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Pokuaa_Shilla_Week Three Faces of Innovation

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Pokuaa_Shilla_Week Three Faces of Innovation


Familiar-Caring Face

After reading Kelley’s 10 faces of Innovation, the face I most identify with in my professional life is the caregiver’s face. I have always taken on the role of a caregiver since I am the oldest of eight children. Although the role or skills of a caregiver can be learned, sometimes it is inborn. All caregivers have unique skills and attributes that are essential to caring for their patients. Caregivers are good communicators and are also competent in their roles. They give good emotional support and most importantly meet the needs of patients by providing great bedside manners (Kelly & Littman, 2005).

Unfamiliar -Story Teller Face

When I read Kelly’s 10 faces of Innovation, I realized the storyteller face is unfamiliar to me. Although anyone can tell a story, a real storyteller has a way of telling captivating accounts of an event that will inspire and draws in one’s attention. The one person that comes to mind every time I think of a great speaker or storyteller is President Obama. Not only does he have a great command of the English language but he has a way of stimulating your intellect when he speaks. He uses humor, repetition, anecdote, and statement that are impactful to civilians’ lives. His confidence and aspirational language coupled with personalized messages along with powerful and purposeful gestures show what a great storyteller he is. One needs all these attributes to be deemed a great storyteller.

Innovation Needed in Health Care

According to CDC (2019), chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are the leading causes of death and disability in the United States and they contribute to the enormous increase in healthcare costs which they estimate annually as $3.5 trillion. The Innovation needed in healthcare is to find ways and means to prevent and or managed these conditions. Major contributors to chronic illness are poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyles tobacco and alcohol use.

Although innovations in healthcare are constantly evolving to promote wellness, chronic diseases are still at its all-time high. One innovation that can be employed is screening in the workplace. Most people are so busy with their work-life that their health takes a back seat to their work life.

The face that will help facilitate this change will be the collaborator’s face. This face entails a multidisciplinary team working together to attain the same task. The goal is to have screening at the worksite for the convenience of each individual to participate. For this to occur, the payer which is the insurance company along with board members of the company needs to collaborate to enforce wellness screening in the workplace. I recently came across a few patients that work for Bank of America that came into my office for wellness screening with the incentives of having $300 off their deductible. I thought that was a great way to get patients to be more involved in their wellbeing unfortunately, most people do that seize this opportunity see their primary care due to the possibility of missing work. This is why it is important that the screening takes place at the workplace.


Kelley, T., & Littman, J. (2005). The ten faces of Innovation: strategies from Ideo for beating the devils advocate and driving creativity throughout your organization. New York:



Hi Shilla, the healthcare system needs to constantly gather new information to expand the knowledge and skills to meet the constantly changing needs of healthcare. Kelly’s ten faces of Innovation categorize the ten personas into three groups. That is the learning, organizing, and building personas. Each persona represents a unique approach to solving problems and enhancing Innovation.  According to Kelly & Littman (2005), the learning persona believes that no matter how successful an organization is, there is always a better way of doing things,  while the organizing persona understands how Innovation moves through the organizational process, and they put things together. That is, they are capable of creating strategies to focus on the product and service at hand. Your most familiar face of Innovation falls under the building category of faces of Innovation. The caregiver’s face is the basis of human-powered Innovation (Jordan & Lande, 2016). Through empathy, an individual who exhibits the caregiver face works to understand each of their customers and creates a relationship with them. The caregiver guides their customer through the process of providing care while ensuring their comfort and human-centered experience.


Jordan, S., & Lande, M. (2016). Additive innovation in design thinking and making. International Journal of Engineering Education32(3), 1438-1444.

Kelley, T., & Littman, J. (2005). The ten faces of Innovation: strategies from Ideo for beating the devils advocate and driving creativity throughout your organization. New York:






Adediran_J._Initial Post


Familiar Collaborator

The faces of Innovation that I am familiar with will be as a collaborator—having gone through the ten faces of Innovation by Tom Kelly, being a collaborator in the context of my professional life, is most effective in Innovation. A collaborator is the person that possesses the ability to collaborate on strategy development, promotion of ideas, listening to team members, connects the dots, or creates the dots. Kelly & Littman, a collaborator, is that individual who genuinely values the group more than individual, task achievements past individual accomplishment (Kelly & Littman, 2005). A collaborator will set aside their responsibility temporarily in assisting another co-worker to attain a target deadline. In collaboration, experiencing the procedure together creates mastery, responsibility, vitality, and energy (Kelly & Littman, 2005).

