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Principles of Liberal Democracy

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Principles of Liberal Democracy


Remember that there is much more to liberal democracy than freedom of speech and freedom of religion. In addition to listing some fundamental freedoms, your worksheet should include at least eight different characteristics over and above fundamental freedoms. One example is done for you.


Characteristic or Basic Principle of Liberal DemocracyBrief Description (in your own words)A Real or Theoretical Example of This Characteristic or PrincipleAn Opposite or Non-Example of This Characteristic of Liberal DemocracySource of Information
rule of lawRule of law means that all people in a society are subject to the same laws, regardless of their wealth, position in society, and so on.If a prime minister is found to be driving impaired, he or she would be charged and put on trial like any other person.A royal prince murders another person but is not charged because his father is the king.http://www.
political participationPolitical Participation means that citizens have a say in government affairs. This can be through voting, rallies, petitions, jury duty, etc… For a liberal they would do all of these things while keeping the needs of the individual is mind!
economic freedom
individual rights and freedoms
private property
rule of law



As a summarizing activity, in your own words, write a definition for the term liberal democracy





























Principles of Liberal Democracy

8 marks

Depth and Completeness of Research4

My chart represents a comprehensive and thorough survey of the fundamental principles of liberal democracy. I have listed more than four basic principles over and above simple basic rights and freedoms. My list is clearly the product of extensive and careful research.


My chart represents a competent survey of the fundamental principles of liberal democracy.

I have listed at least four basic principles over and above simple basic rights and freedoms.

My list is clearly the product of solid and appropriate research.


My chart represents a cursory survey of the fundamental principles of liberal democracy.

I have listed at least three basic principles over and above simple basic rights and freedoms. My list is clearly the product of some research.


My chart represents a perfunctory and simplistic survey of the fundamental principles of liberal democracy. I have listed fewer than three basic principles, or have four or more items, but the items provided are little more than a list of basic rights and freedoms. If I did any research, it appears to have been on a limited scale.


The response is so scant, or of such poor quality, that assessment is not possible.

Understanding of Concepts4

Precise definitions and carefully chosen, detailed examples reveal my sophisticated understanding of the concepts and principles listed.


Generally accurate definitions and adequate examples reveal my sound understanding of the concepts and principles listed.


Occasionally flawed definitions and inappropriate examples reveal my partial understanding of the concepts and principles listed.


Definitions and examples, if they exist, are incorrect or inappropriate and reveal my minimal or simplistic understanding of the concepts and principles listed.


The response is so scant, or of such poor quality, that assessment is not possible.



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