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 Pillars of Promotion

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 Pillars of Promotion

What is one thing which bothers you most after you got a good job? Getting promoted or getting raise, right? You are working your heart out in the office but is yet to unlock the door to promotion. Our expectation drives us naturally towards a better and more secure future. But a current professional is far more challenging, competitive than ever.

You might get confused in the rat race to succeed. Many employees are indulged in job dissatisfaction due to lousy boss, lacking quality work, etc. Employees and employers are engaged in a fundamental conflict of interest and tug of war for money, time, and effort. The employers aim to acquire a high quantity of quality work with a minimal expense possible. Employees, on the other hand, seeks a secure professional life with a balance of work-life. It is time that we help you find the hacks which can help you unlock the key to promotion. You will be able to apply the hacks easily without hampering any ethics and employee-employer relation.

The hacks are simple ideas or observations which have been observed from a real-life scenario. The practices will eventually open the door to growth and development. When you are working with the intension of achievement, growth is inevitable. It will not need any external force or excess motivation to drive yourself.

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Getting Clarity

We often forget some basic attributes before we dive into the professional world. Having fundamental clarity helps to elevate the perception and expectation. You might be wondering what transparency is? Friedrich Nietzsche quoted that if you can find the reason, you can live anyhow. Here is a simple trick to find your goal for the job.

‘Why’ – the chief detective

Finding an answer to why will help you realise the purpose, thought, and feelings. Explore ‘why’ with the following tips:

  • Sit down alone and ponder on fundamental reason why you work. Try to find the bigger picture than just money. Once you get acquainted with the values and importance of working write down the objectives.
  • Create a multiple-choice questionnaire. Reflect on the factors which are the driver behind your purpose of working. Please be honest to yourself as much of the future depends upon your honesty with this activity.
  • Choose the best reasons why you are working and why you are working in the company.
  • Rank the reasons with an essential purpose coming first and the least important reason at last.
  • Create a small note of the activity and your findings. This personal note will help you get back on a bad day at the office or a clash with the boss.
  • Remind yourself the main reason what brought you to this job and company.


Once you are done working with finding the reasons, time to ponder on your expectations. Expectation analysis will involve every minute details. How much money you expect to make from your job, what type of career, lifestyle will you have, what kind of environment you expect and many more expectations need to be analysed. Gautam Buddha once told hope is a source of suffering. But here is the catch, if you start under pitching your expectation, there is a high chance of failure.




High Expectation – How it can kill

Before you step in to deal with your expectation, let us separate the realistic and unrealistic expectation level. Reality is like a line and most of the time; our hope is way above this line. Since we are creative creatures, we tend to pitch way above our level. In most cases, we have no idea what lies between our expectation and way to achieve it. Practically it is not ok to have a high expectation as there is a low chance of turning it into reality.

While you were doing your master degree in Business administration, you might have been preparing for various companies lining up to hire you. But suddenly recession hits the market, and you could not make to a desirable company. You are left with depression, and low waging jobs are not convincing you. But the situation demands you to survive with the little you have. If you are going through this sort of expectation, time to say goodbye to them. Please understand, it is not wrong to have high standard or aim. But do not rely on some superficial outcome if you don’t have a proper time-line and objective result.

High expectations are counter-productive. The idea is elementary:

  • If you are pitching your expectation way beyond your abilities and approach, the outcome is not beautiful. At some point in life, it will bring you frustration and depression.
  • Keep your feet on the ground and control expectation slightly below the line of reality. Doing so you are preparing for the rewards which can be above your desired outcome. It will motivate you to move ahead, which is more important in professional or personal life.

Now you might be wondering that how on the world would make most out of your life. Desires in your life bring you option avenues to explore. No desire at all will make your life dull. But you must keep a check on your desires. On the long run, more options your desire generates the more confused you will become. Anxiety, regret and depression are soon to follow the failures. You have all the right in the earth to have the best job, live in the best city, and have a sweet family, a healthful lifestyle.

