possession and marijuana trafficking
There are many problems that amy arise as a result of the possession or due to marijuana trafficking. In this article iw will give all the problems that arise due to marijuana trafficking and the marijuana trafficking charges. Marijuana is not legal but there are some instances that call that a person is approved by the law to use marijuana as a medical aid. Marijunna has been legalized by almost all countries for medicinal purposes. However it is illegal to use marijuana for recreational purposes. Anyne caught in possession of marijuana is charged with a criminal offense. To determine how heavy your penalty is it is depenadnt on the amount of weed you are in possession of.
Among the people who have serious criminal penalties are the people who are charged for marijuana trafficking charges. Laws of the land normally prohit trafficking controlled substances. If you are caught with the issue of marijuana trafficking charges then you will b facing a minimum of five years in jail and with an additional fine. In every instance a person is caught in marijuana trafficking charges there are always the option to defend yourseld first before you are proven guilty. For instance a person who has been caught with marijuana possession will always be given the chance to appear before the court.
The frist thing you need to consider doing after you have the marijuana trafficking charges is to do a thorough research with the regard to what the law says on the specific situation. You should assess the evidence the law enforcement has with regard to marijuana trafficking charges. Through this assess you will be I a position to determine whether your case on marijuana trafficking charges is strong or not. Owing to the fact the law caught you with marijuana trafficking charges you should not let the laws weigh you down.
There is always a chance you could try and work things out despite the fact that you have the marijuana trafficking charges. If the case about the marijuana trafficking charges seems so strong then you need to take into consideration negotiating with a prosecutor. You can always fight the charges if there are no much evidence on your marijuana trafficking charges. There are enaltie that are paid if you are caught with marijuana trafficking charges t that particular time depending on the amount you have. If you are caught with less of a pound of marijuana then marijuana trafficking charges will be upto six months imprisonement and a fine.