Political skills
Political skills play a crucial role in building working relationships in the workplace. Good relationships in the workplace have a direct positive impact on performance. From the survey score, I am politically skilled. My political skills account for some percentage of my good performance in the workplace. Based on my political skills, I have built strong and lasting networks with important people in the organization. My good relationships with work associates have increased teamwork within the organization. My abilities to influence people to trust me have enabled me to be assigned important duties in the company. Although I am not a senior employee, I was selected to head an important project that the organization was rolling out. The project was concerned with identifying new process that could improve performance in my department.
I believe that I was delegated the duties because I was well-connected with the important people in the company who trusted me. I also had the back-up of my fellow employees which made it easy for me to deliver the best results.
Furthermore, the survey on followership resulted in a moderate proportion of “yes” which shows that I am not a fully effective follower. I am greatly committed beyond myself. I value honesty and respect company policies. I would not question my boss on matters that promote the company’s success. I most cases, I support the decisions of my boss. This is why I have never had a disagreement with my boss since I was employed. This supports my earlier statement that I was selected to head an important project despite my junior position. I follow my boss’s instructions and don’t divert from what they task me to do. The survey shows that I scored low in terms of self-development. To improve my competencies at the workplace, I have to improve my self-development initiatives and develop a plan for structured learning.