The demands which you expect are quite natural. Just check your expectations behind them. Stop assuming that the world will fulfil all such dreams. Expecting much from others too will mostly let you down. Current rat race puts every individual for themselves. No one is much bothered about the outcome of others. Instead of dreaming for better things, start practising on the way to make things better. Gautama Buddha said the expectation is the root of all trouble. But the catch is in the current day you have to rely on intelligence which will guide your expectation. Let us explore ways to say goodbye to high expectations.

Personal Time: In busy life-style, stress and pressure, we fail to get time for ourselves. You must begin this immediately. Invest thirty minutes for yourself every day. Think and analyse what expectation is driving you — Channelise expectation as a healthy dose to drive your ambition.

Creating Goals: Consider your expectation as an end result. You need to identify the objectives which you need to reach the final goal. Identify each objective with minute detail as we exercise earlier with learning about the expectations. Realistic goals will help you take logical steps instead of killing yourself with some hopeful expectations.

Say ‘yes’ to changes: Professional life is dynamic; there can be a bad day for you. Try your best not be driven by emotion. Take a deep breath and think of how you can turnaround the situation. You might have to redesign your approach towards expectations. Face the change bravely and embrace the new approach.

Judge with care: Do not be too harsh with yourself. When high expectations too much drive you, life will become a mess or struggle. Instead, utilise your judgement as an evaluation. Harsh criticism can be demotivating and will take you away from your goal. Think about life and objectives as exploration and experience. Your expectation or goal should be a learning process rather than a judgement on yourself.

Raise Through Co-Workers

Barbara Bush reflects, never lose sight of the fact that your success is measured by how you treat people, family, friends as well as co-employees. Strangers are also included in the list. Dear friend, while you are indulged in the quest of cracking the next promotion opportunity, deal well with your co-employees. Co-workers are your biggest support if they are in your favour. They will do the word-to-mouth marketing for you which is most credible at organisational level.

Would your co-workers support you? Yes, your co-workers will help you to get the next promotion. It is a reciprocal process when you do got or help your co-worker, they will help you back in return. Employees might be all for themselves, but they will need each other’s support. When projects are laid down joint efforts and amalgamation of skills from everyone elevates the quality of how it will be done. When you will have the support of the colleagues, any good skill will eventually transmit to the boss. A simple praise about you can be the key to your growth in the company.

Here is a result of a workplace study which shares some vital information.

  • Your boss will create an impression about you based on his/her observation
  • 10 percent of the ideas are designed views of his/her boss on you
  • Peers are responsible for developing 10 percent of the observation.
  • Another co-worker and their values create 20 percent of the input.
  • Customer feedback adds to 20 percent of the impression about you to the company.

Customer and co-employees are continually feeding information about you to your boss. As we see, around 30 percent of the impression is driven by co-workers who are shared with your manager.

You feel happy at your home with your family members around you. Strength and nature of your relationship with your colleagues determine your happiness at the workplace. Imagine a workplace which will not make work burden, and instead, you will enjoy the environment, culture and spending time. Tom Rath rightly marked organisations as an amalgamation of relationship networks. Failing to create a good relationship will only make things harder for you. Survival at the workplace can become hectic if a proper connection is not established.

You go to the office to work, why on earth you should worry about creating relationship besides working? I will tell you why. It comes with certain benefits or added advantage. A strong relationship with co-workers is a hack which can bring you many perks.

  • Employees rely on two different opinions about others: personal as well as professional.
  • A personal opinion on you is derived from various factors:
  • Personality
  • Appearance
  • Body language, dress, hygiene and grooming
  • Amount to time spent with colleagues
  • Attitude towards them
  • Empathy for colleagues
  • Helpful towards others
  • Ability to socialise
  • Involvement in conversation during the breaks
  • Popularity with same and other genders

The employees develop the professional opinion on you through factors like:

  • Title, designation and compensation level
  • Number of people reporting to you
  • To what extent you help others
  • Educational achievements
  • Experience of work on quality and quantity basis
  • Past companies
  • Expertise or reputation as an expert in any field
  • Whether your shared information made it to company collaborating platform like bulletin board as discussion forums.
  • Research papers, blogs and articles published by you
  • Awards and accolades
  • Involvement with a customer and learning about their needs and demand.