Unfamiliar the Experience Architect

Experience architect plans convincing encounters that go past unimportant usefulness to interface at a more profound level with clients’ inactive or communicated needs (Kelly & Littman, 2005). I am unfamiliar with experience architect; they are those individuals who steadily try to make client encounters incredible, indelible mark in their consciousness. I am often limited or focus on patient immediate care and wellness.

Innovation Needed in Healthcare.

Quantum leaders are very much situated to lead activities that challenge current impression and to make models progressively intelligent of the complicated nature of healthcare services (Porter-O’Grady & Malloch, 2015). Innovation is continuously in need in the healthcare system due to the constant increase in the cost of care delivery. All aspects of the health care system need improvement due to advancements in technologies and the high cost of apparatus and shortage of healthcare workers.

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The area I believe needs more Innovation will be adequate healthcare delivery to people in rural areas. The nation has about one million medical doctors and fewer Nurse practitioners to care for three hundred million-plus citizens. The area of using technology in reaching everyone in the rural area is much needed, and more ways to achieve this aim is much needed. Collaborator role would be an excellent face to use in facilitating this change.  The collaborator shakes things up. They unite individuals to complete things. They are proactive cross trainers, willing and ready to jump hierarchical limits to cajole us out of our storehouses to cooperate in a multidisciplinary venture (Kelly & Littman, 2005). The collaborator would go to these rural areas to see what people need, listen to them, look at advantages and disadvantages, or factors limiting against quality and adequate healthcare delivery. The collaborator would then incorporate findings into Innovation in providing quality, adequate, and cost-effective healthcare delivery either by way of Tele-medicine or the use of to provide services for the less served communities.



Kelley, T., & Littman, J. (2005). The ten faces of Innovation: strategies from Ideo for beating the devil’s advocate and driving creativity throughout your organization. New York  Currency/Doubleday.

Porter-OGrady, T., & Malloch, K. (2015). Quantum leadership: building better partnerships for sustainable health. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning



Hello Adediran, Innovation in healthcare is paramount to meeting the needs of healthcare customers, which are often ever-changing. However, some healthcare needs are not revolutionary but require that the healthcare system devises ways of meeting the unmet needs of such healthcare consumers. As you highlight your area of concern that requires Innovation, that is meeting the healthcare needs of people in rural areas, this is not something very new, but it is an unmet need. According to Caldwell et al. (2016), 20% of America’s population lives in rural areas, with only 9% of healthcare staff who provide services in those areas. Poverty is more prevalent in U.S. rural areas. Caldwell et al. (2016) argue that poverty is a health risk factor, and it often predisposes poor populations to chronic diseases. Besides, poverty decreases the proportion of insured individuals, which then leads to the unaffordability of healthcare. All these factors require that healthcare professionals devise ways of ensuring that the health of every citizen is enhanced.


Caldwell, J. T., Ford, C. L., Wallace, S. P., Wang, M. C., & Takahashi, L. M. (2016). The intersection of living in a rural versus urban area and race/ethnicity in explaining access to health care in the United States. American journal of public health106(8), 1463-1469




Justina Okeke 

Okeke_Justina_Initial Post



Kelley’s 10 faces of Innovation

The main point in Kelley’s ten faces of Innovation is that achieving a successful change requires the integration of multiple viewpoints and skills. An innovation team, in a real sense, does not need to have ten different individuals, but it needs a core team of diverse people with each person representing the faces of Innovation (Ranadive, 2018).

The most familiar in the context of Professional life (Director)

Throughout my professional life, I have encountered all Kelley’s ten faces of Innovation; however, for this week’s discussion, the most familiar in the context of professional experience is the Director. The Director understands the bigger picture, very talented at getting the stage, and bringing out the best in the team for the success of the Innovation. The director empowers and inspires the team (Ranadive, 2018).

The least familiar in the context of Professional life (Hurdler)

According to Ranadive (2018), in Kelley’s ten faces of the innovation book review, Hurdler’s do more with less and always takes a challenge head-on when finding a way to sidestep it. I have seen people with this quality in my professional career, people that always try to outsmart any roadblocks; however, still less familiar with it.

