Power Elite
Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs please as numbered. 1) What are the power elites (in mill′s writing)? Do you agree or disagree with Mills that this group operates outside of elections? 2) How do you think our current immigration system serves to reinforce the power elite and why? Alternatively, do you think the two are unrelated or that immigration may serve to undermine the power elite? Argue your point. (personally I believe they are reinforced by the power elite so would like for you to argue this point please) 3) Find a recent *newspaper article related to immigration. In your third paragraph describe the contents of the article and tell me how it reinforces your position from paragraph 2. *A note on newspaper articles. [unique_solution]Please stick to established papers like The New York Times, The Economist, The Washington Post, BBC, The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, etc. 4) Just one sentence: a critical question you have about power elites and immigration that you think will start a group discussion. I have to hand in the paper through turnitin so no plagiarism please!!! Please ask for any clarifications if you are unsure about what the question is asking. It is worth a lot of my grade!! Thank you.