Employees are identifying you both on your personal and professional front. They act as a mirror for you. If you are conscious and sensible enough to recognise yourself, this is a good chance to rebuild yourself.

Many of the employees believe that doing their job is far more critical than seeking popularity. If you aim for something beyond sticking to one position day after day, you have to seek popularity. It will save your day ignoring the mistakes and leveraging the achievements. When you are unpopular, the co-workers will eventually start developing a negative image. Your slightest mistake can be identified as a blunder. Two factors contribute to your image at the workplace: your popularity among colleagues and perception about you. Reputation comes first when the opportunity of growth arises. The management decision is influenced by your demand when you can reach a leadership position. Let us unlock the secret to become everyone’s favourite at the office.


Conversational Intelligence

The quest begins with verbal communication and the art behind it. Studies have been conducted over hundreds of successful employees at various workplaces. The ability of those employees to effective and influential communication for both casual and critical situation has helped them move ahead. The style of communication did not create conflict but could strengthen the relationship with other people. You have to develop the art of conversation to walk away with a win-win situation.

A great insight to the start improving conversational intelligence is through use of the partnered and individual practice. Following a few steps will help you achieve superior conversational intelligence.

Visualisation and journaling

Practice this, especially when you are about to crack a meaningful discussion with co-employees. Just like you are to play an important role, rehearse the conversation in head and what you want to share.

  • Note down the objectives of the conversation
  • Practice it by speaking with your voice. The emphasis, diction adds to the importance of what you share.
  • Note down the desired outcome from the conversation from yourself and boss.

You can also try to utilise a partnered exercise model. For that, you need to have a few considerations.

  • Think about the factors which can bring a successful outcome to the conversation
  • Ponder on the previous conversational experience with the person. Think about what you disliked in the conversation
  • If you had any history of distrust or power imbalance, brainstorm ways with which you can gain the sense of safety with the person.
  • What are the best attributes of a person you admire?


Making Better queries

When you are about to gain popularity among the co-workers, query and absorption are ignored. Does not ring a bell? Let me give you more simple insight. We refrain from listening and asking a question when we are gaining confidence each day.

While you ask a question to anyone, please ensure that it is a proper question. Do not press your command in the form of a question. Demand or state opinion is only to be shared during a meeting where all colleagues are involved.

Look at these two examples:

  1. I think X is better for this project. Let’s scrap B for it.
  2. Who do you think can be a better asset for the project? X or Y?

In Question number 1, you are commanding and demanding. The question is just a formality. In Question 2, you are asking others to share their insights. You are eager to listen to their response, analyse and further discuss with them.

Here are ways to keep things simple:

  • Before asking a question, take a pause and think. Is it a question you are asking? Does your query provide an idea to ponder on? Will it provide room for discussion?
  • Turn the session into collective decision making opportunity. Open the door to analysis, opinion share and discussion.
  • Listen minutely what each person has to say and opine.
  • Practice the approach daily in any situation possible.

Working with leadership coaching

Conversational Intelligence learning needs good C-IQ program, certified coach. Why would you need a coach? The Certified coach will ensure:

  • Identify the neuroscience at play in most difficult relations
  • Identify the blind spots which are hampering the success track
  • Share actionable methods for trust development
  • Provide the ability to become an avid problem solver.
  • Help to generate collaborative problem-solving conversation

What will you gain from C-IQ coach training?

  • Elevation of conversational effectiveness
  • Implement positive change within the work environment
  • Develop trust and strengthen relationship professionally
  • Create a positive environment enhancing productivity
  • Improve collaboration and teamwork
  • Improve personal as well as team-based success ratio

You can easily maximise your potentiality with the coaching from Conversational Intelligence coach. C-IQ certified coaches will make the most significant impact on your career. Look for small business coaching services with C-IQ certification for the most significant impact on success.