How Innovation is needed in healthcare

Healthcare industries have experienced considerable innovations in the past; however, there is still a need for more changes. Everyday healthcare organizations are facing many challenges in providing quality care, patient safety, reducing cost, improving, and in areas of access to healthcare. Under our present situation, just doing our best and working harder will not be enough; there is a severe need for innovations due to the aging population, technological advancement, changing disease trending, political reform, and policy initiators. According to Porter-O’Grady & Malloch (2014) “the fragmented services, ineffective processes, patient safety concerns, and consumers’ expectations have contributed to the need for a change in the healthcare organizations”.

Some examples of Areas needing a change

Studies have shown that the American healthcare system is the costliest in the world and still projects to grow (Knox, 2018). The healthcare industries in American have experienced huge innovations. However, there is still a need for more changes. Every day healthcare organizations are facing many challenges in providing quality care, safe patient care, reducing cost, and improving access to healthcare. According to Porter -O’ Grady & Malloch (2014) “the fragmented services, ineffective processes, patient safety concerns, and consumers’ expectations have contributed to the need for a change in healthcare.” Some of the areas needing changes to tackle healthcare challenges are lowering healthcare costs and access to healthcare. One of my patients supposed to be on Eliquis prescribed by her cardiologist, she could not afford the cost of the medication even with all the available resources still could not afford it and now on Warfarin, has to be doing PT/INR every week and with all the food restrictions that are associated with Warfarin use. Another area that needs change is the area of preparedness to treat rare and emergent diseases. Although it is not possible to predict the future, the COVID -19 outbreak has shown that there is still a need for change in the area of preparedness. According to the CDC (2020), planning is critical to prepare for a scenario in which many people may become ill and seek care at the same time is an essential part of preparedness.

How the chosen “face” would be used to facilitate this change

Changes can be very stressful and challenging. When planning a change, it is necessary to consider the culture of the organization and team backgrounds, knowing that each persona in Kelley’s ten faces of Innovation brings its strengths and weaknesses. However, Innovation can be successful when a leader can influence the change and be able to recognize the value of the change. As a director in Kelly’s ten faces of Innovation, inspiring and empowering the team will facilitate the transition. Also, using excellent judgment and evidence-based decision making will help in establishing the strategies, policies, and procedures that will facilities the change and achieving the goal successfully.



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-2019).

Knox, R. (2018). Why Are U.S. Health Costs The World’s Highest?


Porter-O’Grady, T., & Malloch, K. (2014). Quantum Leadership. Advancing Innovation, Transforming Health Care


Ranadive, A. (2018). Learning from “ Ten Faces of Innovation”. -innovation-4aaf253a9a62


Hi Justina, for Innovation to be achieved, an organization would require the input of all its stakeholders.  The ten faces of innovation highlight the required behaviors, skills, and attitudes to achieve Innovation in an organization (Bagheri & Akbari, 2018). Different individuals who work in an institution exhibit different faces of Innovation, therefore, it is critical that healthcare leaders and managers promote the autonomy of all healthcare workers to achieve new ways of meeting healthcare needs for patients. Many areas require Innovation in the health care system. However, it is important to note the expensive cost of healthcare in the United States. Although the cost of healthcare in the U.S. is high, access to healthcare services remains low. For instance, Papanicolas et al., (2018) cite that in 2015, there were only 7.9 practicing nurses and 2.6 practicing physicians per 1000 people in the United States compared to 9.9 practicing nurses and 3.2 practicing physicians in other developed countries including Switzerland and Canada.  Therefore, it is clear that the proportion of service providers to the general population is low, coupled with high prices of medications, which contribute to further disparities in health. Therefore, new ways of managing healthcare costs would be helpful to ensure optimal health for all citizens. Important to note is also the preparedness of our healthcare system to emergencies and pandemics. The Covid-19 pandemic has challenged the global health, and it shows that the healthcare system is not fully prepared to handle such outbreaks. Thus, it is also crucial that preparedness is given an upper hand in the healthcare.


Bagheri, A., & Akbari, M. (2018). The impact of entrepreneurial leadership on nurses’ innovation behavior. Journal of Nursing Scholarship50(1), 28-35.

Papanicolas, I., Woskie, L. R., & Jha, A. K. (2018). Health care spending in the United States and other high-income countries. Jama319(10), 1024-1039.








