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process related to the concept of enterprise risk management techniques

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process related to the concept of enterprise risk management techniques


The study assignment discusses the process related to the concept of enterprise risk management techniques. The chosen organization is Vodafone that is a UK based telecomm operator here in the study, the basic organizational aims has been discussed based on different relative risk stature. On the other hand there are separate identified opportunities and threats that will also be addressed in this total report. There are certain existing controls that will be created to identify the risk process along with the risk calculators. Moreover what kind of impact does all these risks statures have in the overall operation of Vodafone will also be addressed throughout the report with a suitable conclusion at the end.


Aim of the organization

Being a communication technology organization, the company is responsible, for connecting over 625 million people. Hence the organizations of all sizes along with the overall digital society. Hence for certain optimistic purpose about certain new technology and connectivity can enhance the overall future and improve people’s lives. Hence throughout the business, the process, the process embraces everyone and does not come to this cost of the planet. Hence the process have effectively committed to improve one billion lives and expecting to halve the environmental impact by 2025, by taking concrete action in basically three areas namely digital society, inclusion for artificial intelligence and planet (Rodrigues 2019)

Hence them company effectively believes to be connected in a digital way; hence the data flows at different speed, people connectivity and understanding certain communities and things to understand the process like never before. Thus the overall networks have been effective in the growing range of business in the needs of future generations. Moreover the concept of internet of things the process can try to develop new products and services as a whole. Moreover the internet of things can be effectively helping to create a safer and essential and its services based on its transporting. Moreover in order to reduce productivity like healthcare and education. Hence all these services enable an incredible innovation and its overall technologies to be developed in order to make the live easier, healthier, smarter and more fulfilling.

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Hence the company effectively believes in opportunities and tries to focus on a better digital future should be accessible in the most vulnerable and are not left behind on the journey towards that future. Hence through different technology, the process can work to bridge the devices and exist and help to contribute the equally and future to society.



Risk threshold

In general the concept of risk threshold has been defined as a project management tool that is unlikely to measure the degree of uncertainty and the overall impact level to be understood in this regard. Hence from the viewpoint of stakeholder or organization may have interest to the process as a whole. Thus as per the name suggests, this process adds back a certain sort of value for the overall company stakeholder and it is expected that the organization will try to mitigate those risks in this regard (Agrawal 2019).

Moreover this risk taking capacity is considered to be highly effective towards understanding the capacity of risk taking for the organization in a certain point of capacity.  For example it can be said that if Vodafone is able to take a risk capacity of a 100 million dollar, hence the risk threshold cannot be exceeded more than this amount.

Challenges and threats of Vodafone

The major threats of Vodafone Company is as follows-


The major threat or challenge of the company is based on the prospect of competition in the current UK market as well as the process faces competition on everywhere it goes. Hence in The UK market there are various competitors like Verizon wireless and AT&T. moreover CHINA has also got over this overall market in which there are extensive amount of competition currently faced by the company y as a whole. Therefore due to this extensive competition, the process is affecting to the operation of the company properly and in case of Vodafone, basically the company is trying to define certain changes in the overall operation of the company. Moreover the company is trying to differentiate the changes taking place in this regard (Lott. and Sinha 2019).

Low margins

The based on certain decision making technique, it can be said that the overall decision making process had surely worked out for the company in this regard. Since there is fierce competition, the whole market scenario is looking to operate in a competitive pricing strategy or mechanism. Hence competition is always good for the market since it helps the consumers to get into a good number of choices in this case (Lakshm et al.2019). Hence as a result it can be said that all these business factors margins can be earned against the revenues generated by the company in this regard. Therefore all the major telecom bands are been majorly trying to get into this aspect as a whole. However this kind of tough competition can be held as tough for the organization as a whole. This can also drive towards certain change in operation for Vodafone in this regard and they can surely enhance their operations in future (Cardoso et al.2019).





The overall market of Vodafone Company across the market has become highly saturated. this has been created by the noise of all the telecom organizations that an try to incline some of the positive results based on the overall business operations in this regard. Hence this process ultimately results towards the aspect of revenue generation the process of customer acquisition as a whole. On the other hand there is a also a concept of resultant activities in the overall waste management for which the generated revenue can be implied based on certain operative results as a whole. Hence the concept of saturation tries to imply more and more positive results based on its customer acquisition and getting lesser customers for the same amount of perspectives as a whole (Kumar 2019).

Risk register template
















Risk numberRisk description Existing controlsLikelihood (1-5)Impact
Risk rating


Mitigation actions
1Telecommunication interruption


The company is expected to be highly dependent upon the continuous operation of its telecommunication networks. As the importance of mobile and fixed communication in every bodies life has been effectively increasing in times and  as well as during crisis periods as well . Hence it is important to understand and maintain then overall business services as a whole. Moreover significant failures in the network of its information technology system may result in service experiences and these aspects might also try to cause certain serious damage to the reputation of the company and more often it can also result in severe customer loss and revenue loss as well.