Implement 6A to hold a relationship

Simple yet power 6A hack can help you develop strong professional as well as personal connections. Here is the brief


  • Keep your judgements aside.
  • Accept people as they are
  • Never try to mould them to suit your ideas


  • Do not try to find the best practice for all situation
  • Expecting everything to be perfect will only bring disappointment
  • Workplaces are dynamic with ups and downs. Expect change every day
  • Prepare yourself for adjustment
  • Be ready to break the winning formula if the situation demands.


  • Appreciate co-workers or colleagues even for slightest contribution. For example, someone attended your call as you were in a meeting. Feel free to thank them. The colleague will remember and return the favour someday.
  • Develop the eye for catching people who are doing good and being right.
  • Keenly observe your peers for finding a reason to appreciate. Grab even the slightest idea for appreciation. Praising will invite similar praise in return.
  • Appreciate external appearance. Be careful about your colleague’s culture and gender sensitivity. Appreciation should be professional rather than flattering.
  • People’s effort is a space which needs appreciation. For example, your colleague has helped you with minor changes for presentation. Appreciate his or her inputs and effort.


  • Act as a medium of communication to interpret complex instructions into simple ones.
  • Help employees to visualise thoughts and ideas to open and straightforward style
  • Implement emotion to reach everyone
  • Practice open sharing and communication.


  • Always apologise when you are wrong. Follow this approach without any discrimination.
  • Admit your mistakes in person. Do not hesitate to accept in front of others.


  • Avoid negativity, toxic thinking and behaviour.
  • Do not completely ignore negative co-employees, but do not let them influence your behaviour.
  • Practice a positive image, attitude and appearance. It is the best way to keep away negativity.
  • Preserve your good habits, approach towards others and broader goal.

Raise through HR

Lawrence Bossidy claimed that he is convinced, nothing is more important than hiring and developing people. The money is placed on the people and not on strategies. Conventionally Human Resource is identified as a bearer of bad news. HRs are struck between the management and employees and are held in crossfire situation. The broader meaning of the HR division affects employee success or failure.

The core value of HR team includes leveraging the power of business intelligence, information analytics to optimise its contribution to the business. A good relationship with the HR team can leverage your chances of getting the much-needed promotion. Remember, the HR team is a bridge between you and your employer. If an employer can send a message through them, you can too with the right approach. You need to ‘hack’ the communication line connecting employer through the HR team. HR division is referred by Google as the People’s division and training as employee enablement.

Get ready to find the ques from the HR team and open the door of possibilities to promotion.

  • HR team, their executive can become a strong ally or an enemy for you.
  • HR perspective about employees plays a crucial role in decision making.
  • HR team sits at the core of the management. They are well connected with the rest of the organisation. Ensure you and HR team have a strong rapport.
  • Share the message of HR with other colleagues. Provide your valuable insight and concerned about new policies. The HR team can make correctional changes when concerns are collectively raised. But ensure that confidentiality of HR team and confidence of co-workers are not broken in the process.
  • HR leaders have strong control over management activities like training, development, transfer, promotion, transfer, pay raise, bonus, firing and layoff. Directly or indirectly, HR leaders impact the growth of the employees. A good relationship can even save a job in the worst situation.
  • The HR leader has the power to sabotage any growth opportunities and force an employee to lay down resignation.
  • An excellent opportunity to establish a connection with the HR team is during an interview. Functional interviewer is something that HRs struggle to find. If you are the one-stop solution to the problem, HR will return the favour someday.
  • HR teams can enlighten you about unofficial strategic changes which might be under plan. Early warnings can help you gear up for upcoming position and changes.