Babra Terry 

Terry_Babra_Initial Post



Kelley’s Ten Faces of Innovation

Innovation is an important ingredient in the quest to improve healthcare services. Innovation connotes different things in the healthcare system. It may mean a novel healthcare product, a new healthcare delivery process, a new treatment technique, and many other things that revolutionize the healthcare services offered to the people (Weintraub & McKee,

Least Familiar Face of Innovation

Tom Kelly of IDEO proposes ten faces that can be used to rouse up Innovation in an organization. Among the faces presented, after reading and analyzing Kelley’s ten faces of Innovation, I can comfortably say the I am most familiar with the hurdler’s face. The face involves providing solutions to problems whenever they occur. This face involves devising ways to bypass a hurdle (Kelley & Littman, 2005).

Least Familiar Face of Innovation

The least familiar role I found within the life of my professional life is the storyteller’s face. Within my experience, I am not very familiar with the storyteller’s face. Under this face, telling stories is used to give morale and stimulate Innovation (Kelley & Littman, 2005). Through telling stories, the imagination of a team is captured and their emotions aroused to achieve certain goals. Particular values can also be inculcated in a team using this means.

Innovation in Healthcare

With the fast rate of growth of health needs, it is important that Innovation stays at the frontier of change. Areas that can be improved using the hurdler’s face include the lowering of healthcare costs. The high cost of providing healthcare services is a big problem in the U.S. (Kelly & Young, 2017). Better ideas of how people can be given health insurance, for instance, at an affordable cost can be developed through Innovation. The other area in healthcare that can be improved through the problem-solving face is the shortage of the nursing workforce. Identifying this situation as a hurdle and trying to come up with innovative solutions is a pathway to solving it. Additionally, the problem of hospital closures in rural America can also be addressed using this face of overcoming hurdles (Ellison, 2019). Inter-professional collaboration, which is critical in enhancing the quality and safety of healthcare services, can also be improved through applying the hurdler face to find innovative ideas (Ries, 2016).

Collaboration in Healthcare Delivery

Team collaboration is essential for better outcomes. Collaboration in healthcare helps to improve patient outcomes (Bosch & Mansell, 2015). Inter-professional collaboration in the healthcare sector can be attained through innovative ways that can be developed using Tom Kelly’s faces. Using the hurdler’s face, for instance, allows a team to treat a lack of collaboration as a problem. This can then be followed by the development of ideas of how collaboration can be attained.



Bosch, B., & Mansell, H. (2015). Interprofessional collaboration in health care. Can Pharm J, 176-179.

Ellison, A. (2019). Rural hospital closures hit record high in 2019 — here’s why. Retrieved from Hospital CFO Report:

Kelley, T., & Littman, J. (2005). The Ten Faces of Innovation. Currency/Doubleday.

Kelly, C. J., & Young, A. J. (2017). Promoting Innovation in Healthcare. Future Healthcare Journal, 121-125.

Ries, N. M. (2016). Innovation in Healthcare, Innovation in Law: Does the Law Support Interprofessional Collaboration in Canadian Health Systems? Osgoode Hall Law Journal, 97-124.

Weintraub, P., & McKee, M. (2019). Leadership for Innovation in Healthcare: An Exploration. Int J Health Policy Manag., 138-144.


Hello Barbra, Innovation means new and better ways of solving problems. In healthcare, Innovation improves patient safety, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability, affordability, and quality of healthcare. Healthcare is continuously changing and is also adapting. According to Kimble & Massoud (2017), for a solution to be considered an innovation, it must be something new or significantly different from existing solutions. Kelly & Littman (2005) highlights the ten faces of Innovation. The ten faces of Innovation include behaviors and attitudes of innovative individuals. According to Bagheri & Akbari (2018), the ten faces of Innovation need to work collaboratively to achieve Innovation in any organization. Substantial areas require Innovation in healthcare. The areas include preparedness, as seen in the Covid-19 pandemic, cost of healthcare, and access to care for people living in rural areas. However, according to Mills (2016), the cost of healthcare is prohibitive in the United States, which makes citizens unable to access healthcare services in particular primary care services. Thus, it makes citizens more vulnerable to preventive diseases, which are often chronic. It is, therefore, crucial that new or better ways of reducing healthcare costs are invented to curb the challenge.


Bagheri, A., & Akbari, M. (2018). The impact of entrepreneurial leadership on nurses’ innovation behavior. Journal of Nursing Scholarship50(1), 28-35

Kelley, T., & Littman, J. (2005). The Ten Faces of Innovation. Currency/Doubleday

Kimble, L., & Massoud, M. R. (2017). What do we mean by Innovation in Healthcare. European Medical Journal1, 89-91.

Mills, M. D. (2016). Why is health care so expensive in the United States?.


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