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pH measuring Sensors

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                          pH measuring Sensors


pH measuring Sensors are the most distinguished and culminating tool that is used to measure the extent of acidity and alkalinity in different solutions. The pH is measured to ensure the quality of any product. The stander pH scale lies between 0 and 14 (Kozin et al 2017). The pH value of 7 is considered neutral, and below 7, the product is acidic, and above 7 is considered as basic.

Component of the pH measuring Sensors – An Overview:

pH sensor consists of a voltmeter that is mainly attached to a component called a pH-responsive electrode and also includes another electrode, which is known as a reference electrode or unvarying electrode.

The pH-responsive electrode basically consists of glass. Whereas, the reference electrode has a calomel. The electric potential, which is developed in the glass electrode is directly proportional to the hydrogen ion gradient. Eventually, the potential difference is measured by the help of a voltmeter. The temperature is mostly kept constant at twenty-five-degree centigrade (Concollato et al.,2019).

Types of the PH Measuring Sensors:

Some of the types of pH measuring Sensors are listed below that consist of different types of sensors tools, these all are different from one another based on phenomena these tools used to measure the pH difference of a given product from a reference solution;

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  • A Combinational pH Measuring Sensor

It is one of the most available and common pH measuring Sensors. It holds the main basis of the development of laboratory sensors and pH sensors. This pH measuring Sensors consist of two different types of electrodes, which are a reference and measuring electrodes. The stable signals while measuring the pH are provided by the reference electrode. The measuring electrode plays a major role in measuring the change in pH level (Mendes ,2019). This pH measuring Sensors provide an accurate reading in minimum time.

  • The Differential pH Measuring Sensors

The differential pH measuring sensors consists of three electrodes. These electrodes are basically measuring electrode, the reference electrode, and third, which is unique is a metal ground electrode. The primary function of the third type of electrode is the prevention of reference fouling. The differential pH measuring Sensors are also considered as a heavy-duty sensor. While measuring pH when pH changes, the third electrode provides the buffering for measuring electrode, whenever contamination occurs (Roculli ,2019). The importance of the differential pH measuring Sensors is that they hold for a longer time.

  • The Laboratory pH Measuring Sensor

The Laboratory pH measuring sensors can be built within the plastic body and with the 12mm of glass. Such pH measuring sensor uses light activity, for example, measuring the pH of the swimming pool. It has three types basic, advanced, and research. These types have different abilities like basic have pH1000, the advance has pH2000, and research has a sensor of pH3000, so all these are best for measuring the low ionic concentration.

  • The Process pH Measuring Sensor

The Process measuring pH sensors are built on the principle of combinational sensor and large, durable bodies for measuring continues to change in pH. These sensors consist of three different types which are moderate sensor, moderate to heavy-duty sensors and finally heavy-duty coating sensor which has flat-bulb glass this design is also considered as self-cleaning design the heavy-duty have SD7000 series the moderate to heavy-duty have S8000 series and the third one has S272CD sensor which is easy to use (Cristina et al, 2019) .

The Pros of pH Measuring Sensors:

Some of the advantages of pH Measuring Sensors are listed below for detail understanding:

  • The pH Measuring sensors Benefits in Biochemical Industries:

Biochemical industries are in which products are made for the benefits of a human being. For instance, in the food industry, the pH is maintained for the prevention of the growth of pathogens as well as to avoid side chemical reactions, which may ultimately lead to poisonous effects within the living body. The pH sensors are used in food industries for ensuring the finest quality of food products, which is beneficial for human being the pH of the human body is 7.3 any decrease or increase from this pH within the living body cause the denaturation of enzymes. The products like toothpaste are also strictly monitored, and this is all done by checking the pH by the use of pH measuring sensors.

  • The Advantages of pH Measuring Sensor used in the Pharmaceutical Industry:

 Medicines are used for curing several different diseases, and their pH is very important for the metabolic path they followed within the living body. Any minute change in the pH of a drug may change it to poison. So the pharmaceutical industry uses different pH meters in combination to check the pH of the drug.

The following are the important points kept in mind while selecting an appropriate pH of a drug

  • The solubility of drug increase when it is a weak acid and decrease when it a weak base.
  • Stability of a drug is inversely proportional to the degradation rate of the different drugs very sharply with a change in pH; for example, aspirin is the most stable drug at the pH of 2.5.
  • The permeability of drugs within the body is inversely proportional to the ionization of drugs. The drug is ionized form is more permeable than its non-ionized form.
  • The pH range of oral drugs can vary largely than those use for eyes because they have less chance of irritating.


  • The Water Quality System Use of pH Measuring Sensor

The pH monitoring in naturally occurring water is mostly performed electrochemically by calculating the voltage, which is between the sensor electrode and the electrode called the reference electrode. Research-based PH measuring Sensors change voltage measurement into a pH scale unit, which lies on the calculation system known as the Nernst equation, and often on different methods, which are about the natural system and the system of measurement.


Moreover, Due to unavoidable varying between theoretical calculated pH system of measurement and experimental system of pH measurements, pH is defined as”operationally” lie on the rule of following the basic electrochemical method, for example, Standard-based Method 4400-H positive ion or relatively similar essay from different research. Instead, pH measuring sensor fault, most of the time, water stock experts admit measurements that are derived with the help of a glass electrode system of measurement, which is defined as an “operational system” of pH. So, use this system for the measurement of pH and evaluating the quality of pH.