You might be wondering how to approach HR to establish a relationship. Though there is no best practice approach, there are hacks which can be followed:

  • Keep yourself well-groomed. The first appearance creates the last impression.
  • Discuss the strengths and weakness freely. Make a query on how to improve yourself. These are a way to find the hints.
  • Create a regular interaction with a one HR person in the team. Assist them with the hiring and interview process. Consider the indirect warnings from HR seriously and act accordingly.
  • Be rational and righteous. Do not over pitch or under pitch. Maintain the personality and show eagerness to improve. HRs do not buy flashy appearance or intimidation.
  • Attitude is the keynote to strike a relationship. Work on things like greeting, asking permission to take a seat, maintaining eye contact etc.
  • Always maintain punctuality when having a meeting with HR. It should reflect right from the first day during the interview. HR should have the idea that you are punctual.
  • Communication is a vital aspect of developing a good relationship with HR. Be logical in approach and disciplined while sharing your point. Excellence in Communication and idea-sharing has an excellent role to play.

There are some mistakes which employees commonly make and keeps wondering why HR is not responsive to him or her. We will take a quick look and ensure that these are not repeated in our case.

  1. Lacking Clarity: If you lack clarity about the reason for communicating with HR, it will be a waste of time. Communicating for the sake of doing so will create a negative image to the HR team. Trying to establish relationships without the scope can be a risky agenda.
  2. Utilising the same approach- If you look at HR like your colleagues, it is the worst mistake there is. HR is representative of the company. The engagement level and the approach should be maintained accordingly. In most cases, HR will not join in a chit chat over a cup of coffee.
  3. Failing to take advantage of the meeting- HR has called you for an urgent meeting regarding an interview. You just finish the meeting and rush back to your desk. A golden chance to break face-to-face communication is lost. HRs usually does not join for lunch or coffee break. A face-to-face meeting is a golden opportunity to establish rapport.

Raise Through Customers

Customer is the ultimate boss for any type of organisation in the market. One report from the customer has been seen to fire an employee or even a chairman. He or she will simply take their money elsewhere, and rest will fall accordingly. Sam Walton’s idea states the hard-core reality of the market. A customer actually forms the lifeblood of the market. Many customer-oriented businesses have now become global entities. The companies have managed to form a genuine relationship with every individual customer. Customers have received excellent service and have referred their peers and company excelled in the market.

Customer’s appreciation can worth its weight in Gold. When a customer gives written appreciation, it can work as an elevator to growth for the future. Customer appreciation on any employee are often amplified by Boss and management to motivate other employees. Management will have the obligation to reward and recognise the employee for appreciation from customer. Utilise the opportunity to receive the appreciation from a customer in the form of mail or an official letter. Customer testimonial is a hundred times more valuable than any internal appreciation from the organisation.

How to break the wall – gaining Appreciation

Inviting customer appreciation

Think smart if you are to get the customer to appreciate your work. Appreciate and thank the customer for providing you with the opportunity. Psychology states that when a customer gets appreciation, they will return the same if service is up to the mark.

Quality time with a customer

Ask any sales professional about the value of spending quality time with the customer. Times or moments like these generate strong rapport over a coffee, lunch, dinner or even sports event.

  • You need to dig deep with the customer establishing a relationship of trust and familiarity
  • Dig deep in the culture, language, personality, interest of the customers. These factors will consolidate the relationship with the customer.

Value Addition to Customer

Customer is highly associated with a term called ‘value’. It is the quality they look for when they commit to any brand or company. A customer expects to acquire more value compared to what they paid. The highest quality of service or product is expected at the most affordable pricing.

  • Dear employee aims to provide value to the customer.
  • Forget about limiting the customer in terms of quality or quantity for the money they invest.
  • Always find a way to provide the customer with more and more value.
  • When a customer finds the additional value for what they paid, expect an appreciation in return for the favour.
  • Be ready to break the line of comfort in order to help any valued customer. They observe to what extent you stretch yourself.

Earn Customer Respect

Just bridging the gap between your company customer won’t earn you respect. Customers want you to be an expert. They tend to look for a fast solution; if you fail to provide them, your company might lose the customer.

  • Be the expert which the customer expects with full authority on the product and services.
  • Show the customer that you are well versed with the knowledge of the company, understanding of business, and recommendation of better practice, problem-solving and alerting the customer about policy changes.
  • Drive beyond the common words like ‘I will get back to you’. At least go to the extent where your expertise, involvement will be appreciated by a valued customer.