Therefore all these risk factors can try to effectively attract the investors as well as its infrastructures by a spiteful individual or group works. Hence it can impact on the availability of its critical system factors as well.  therefore the network of Vodafone company is susceptible top interruption due to certain aspect of physical attack as well as these network components can increase the business volatility as well in this regard.

Breaking down the big picture


While breaking down the big pictures of risks management in Vodafone, the process is typically based on certain high level of analysis. These are some of the most important risk as well as certain obvious things that has been effectively occurred for the company. all these major activities have played a crucial role in business level strategy and maintaining the  day to day activities.

The risks are typically multi faced and there are certain categories like competitive, financial, safety, operational, organizational as well as reputational. Hence it is important tom break down the concept of individual weakness over each and every department. Here all these major factors are also effective towards implementing the major business aspects of the organizations. for example in Vodafone it is important to check whether all the employees are properly working in that area and what would happen if the company losses its biggest customer base and how to overcome all these problems. Hence when such a serious incident occurs, it is also important to know the ways to handle the aspects. Hence if all these issues can properly answer, then it can be said that all these risks are effectively mitigated in this regard.

2510Specific backup and resilience requirements are basically built into the process of our networks. Hence it can be said that the overall business monitor can built into the overall business networks. Hence it can be said that the strategic requirements are quickly make certain risk components. Therefore the company can maintain the events of failure and for its certain risk maintenance. moreover it can be said that the maintenance of dedicated back up equipment required to be dedicated for use. Hence it can be said that the dedicated network can try to imply certain equipment has been installed on the trucks ready to be moved based on the site if required

(Kwadade-Cudjoe et al.2019). Hence the overall critical infrastructure has been enhanced tom prevent the unauthorized access and reduce the likelihood and impact of the successful attack. Hence the aspect of network consistency plans are linked with the process of business continuity and certain other disaster recovery plans in which the overall business continuity can also be mitigated in this regard. a crisis management term and escalation processes has been towards meeting the processes are in place both nationally and internationally as well as crisis simulations are conducted annually. Moreover from the risk management can try to imply the risk infrastructure by using security operations centre. Hence it can be said that all the risk factors of Vodafone can be effectively monitored in this case.

2Loss of consumer confidence

Mobile network can store a large volume of confidential and personal databases based on the business voice and traffic data. the company can also host its increased number of quantities and different types of customer database in case of both the enterprise and consumer segments as a whole. Then company furthermore needs to ensure that the service environments within which the company is trying to operate on have sufficient data on the ser5vice environments and its customer segments. all these aspects can try to largely protect o the  basis of its customer protection as well as loss of customer information’s. Hence this process is expected to be having a severe effect over the company reputation and these may lead to take legal actions based on the group as well.

Being pessimistic


Pessimism is considered to be one the worst things what could have been happening to the organization. Hence the aspect of risk can be implied in the case of when everything is getting worse

(Hubbard 2020). thus when the concept of pessimism is considered to be effective for the organization in understanding the business as a whole. Thus this process can be effective towards implementing the risk statures. Moreover all these risk process will be effective towards identifying the risk process. at this process it is also important to avoid the process of over confidence and thinking about what cannot be challenging towards its potential, risk that can be prepared towards playing towards its occurrence

32=6The overall hardware and software applications which had hold for the transit process based on the confidential and personal and business voices as well as data traffic includes the overall security features. the overall security related reviews are conducted according to the policies and procedures have been effective towards the policies and programmers have been based on the overall policies standards. hence the security government as well as its compliance  management is monitored through the software tools. Hence these aspects have been deployed to all the local markets and market selection in this regard. Moreover the data centers are managed based on its international information security standards has been implied. moreover the third party database has been reviewed and these have been conducted jointly with the overall techniques security and its overall corporate security functions in this regard

(Kadam 2020).

3Increased  competition

The company often faces increased amount of competition from different operators across the UK and worldwide. Here all the operators are extensively looking to secure a potential share of its total customer service base. Hence the aspect of competition can lead to a reduction in the rate at which the new customers and its decreased market share size can effectively try to decline the overall average revenue per customer

( Cosimin et al.2019). Moreover a decrease in the size of its customer base will result in generating average revenue for the customers as a whole. if the customers are looking to receive certain service over telecommunication ore other sort of competing services from certain alternative service providers, hence the competition can lead to an overall increase towards the aspect of its customer satisfaction as well as acquisition and retention cost of the products. The basic focus of the competition will be on the old markets that have been effectively shifted from acquisition of new customers by retaining all the existing customers. Therefore for the aspect of mobile telecommunication, the process has become increasingly effective as well as matured at the same time.

Consulting an expert


There are certain relationships that has been defined with certain multiple people that could help in identifying the major risk related factors such as the accountants, brokers and its financial advisors of Vodafone has been effective towards the process. furthermore it can be said that for Vodafone there are certain process that can be helpful to provide certain insight on the trends and these trends can also look to experience  the same type of losses in multiple times. Hence this process suggests a risk that can be improperly managed in this regard. for example the brokers of this company can also be  helpful in covering an expertise to protect the risks  that can occur. hence all these process can be  helpful also in recommending the insurance changes  based on the assignment service. hence these service process can be effective for probably able to recommend a good consulting process to win in this regard.

