the situation or task at hand. These factors of personality and traits make up who an individual is. An individual’s personality one way or another seem to cover all elements like one’s character, spirit, and much more

Genetics and Research

Genetics in research show roughly half of the variation and within one’s personality measures are accounted by an individual’s genetic elements (Mervielde, 1994). Genetics in research is vital when describing environmental influences in a variety of personifications (Mervielde, 1994). Characteristics regarding individual in diverse settings can vary; from individuals in big city to individuals raised and residing on a farm. When individuals tell others about other individual, he or she regularly describe the individual by describing his or her personality. Moreover, personality can also be described by one’s culture and social influences.

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Genetics are within all individuals and differ because temperamental traits, the maturity level, and the age of an individual (Berk, 2010). Genetics are reliant on the sex the person. Research has shown that men are more humorous, enthusiastically involved, and can be more aggressive when some things go wrong. Women are more refined, supportive, and calmer than her male companion (Berk, 2010). Genes as well play a vital part in one’s personality. Genes supply stability to the individual’s personality, genes manipulate change and the environment also supplies an important part, to one’s stability (Cervone & Pervin, 2010).

The way a person views him or herself and reacts to environmental situations may cause diverse reactions in an individual centering on one’s characteristics of their genetics (Cervone & Pervin, 2010). An individual’s personality may also be constructed by culture. The emphasis of cultural influences with personality development must not be neglected as they play a key role on a person’s development. We are aware of how important culture may be to any given individual; cultures have a key role in shaping the minds of individuals as they mature and grow.  Culture can be conveyed by way of modeling one’s behavior and language; these have vital roles in the development of children. Language allows individuals a way to communicate, influencing an individual’s personality and their children’s development process (Triandis & Suh, 2002).

Culture can be different geographically; it is all based on the history of people, where they are from, and what their people have lived through over time and history. All these factors can undoubtedly play an important role in a person’s culture. Culture is not intrinsic; culture is a learned element; one’s culture is learned by experiencing the culture in their society. Culture has an important role in shaping the minds and personality of young minds and remaining consistent over time. Personality modeling depends on culture to propel its information along.

A person gains a lot from culture, this as discussed, plays an important role in shaping personality. Factors include how the young respect elders, in what way the native language is spoken, or the way religion is viewed in that culture. In many, if not all culture, the way people approach their culture and accept it is important with any culture. Variances in individual’s personality are striking, and a parallel can be drawn with the big five. Each culture exhibits different personality traits among their people, traits are expressed in different ways and these traits can be extremely different from one culture to the next, and even within culture in different translations.


Research is a major part in everything we know today. Without research, we would still be making fire with wooden sticks and making wheels out of stone. One form of research has been getting help by twins; these twins have played a pivotal role with research by helping to define genes that can be affected because of diseases. Twins research has helped understand the composition of and the inheritance of dieses simply because twins are similar in genetic makeup. One important conclusion learned from this research is that fraternal twins and identical twins have different genes (Prater, 2009).

Genetics with fraternal twins are in the same category as siblings however; the genetics with identical twins appear to be inherited in ways unlike fraternal twins and siblings (Prater, 2009). Twins that are identical appear to be genetic copies of each other indicating that variances from one twin to the other are brought on because of environmental factors (Cervone & Pervin, 2010). Because the identical twins share the same genetics, then it stands to reason that their personality would also share similarities if not be carbon copies, so to speak. Contrarily; the environment can impact fraternal twins as well, resulting in fraternal twin’s personalities and their characteristics resembling each other, much like the identical twins. Research indicates that twins that grow up in the same home have little differences from those who grow up in a different setting.

Twins that are growing up in the same home does not bring then any closer to being identical then what they already are (Cervone & Pervin, 2010). In some cases, twins can appear different from one another than they first thought or how others would assume they would be. However, identical twins are very close if not the same in the way they act, react, think, feel, etc. it is easy to tell identical twins at the cost of a little observation time, either with them together or apart (Van Hulle, Lemery-Chalfant & Goldsmith, 2007). Temperament plays a role in personality; temperament is also known as a subdomain of a individuals personality. However, personality goes deeper than one’s temperament and includes values and the way an individual believes in their beliefs.

Temperament also defines a person’s emotional, behavioral, and comprehensive dispositions that are seen as stable among the individual. Temperament outlines parts of one’s personality, like a brick is to a building, each brick to a building gives it personality and character, sane with this, each element plays a role in personality that also include extroversion and introversion. A person’s temperament can be either negative or positive and, in some cases,, can sway both ways depending on the environment and other factors.  These elements are mostly accepted as being inherited by the individual. Temperaments come around because of genetic endowments. Temperament molds us and can be guided experiences we have, one of the results can be our adult personality among many other results from growing up. The theory of temperament defines four organized elements of one’s personality centered on the description within one’s behavior. Temperament centers on dynamic developmental psychological processes (Rothbart, Ahadi & Evans, 2000).

The Five-Factor

Taking a look at the five-factor model of personality is a great way to outline the components of taxonomy when thinking of one’s personality traits, placing these elements into higher order factors (Costa & McCrae, 2005). The traits in the five factors are conscientiousness, extraversion agreeableness, openness, and neuroticism. This is an extensive and very empirical and comprehensive data centered research discovery. Being able to identify structures and traits of an individual’s personality is a centerpiece goal in psychology arenas (Costa & McCrae, 2005). This model is designed to gain insight into personality traits that are viewed as important above all other elements of personality traits.

This five-factor is easy to see and is usually located in all cultures regardless of language and other boundaries going beyond all differences along the way.  Individuals that research these factors examined how the universality of personality traits simply by taking the information and putting it into one language and translation (Cervone & Pervin, 2010). Freud’s psychoanalysis and the five-factors work in similar ways indeed. Individuals with specific characteristics are seen as extreme based on their informational charts based on their variables will be more prone to psychological abnormalities related with the trait it centers on from the information available.


One’s personality is imprinted in various ways because of numerous factors like environment, culture, an unidentified element, and one’s genetics. Genetic influences are different because of one’s age, temperamental traits, and if one is a man or women. All the factors within and individual is used to define a person and when someone needs to explain his or herself and others. Personality can also be used to define someone when one is not sure how to describe his or herself or another person. Someone may say an individual has a fumy personality, or say a person has a aggressive personality. Personality contributes to how an individual life his or her life, his or her perspective, reactions, and the way he or she behaves in different situations, and social circles. One’s can say an individual’s personality, differences, and individualities is the imprint of who an individual truly is.

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