Do not ignore or leave a customer

Clients or customers face various issues like technical, logistic, financial or others. The worst thing you can do is leave the customer stranded in the middle.

  • You have to support customer morally and share your guidance
  • Even though the situation is beyond your capability, stay with the customer until any higher authority has met the customer regarding the issue.
  • Backing away from the customer in the middle of a tense situation is the worst mistake you can do. You can revive your relationship with a boss, but not with the customer.
  • The frustration of customer is vented on the marketplace. Once a customer is gone, employee termination is not too far.

Abstain from illogical argument and lies

The unnecessary argument, illogical confrontation with a customer, raises the level of stress. It is reflected in the image of the company to the customer.

  • Do not blatantly start lying to the customer. They are frustrated when they hit the invisible wall.
  • Presume the customer as a knowledgeable individual, and it is your responsibility to help him or her.
  • Respect the customer for their investment with your company. Even if they are wrong, find smarter ways to let them know. But never confront them.

Gracefully close a failed customer relation

You cannot satisfy all the customers who come to you. Be positive enough to end a relationship with a customer without tarnishing the relations.

  • Try to settle amicably with the client in case of payment defaults
  • Give respect to your client and do not engage in argument, abuse, disrespect or avoidance.
  • Let the customer leave on a positive note even if the issue is not resolved.

Recognise Value of Word of Mouth

Word of Mouth works heavily for small business and even for large enterprises. In the world of Social media, Digital campaigns, still Word of Mouth is considered the most reliable type of marketing. The customer received from Word of Mouth source has more longevity than a customer from other sources. What would you encash the scope?

  • Make the customer fall in love with you, and it will transfer to your business. Your smile, way of interaction, giving importance, services all matters to a customer.
  • Work to become a household name for the customer. It provides more opportunity to receive Word of Mouth from the customer.
  • Create a self-designed loyalty program and draft best customer you have in the group. Prepare your own miniature marketing army. As best satisfied customers will sing your brand’s and your praise to close peers.

Start Early

Seducing the customer with your charm requires some strong planning. I would suggest three-step planning to become early when the person is not even your customer.

  • Your target identifies the desired prospect of the customer. Once you have a clear profile of the customer, it is easy to prepare accordingly.
  • Research according to the demography, fear, desire, and the need of each segment.
  • For example, an average middle-class customer tends to spend a greater amount compared to others. But they crave for affordable products with the best quality.
  • When you have defined customer creation of loyal customer is easy.

Lead qualification

What is actually lead qualification? Qualified leads are the customers who are really serious about their need. These customers will eventually make a purchase. Qualified leads matching your chosen profile have the freedom of becoming your customer or take a business to your competitors. Identify the best customers as long term investment as they can remain loyal to the brand.

In the case of B2B

  • Identify the health of the chosen business
  • Establish terms with a growing business who would maintain the purchase

In the case of B2C

  • Identify the people who need your product or service to solve their needs
  • Provide necessary support to establish rapport.

Customer Experience

Conversion of Qualified will raise the necessity of setting customer experience. Customers must be delightful once they leave your store and become loyal to your side. This is what you need to do:

  • Design a customer experience outline. Work it to guide your pitch to the customer. Include all the essentials which are needed to provide the customer with experience.
  • Revaluate existing rooster of the customer to identify potential issues. Establishing the connection with better service will improve Word to Mouth campaign.

Authentic Customer Interaction

The Internet has provided customers with sharp skills. Customers have become more sensitive towards pretences which many marketers pitch. If they find any smell of foul play, customers will take their business elsewhere. How should you handle your customer?

  • Maintain authenticity, express in your unique voice and utilise your own content for approach.
  • Approach with reality. Customers hate when you come with shady company, complex processes, and dicey schemes.
  • Maintain a good face. Badmouthing people, going into an argument with customers is unhealthy for the image of your business.
  • Engage in a two-way conversation with a customer. Invite engagement while interacting with you.
  • Try to be relevant. Research, analyse, question your customer to identify their pinch points.