On the other hand the accounting process as well as its financial advisor will have certain insights on the type of payments that are repeatedly working in this regard. Hence for this purpose these techniques can also advise and identify the financial risk process throughout the organization.

41=4On the other hand it can be said that the process can be continued to promote the differentiation propositions by focusing on the clients as well as the strength and its supporting networks quality, capacity and coverage, the quality of the customer service and the value of the products as well as its major services. hence all these processes have been implied based on the overall customer closures in order to enhance the targeted promotions where these are appropriated to attract and retaining the specific customer process

(Flux,2019). Hence every close process can try to monitor the overall product offerings and to understand the future intensions to meet the overall intensions based on the process as a whole.

4Regularity change in decision makings

Vodafone company also operates ventures in both new and existing markets of UK that largely spans  over certain geographical boundaries including Europe, America, Africa, Asia and others. Furthermore the company looks to comply over certain extensive range of service as well as requirements that effectively tries to regulate over the networks and service centers as a whole. Hence these licensing, construction and operation towards the telecommunication network can try to help in overcoming the changed requirements and its services as a whole. These regularity instructions can be effective in delivering the benefits to its customers as well as try to protect overall customer benefits particularly in certain period of interest. in the recessionary periods, the process can also lead to severe adverse impacts over its core benefits and risk. apart from this aspect financial pressure over smaller counterparts can drive the changes towards call for regulations as well as its government pressures in this regard. all the aspects  can also target its foreign investors for licensing or target fees.

Conduction of certain international research  technique

Hence from these research prospective the own management process can claim or loss or the employees that tries to work closely with the organization. hence there are certain internal research process can try to effectively perform the risk management stature across the organization. hence this process can perform based on its simple observation, the process may be effective towards recognize the major areas where the things are not being done so correctly. Hence there are certain abnormal ways in which the costing techniques within one such department may also try to suggest an unmitigated risk process as a whole.

Therefore base on certain trend analysis and database management system it can be said that the process is nearly missed from the key indicators of problems areas in which the process can be effectively addressed based on its risk management techniques as a whole.

13=3The overall political environment has been effective towards the aspects based on its existing and potential markets today. hence from the identified risks in the current and proposed commercial propositions. Hence from the regular reports have been made effective towards implementing the risks aspects

(Parada 2019). Therefore from the risk stature have been effective towards understanding the product strategies. Hence this process has also been appropriate based on the product strategies

(Rampini et al.2019). Hence automotive and intervention has been made based on the legislations. Hence it can be said that fiscal and regulation proposals have been intensified based on representative network process. Hence these industries aspects can understand the political pressures as a whole.

5Disadvantages towards existing service offerings

Vodafone company faces an extensive amount of competition in the large market. Basically the get these competitions from the overall market providers who have the ability to sell combinations of fixe line system, broadband, WI-FI, television and more aspects. Hence all these aspects are being operated based on the infrastructure that can replicate or provide a smaller focal point. Hence this process can try to reduce the demand for the core and extensive services as a whole. These can largely generate certain future profitability for sure.

Apart from this the core advantage in Smartphone technology places more focus over the applications in its operating systems and its devices rather than its underlying services provided to its mobile operators. Hence the overall development to its applications which makes most of its use from the internet that can be considered as a substitute from its global core operations in traditional ways of servicing such as messaging or voice technology, can also erode specific value for revenue. These services can be led towards its whole application control process, operating service providers, and its development services. Hence for operating systems providers and its handset suppliers can significantly provide an impact on the future profitable

(DuHadway et al.2019).

External research technique


It is seen that every management system can try to imply unique trends and everyday occurrences. Hence unless if the organization is based on the branded identity of the process of Vodafone

(Wel 2019). Accordingly, specific new techniques have been based on certain identifying the risks from those when it has gone in this case.

Therefore from the professional organization, the process may provide specific expertise based on the overall business expertise in which the risk factors are typically found in the insight as well as its risk procedures. Hence from the active business competitors or even specific effecti9ve legal proceedings have been widely implemented based on the overall risk stature of the organization.


54=20Moreover, in specific markets, the process has already been provided based on fixed-line telecommunication services. Hence in the overall existing markets, we actively look for the significant opportunities to offer service effectiveness beyond the mobile through its acquisition, partnerships, and its joint ventures as a whole. Hence every identified strategy has been highly active towards the data tariffs as well as it can help to implement the process of substitutions as a whole. Therefore from the nationally and internationally crisis simulations have been connected based on the annual way. Hence from different analysis or its risk factors based on the overall operations can try to provide the monitoring process in this regard as a whole for many countries.



Hence from this report analysis, it can be said that the Vodafone Company, being one of the largest telecommunication service providers of the UK, has come under certain significant aspects related to its overall operational perspectives. There is a certain significant number of risks like the throw of competitions, after-sale service, or different other elements that have also been highlighted here. There are specific typical challenges and threats that the company had come across in this regard. All these aspects can be useful in meeting the major business areas and try to teach the overall risk management of the organization.

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