The reading that is given in millivolt and finds by theoretical calculation is exactly zero in a solution of pH 7. In applying, millivolt calculated readings will vary in the quantity referred to the same as a non-uniform potential present in the electrode. With time and with using PH measuring Sensors in different conditions, the sensor becomes damaged, and its ability for calculating the decrease in acidic medium and the basic medium gives higher value than the original (Logothi,2017).

The mV Calculated Readings:

Differ in the mV calculated reading, which is observed during the calibration experiment, is utilized as a stone mile, which indicates the physical condition of the electrodes and quality of calibration provided by using that PH measuring Sensors. If there is the only small difference between observed reading and calculated one in mV, then this difference is not concerned as this difference is stable during the whole procedure. To have more security in calibration, an additional linearity check is done. This can be performed by placing the sensor electrode in a third solution, which is reference; then, the accepted value is compared with observed.

The Mathematical Equation Explanation:

The mathematical equation which is related to the voltage of the pH value is divided by the help of reading that is present in mV and gets change from that which is used for the pH sensor, finding a different equation provides an important function in monitoring the pH of water resources.

The Functions of pH-mV:

The function of pH-mV procedure is majorly the quality satisfaction of the water;

  • The provision of best-calculated pH by accurate procedure and water quality check.
  • Record the mV reading during calibrations in a calibration log or laboratory notebook
  • Mostly organizations kept the record of readings in mV and their log for laboratory observation.
  • Sudden changes in pH did not mean that the PH measuring Sensors is not working well, but this fault can be due to error in the calibration method and improper maintenance of assay.
  • If the change in observed value occurs after a long time, so it gives a clear hint that the reference electrode or sensor electrode is faulty and needs regeneration.


The Control Loop:

The control loop is the most important unit of the industrial control system. The control loop involves all components which regulate the function, which automatically adjusts the value of process variables to the desired set-point value. The pH sensor provides the idea that pH varies and requires a counter mechanism. For example, if the pH increase, then the required value acid is added similarly if the pH decreases base is added to bring pH back to the estimated value. The control loop is used in the manufacturing process.

An example of an automatic pH control system is the process of water treatment, where water is softened by the limestone. The pH is maintained at 9 with the use of reagent carbon dioxide. When contaminated water entered the tank, the pH is continuously monitored by PH measuring Sensors. The PH measuring Sensors generate feedback where the comparison is done between setpoint and control value. If the values are not equal, then the controller adds the carbon dioxide in the tank. The amount of reagent varies according to the setpoint value to control the pH of tank water. If the setpoint value matches the control value, the value of the tank is opened and water efflux from the tank. The amount of carbon dioxide added in the tank decrease whenever the pH moves near to control value pH (vilas,2018).

Measurement Difficulties of Using PH Measuring Sensors:

When the electrodes of PH measuring Sensors become dirty or faulty, it may result in slow measurement or completely faulty observation of pH. The common problems which result in measuring errors are mentioned below;

  • Improper Cable Preparation

Mostly workers of the lab prefer to cut the length of wire according to their requirement instead of buying a new wire of exact desire length, but this is not a good technique. The graphite layer becomes damaged, and the resistance decrease, which ultimately results in faulty measurement.


  • Noisy Readings

The main cause of noisy reading is the weak connection between the electrode and the measurement loop. So, there are most chances that this link may interfere with a stray voltage which present in the liquid. So mostly, it is advised that liquid must be grounded at the point where the pH value of liquid is going to be monitored.

  • Drifting of PH Measuring Sensors

Drifting is moving up or down pf pH, measuring the ability of PH measuring Sensors.

This is done when the pressure of the process solution is greater than the reference electrode. This results in the forcing of the solution into the electrode, which causes the poisoning of reference electrodes. Another reason for the drift of PH measuring Sensors is the KCl dissociation in the gel-filled reference electrode, which leads to faulty collaboration (Mustafa et al 2018).

  • Chemical Attack

This is done when a sample solution has either absolute acidic or absolute basic pH, or sample solution contains heavy metals these all factors cause the erosion of glass membrane or diffusion in the reference electrode.

  • Special Media

The media, such as water with low conductivity or highly alkaline and acidic, may result in high resistance in pH glass electrodes and acidic error at the glass membrane.

  • Physical Conditions

Extreme temperature, extreme pressure, and drying out are those environmental factors that damage the PH measuring Sensors by causing the signal influence on diaphragm and material stress and reduce the shelf life of pH measuring Sensors (Risso, 2016).


  • Electrical Field and Mechanical Stress

These two forces result in particle vibration and polarization, which may result in short circuits and abrasive action in pH measuring Sensors.

These errors may result due to careless of a worker or by using the inappropriate assay. All these errors should be eliminated to get proper results (Elmesky ,2018). Regular reforming of pH measuring Sensors is required because minute scars that are not observed by the naked eye cause a considerable error in readings.


The pH measuring Sensor is a significant and important tool of the laboratory; it is used for measuring the pH. pH measuring Sensors is not only limited to the research use, but this tool has wide significance for the industries as well. There are also limitations of pH measuring Sensors, which can be treated by using better material for construction and by properly following the experimental process.




















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