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Post-Independence Challenges in Angola and Rwanda

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Post-Independence Challenges in Angola and Rwanda

            After independence many African leaders did not know how to run the governments. Most of the countries have experienced ethnic and religion clashes and they have spent most of the initial independence years fighting rather than developing their nation. This paper will discuss the post colonial challenges experienced in Rwanda and Angola and the solutions that their leaders are giving to the problem facing the counties.

Since independence, Angola has had a history of violence and conflict since they have not been able to make their government work and make a democratic transition. Angola has always served the interest of the few minority groups, leaving the majority population out. Therefore, there are high levels of poverty, child and maternal deaths, and illiteracy levels. The attempts to create a stable and democratic government has been underway, but there are a few stabling blocks to achieve this. The people have gone to election and turned out in great numbers and although the international agency and other observers claim the elections were free and fair, the opposition always has a contrary opinion. The government was formed although and the executive has made legislation to include more people in the government since currently power lies in the hands of few elite persons. Angola has had the highest maternal and child deaths in the world. There are 154 infant deaths per 1000 births and 254 deaths for children under the age of five years per 1000 children. The government of Angola through the help of United Nations Children’s Fund, they have provided essential tools and services to maternal and children under the age of five to help reduce the mortality rate and improve their health condition. Angola is ranked as 149 out of 186 poverty scale, with most of the poverty experienced in the rural areas. The Angolan government in conjunction with the United Nations Development Program has encouraged redistribution of wealth by creating employment for the young and rural people and taking development to the rural areas.

After independence, Rwanda engaged in a war that lasted from1990 to 1994. The war was between communities, Hutu and Tutsi, where the Tutsi occupied most of the leadership position while the Hutu were the le-population.  The war led to the famous genocide, and after which the two communities decided to form a government that included everybody. The Rwanda government has implemented successful government policies that have promoted economic growth for the country and its citizens. the government have implemented a progressive vision that has led to economic progress and improved living conditions for its citizens. Rwanda has health problems such as only fifty percent of the Rwandan population has access to safe and clean water. The major health problems in Rwanda include; kwashiorkor, malaria, tuberculosis, hepatitis, and dysentery. The Rwandan government has address problems such as malnutrition, HIV and malaria burden, and reducing maternal and child mortality. To address the issues the Rwandan government has created a health insurance program that is near universal with the tax funds, personal contributions from the salaries of the insurance policy holders, and foreign aids.

Most of the problems that the African nations face today were as a result of initial poor governance that was driven by selfish gains by the people who possessed power. Therefore, to solve the problems they have to change the system of government, include everybody, and take development and employment even in remote and marginalized areas.

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