Satisfied customers will eventually leave a review and spread the word of Mouth to others. You would also be a part of a word to mouth discussion initiated by your client. Directly or indirectly, these recommendations are important for progress in a company. A company needs people who represent them well. When you are meeting the client expectations, and they are talking about you, the next promotion might be yours — time to step up the game of client management and satisfaction.

Raise through Employees in new Company

Let’s assume that you have changed your company and landed a new one in your dream company. What next? Since you have improved your salary and position, you need to be productive right from your first approach. Especially you need to win your new colleagues in your favour in an ethical manner. The phase will test your resilience, perseverance, and approach to new system.

Why you need it

When you going to work with new set of employees, you would need ample motivation, energy and perseverance. You can utilise some hack ideas which help you to gain leverage with new co-workers. Remember, getting a good referral or positive feedback from new employees to your boss will give you the raise needed in new company.

That is possible when you are becoming one among your new colleagues. You have to know them and they will know you. The reciprocating circle will create ambience of trust and efficiency. When you become a good team player, eventually your boss will acknowledge it through others. The colleagues whom you supported will share their views and experience with boss. The hacks which I will share with you will allow you to build reputation and provide quality within very short time period. I have analysed produced the ideas to make them easy to implement.

  • Take break: It might seem a waste of time but only 30 percent people does this. When a computer works the whole day, it needs rest at the end. Think yourself as a computer. You have trained, developed, adapted and work with a mind-set developed in your ex-company. Now you have to approach fresh. Here is what you should do:
  • Take a break at least for a week.
  • Go out on a vacation to your favourite place
  • ess, unwind and reflect what you are to do.

Work you relation with boss: As a new employee you need to strengthen your relation with your boss. For this follow these steps:

  • Have small talks and meetings with your boss
  • ange once a month evaluation session
  • tain the session for at least first six months
  • Try to get feedback from boss

Delegate: It is the only way which will make you acquainted among your co-employees.

  • Grab any situation to delegation
  • sent your team in meeting or any projects
  • cate with members and take their feedbacks on performance
  • Try to work with the team rather than ahead of them.

Get the Right Tools and equipment: Make sure you have all the equipment and tools which you need in order to perform. Offices often have equipment which do not function properly. Here is a must do list:

  • heck your system provided. Identify any sluggishness or glitches which might hamper your work
  • heck all the system support you need like software for any issues.
  • Make sure your tools are up to date with latest updates.
  • Be diligent to report any technical issue which the company can solve faster.

Reducing Distraction: Things like social media, mobile are productivity killer. But not having mobile is impractical. This is what you need to do:

  • tain from mobile engagement other than job purpose
  • ring your attention to the system on how work is done.
  • Try to recheck your work after completion for cautiousness.
  • tain the routine for first three month at least.
  • imit mobile phone usage to break times. It will help to focus better.

Create personal Goals: Once you are easy with new system you need to create personal growth goals.

  • Gain good reputation with the colleagues
  • Work as a team player. It is a good way to share your skill
  • Try to learn from others. You would find many hacks from senior colleagues. It’s not a shortcut but can save you at a bad day.
  • Find areas where you can improve. It will motive others

Find a Mentor: You will need a mentor to get in depth of your new organisation. Here is what you can do.

  • tify a senior employee who can provide support and teach you.
  • You might take help from HR getting acquainted with developmental courses within the organisation.
  • Ask your colleagues for snippets and ideas which will support your work
  • tart from scratch when your mentor is guiding.

Getting raise from Co-employees cannot done overnight. You need to build your image and reputation. The ideas discussed above are approach you can utilise to reach your goal.



Direct Line to your Future employer

Jobvite survey reveals that one among six employees use social media to get hired. Most of us have some kind of social media profile especially, job seekers. Almost half of the job seekers utilise Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to search new jobs in last year. Power of social media is harnessed by the users to connect with potential employers. It helps the potential employees to dig deep within the job market. Right design and layout of social media profile can paint the social media presences as a model citizen, ideal for someone who wants to have them aboard.

