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Population health advocacy

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Population health advocacy

Population health advocacy involves creating or increasing awareness about a public policy on health, which would rather face opposition in its implementation. Achieving social change through public policies may pose a significant challenge to policymakers and enforcers. Health care policies like HIV prevention bill passed in New York State require strong advocacy to ensure they achieve the intended purposes. Health care leaders and professionals like nurses stand in the best position to influence the impact of such policies. As a healthcare advocate, the close interaction with patients and healthcare professions is crucial in policy communication.

HIV Prevention Bill

HIV prevention bill was signed into law by the New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo. The bill sought to make amendments to public health and education laws that are related to HIV prevention and care. The bill installs confidentiality concerning HIV test results, and the same can only be disclosed on occasions defined in the bill upon approval by the commissioner. The bill also introduces a new section in public health laws that allows minors, who can consent, to get HIV/AIDS testing, treatment, and prevention services form licensed healthcare providers. The section also grants the total confidentiality of the results.

The bill also makes it a requirement that no person can order for HIV tests without having acquired informed consent from the person on whom the test is to be carried out. Permission from individuals who are not in a position to consent shall be obtained from authorized persons. The bill also makes the consent valid only until it is revoked. The law makes it a requirement that every person between thirteen and sixty-four years, who present an indication of being at risk of contracting HIV while receiving medical attention either as outpatient or inpatient to be offered HIV test upon informed consent.

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New clauses were also added to the current subdivisions of the education law to include the screening of those at risk of transmission of STIs; syphilis, gonorrhea, and Chlamydia. The bill allows licensed physicians and nurses to prescribe and order pharmacists to dispense HIV prevention medications to those at risk. The bill also authorizes licensed pharmacists to dispense HIV preventive drugs.

Importance of the policy

The bill increases allow access to HIV diagnosis, treatment, and prevention services by minors without the need to acquire consent from parents. Through this, the bill enables children who test negative but with a high risk of HIV infection to receive HIV prevention drugs that would allow them to remain safe. The law also makes HIV testing a routine practice in healthcare facilities in New York State, enabling many to know their status. The same can also aid in policymaking. Many first time cases are likely to be discovered through the implementation of the bill. The bill demands every patient in healthcare facilities to consent to HIV testing, which will probably increase the discovery of new cases.

Moreover, the bill extends the age of HIV testing in healthcare facilities in New York to over 64 years. Through this, all New Yorkers have the same opportunity of knowing their HIV statuses. There are many cases HIV infections reported in New York State from people above sixty years, indicating the need to include the group in the health policies and bills. Routine HIV testing will increase the discovery of HIV cases among older people in New York, offering them access to HIV medication. With access to drugs, older people will have a chance to live a healthy life with less HIV related complications.

Currently, there are increasing cases of STDs in New York State. The bill allows STD screening by registered healthcare providers on all people who are deemed at high risk of STD transmission. STDs expose people to a high risk of HIV infection, and through the increased screening in the State, effective prevention measures can be advanced. The bill removes restrictions on access to HIV prevention drugs by allowing registered pharmacists to dispense the medication. Allowing access to these drugs can enhance HIV prevention efforts in the State and could significantly reduce new cases.

What I can do to strengthen the policy

To reinforce this policy, I can improve awareness among the different stakeholders through effective communication channels. These would include patients and healthcare professionals. Such awareness will aim to inform them about the provisions of the bill and under which conditions they are applicable. With the knowledge of the policy, the different stakeholders will be able to be part of the implementation. I can also strengthen the policy by increasing community participation. Most patients who are directly affected by the policy belong to the community. Educating them on the plan can be fundamental in ensuring the policy achieves the desired goals.

My role as a healthcare advocate

As an advocate for healthcare consumers and healthcare professionals, my part will be to enhance the successful implementation of the HIV prevention bill. The patients’ rights need to be upheld while implementing the law. These rights include the rights to consent and confidentiality. The law outlines that before any patient is subjected to HIV testing, there is a need for the healthcare professional to acquire informed consent. As an advocate, it will be my duty to ensure that the patients understand the protocol. I will foresee the processes of seeking permission to provide all patients consent to the HIV testing procedures. For patients who are not able to give consent, I will have to ensure that the authorized persons responsible for the permission understand the need for the consent and their rights to revoke the consent at their will, as outlined in the bill.

I will also champion for improved community health through conducting effective communication. There is a need for the communities to be informed on the bill and how it directly affects them. Minor with the ability to make an informed consent as well as the older people, is part of the community that needs to be informed on the bill. The bill introduces sections that affect these groups. The law allows people to access HIV prevention drugs from registered healthcare professionals. As an advocate for healthcare consumers, I will ensure that the consumers are aware of their rights as outlined by the bill.

Healthcare professionals need to understand the provisions of the bill and how they are applicable. As an advocate, I will contribute to the strengthening of the healthcare capacity by easing the adoption of the law in the healthcare facilities. I will hence ensure that registered nurses and physicians know about the provisions in the bill that allows them to prescribe and order a patient-specific or a non-patient specific order to pharmacists for dispensation of HIV prevention drugs. I will also ensure that pharmacists understand that they are allowed to dispense HIV prevention drug. Through this, the implementation of the bill will be more straightforward as all stakeholders will know what the law provides requires of them. As an advocate for both parties, I will ensure that no conflicts arise from the processes of implementing the bill.

How the HIV prevention bill impacts the public

The HIV prevention bill enables minors in the populations to have access to HIV prevention medication without the need to seek consent from their parents. Considering that most children are sexually active, they are at high risk of getting STDs and HIV infections. With the provisions of the bill, these minors will be able to access HIV prevention medication. STD screening services will also be increased in the State healthcare facilities. Through this, members of the public who are at risk of being infected with HIV can be identified, enabling the timely administration of HIV prevention medication.

HIV infections in New York State are expected to reduce through the implementation of the bill. With increased HIV diagnosis in the State, those who test negative but have a high risk of getting the infection will have easy access to HIV prevention medication. Older people in the State will also have equal access to HIV testing, treatment, and prevention services. Older people are usually excluded from HIV prevention campaigns. The inclusion of this group of population will positively impact their efforts in fighting HIV while improving the lives of those infected.

Stakeholders for collaboration

In the quest to ensure the successful implementation of the HIV prevention bill, I would collaborate with healthcare professionals, local state authorities, elected officials, and community members. The bill directly impacts healthcare professionals, and the community members and their collaboration will purpose to achieve the best interpretation and application. Healthcare professionals include nurses, physicians, and pharmacists who are directly involved in HIV testing and administration of preventive medication.

I would also collaborate with local media houses and elected officials to increase awareness of the bill. Through media, I will be able to reach out to many New Yorkers while the elected officials can aid in the elaboration of the law to the public. Through media, I can also engage members of the public to ensure they have the best understanding of the bill. I will also collaborate with the state department of health services to ensure that HIV prevention drugs are readily available in healthcare facilities.

Healthcare advocacy plays a vital role in ensuring improved community health through effective implementation of health policies. Implementation of the HIV prevention bill proposed by the New York State governor will result in a reduction of HIV cases in the State. For that to be achieved, several stakeholders will need to collaborate. These include healthcare professionals, local media houses, and the community. Effective collaboration will increase communication on the bill, boosting its implementation.

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