Posting and approach do not end the approach of the finding the right employee. It is recommended to continue seeking the employees and maintain engagement. Let us explore some social media platforms which can be pursued to find the next employer.

Why would you need it?

You might ask why you need to align your social media suitable for employers to seek and hire you. Answer is, level of engagement. Resume is a lifeless piece paper and most of the time HR is not able to frame the person just with piece of paper. Think about social media! When you run through a profile you get an overview of the person. Social media, its level of engagement and association with life of people made it a good platform for finding employers or employees.

If someone has the right set of skills for any field, in most cases a recruiter would find him or her using LinkedIn. Best talents in the market is already grinding their skills in some organisation. Social media is the only to find them as they won’t be spreading their CVs to various companies. Traditional system is changing fast and social media platform has given the scope of getting connected. It is a reason why you should design your Social media profile upfront to let your favourite company find you.

Most of the life of person is today reflected in Social media profile. Work life forms only 25 percent. There is a high chance that the recruiter would look through Social media and learn about the candidate first. Social media platforms provide you opportunity to show creativity. Awesome pitch for yourself can easily reach the CEO and who knows he or she might directly contact you. Social media platform provides this opportunity. You can message through LinkedIn, tweet link the creative project. Pitching is easy and you can stay relevant to your field.

Lastly, Social media can provide an excellent overview of your network. You can check the job requirement posted or applied by others, companies which your connections are engaging etc. Your published content can be supported by an expert which can impress any of your connection who is a recruiter for a firm. The person to person connection which social media provide can easily open window of opportunity. Creating a strong social media profile will eventually help to get attention from recruiters. It will keep you posted about your favourite company and inform about any openings. Potential employees are getting the first engagement at least in 74 percent of the connection requests sent to potential employers through social media.

Connect on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is an automatic choice for employees and employers. Just having a simple LinkedIn profile is not enough today. The profile needs to be impressive to convince the employers. One can easily connect with the gatekeepers who can open the key to numerous job opportunities. LinkedIn search enables user to search by company name, title, and number of factors which can help to find employers looking for employees.

Landing job in LinkedIn takes extra effort and some cool hacks. Here are snippets of what can be done:

  • Ask for a connection first
  • Be clear about intention while approaching.
  • Always share a note with connection request. The note will clear your intention with a few lines which the receiver can read.
  • Provide reference of works which have caught your attention
  • Prepare about the company with extensive research. Let the person know your knowledge about them.
  • Start with queries after connection is established. Always begin with a greeting.
  • Enquire about company profile, job opportunities. You might have done research already but value the words from mouth of employer.
  • Explore and dig deep to identify the best suited opportunity for you.
  • Aim the conversation to turn into the first interview.

Maintain Twitter Activity

Try Twitter for a change. The platform has more new and innovative ways to search or find content. You can appear as an influencer, thought reader, assess potential company’s culture and connect with other professionals.

To begin with look for companies who are publishing handles focused towards recruitment. Many companies are becoming active on Twitter and you need to board the same ship. Browse through your target companies look for handle which are aimed towards recruitment. Follow the handle and keep yourself updated with it. Here are few more ideas which you can implement to find employer through Twitter.

  • Connect with the recruiters through twitter handles on recruitment.
  • Begin with a stealth approach. Like, Re-tweet or engage with the posts in some way. But keep within control. Avoid being a crazy individual.
  • Create interaction with most favoured two or three tweets.
  • Engage with people working in your dream companies. Learn from them how to approach the organisation.
  • Once engagement is done, lead the connection to your LinkedIn profile and share your profile.

Utilising Connection

Connection is common aspect of all the social media platforms. Though Facebook or Instagram are not identified as professional, the idea will still work. The connections which you have might be connected with people working in your dream company. Here is what you should do.

  • Explore your networks. Find the people who works for the employer who is your target.
  • Enquire about your dream company. Ask how it is to work there or company environment. Be sure to come back and inquire about the position you seek.
  • When a rapport is developed ask whether he or she would be able to introduce you to HR.
  • If you have ample connections in your support, it won’t take much time to crack the first interview with company’s HR.




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