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Proposed project: the use and Effectiveness of Equine-Assisted Therapy:youth

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Proposed project: the use and Effectiveness of Equine-Assisted Therapy:youth

Statement of Purpose:

This research proposal aims to explore the effectiveness of EAT in human beings. It is hypothesized that the use of qualitative research design investigates the apparent effect and individual experiences of members taking an interest in the equine-assisted learning program. Various literature reviews will be examined to evaluate the fundamental purpose of proposal to and come up with a final result that will demonstrate the improvement of self-adequacy and commonsense aptitudes of the therapy

Introduction/Review of Existing Literature

            There are numerous types of equine-assisted treatments done by various experts with unpredictable capabilities. However, researchers have not yet established the primary function of occupational therapy. The department of occupational-related therapy needed to investigate the impact of an organized group based-equine equine treatment program among kids who might be encountering occupational dysfunctions. The connection set up by people with horses does not necessarily mean it is the only aspect of EAT that separates it from the other types of AAT and psychotherapy (Anestis et al. 2014). There is a connection between these two because when you look at the horse, it is classified as a special domestic that is more close to human beings. A horse is an animal that is a strong domestic animal with unique abilities that allows it to survive hard weather conditions.

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Horses rely on human security, and sometimes horses feel safe when they grace with other domestic animals. The practice of using horses for therapy is traced in the second century, and it was established in the nineteenth century. With enthusiasm for the mental impacts of creatures in treatment also, the utilization of horses in treatment growing, the equine-assisted mental health association was started in the year 1997 in the United States. Since the association’s establishment, there has been an expanding enthusiasm for the advancement of EAT, be that as it may, there is a notable difference in the examination and its help of the elective type of treatment. Most young people are experiencing mental problems as a result of various variables. At the point when left unaddressed, the weighty concerning practices can prompt an anticipated future with no exactly ideal results.

Contributing elements that can impact danger practices incorporate, however, are not related to untreated learning difficulties, economic hardship, and psychological, sexual abuse. Previous researches have revealed that the United States is working tirelessly to address issues pertaining to mental health among adults and the high young children population. The general problem that provoked this investigation was the need to put additional effort into the sustenance of the cost-intensive care programs for equine-assisted therapy. When a patient interacts with a nurse concerning any kind of disease, it allows the nurse to understand some of the problems that the patient is undergoing. This is one way that enables the nurse to be able to prescribe necessary medical care for the patient that the nurse thinks will be helpful to the patient.


Review of existing literature

Most of the empirically well-initiated treatments do not work effectively for most of the disorders in all patients. The use of animals as adjuncts to therapy treatments may act as a viable cure alternative. Even though the approach of EAT is in its earliest stages and exact help for this methodology is constrained, there are some remarkable examinations inside the literature that help the therapeutic value of using horses into the treatment situation. In a relative study, the competence of a group classroom -base and EA counseling with young children who are at risk of academic failure were examined (Carlsson, 2017). The results screen after ten weeks revealed that students’ equipped-assisted counseling group demonstrated a considerable improvement in 13bahavior fields as measured by the BASC (behavioral assessment system for children). Students in classroom-based counseling illustrated a significant improvement only in five areas.

According to Carlsson, Ranta & Traeen (2015), the mechanism of utilizing an animal like a horse as a focal piece of mediation is called AAT, which stands for animal-assisted-therapy. There are numerous types of animal-assisted therapies with different species (Johansen, Arfwedson & Binder, 2016). The use of a horse is known to be one of the most popular therapies. However, the essential impact of horses is noted from the early treatment programs of Greeks (Kemp et al. 2014). Various types of equine-based treatment require several preparations and have unique treatment goals. Probably the most mainstream kinds of EAT in an Irish setting are equine-assisted therapy, psychotherapy, and therapeutic riding.

The approach of therapeutic riding is one type of equine treatment that includes the utilization of mounted riding exercises to assist individuals with accomplishing therapeutic results (Notgrass & Pettinelli, 2015). As per these sources, treatment objectives are set by the certified restorative riding mentor. Duffy (2018) point out that a therapeutic riding mentor can know about equestrian training in associated safety occupations or broad equine experience. A 2018 study by Smith explored why the utilization of therapeutic riding was overwhelmed by physical advisors instead of word related specialists. The authors of this particular article found that word related specialists felt that they needed information and time to seek after this treatment methodology. According to Malinowski 2018 audit of the literature, the authors found therapeutic horse riding can inspire individuals with handicaps to arrive at their maximum mental capacity and boost their sensory processing objectives.

Equine-assisted learning is classified as another type of equine treatment that is conducted through the guidance of trained professionals. The therapy utilizes non-mounted horse related exercises to give casual training that fabricates transferable aptitudes. Burgon (2011) supports that social abilities and confidence can be adequately focused on equine-assisted learning. Emotionally focused therapy (EFP) is a ground-based therapy that pays attention to solve human mental problems and development encouraged by a prepared psychotherapist. The fundamental purpose of this proposal is to examine the influence of the EAT program encouraged therapists on kids’ technical execution.

Study with developing children

            Burgon (2011) explained the role played by equine-assisted activities on social support in growing children. The author conducted a five-month study with 25 adolescents aged 3-16 years. All the children turned for response and completed the social support subscale and the general account of the self effectiveness scale. The intercession group is required to detail a significant increment in the level of perceived communal help contrasted with the control group. The researcher’s set this expansion due to a complete understanding of mediation with a quiet and cordial condition of supportive adults and companions as association with the horse. This gave the components of social care to the youths. As opposed to the authors’ forecasts, the mediation is not expected to control universal self-efficacy or confidence. Strikingly, despite the fact that the author suggested that determination is identified with social support, they will demonstrate that this finding will be in accordance with the results from past investigations. Just like the outcome will examine the effects without a benchmark group, the independent factors, however, will remain transparent to give a positive effect that equine-assisted therapy is essential to both children and adults.

Modern animal-assisted therapy

            According to Smith (2018), there are newly established medical terms that are used to refer to the human-animal bond. There is an understanding that there is a need inside the field for reliable inclusive definitions to advance the precision and give legitimacy in medical terminologies. While terms utilized in the current literature and practice remain massively shifted and are regularly utilized conversely, the ongoing development to use terms in a more comprise way is confident. For this research proposal, the EAT approach described by medical specialists will be utilized.

The study will pay attention to discuss Equine Assisted Therapy, which defines the integration of horses into human activities to improve human motivation and for recreation. There are no goals or evaluation required for animal therapeutic because the practice is declared as therapeutic in nature (Notgrass & Pettinelli, 2015). The Delta Society defined EAT in 1997 by the Delta Society hose purpose as to help with psychological wellness, discourse, non-intrusive treatment objectives, and to improve human social prosperity. In this approach of therapy, the decisive factor to be viewed as treatment as opposed to action is the nature of the horse that is considered to be an essential part of treatment.

EAT Benefits

The role of equine of horse therapy is to help a patient in developing attributes and skills like accountability confidence and problem solving skills. Te therapy helps in emotion development as horses in involved in therapy are trained to detect human emotional states and respond appropriately according to the human behavior. Riding a horse also helps patients to cooperate and engage more socially with friends and relatives in our lives. Moreover, patients with extreme myocardial areas of localized necrosis that had standard communications with animals had improved one-year death rates when contrasted with their companions who cooperated uniquely with individuals.

Notgrass & Pettinelli (2015) discovered that the presentation of an EAT segment in care has expanded inspiration for patients finishing non-intrusive treatment. The Equine Assisted Therapy programs are proved to be cost effective and safe in the medical profession field. There is a witnessed reduction in the anxiety level among psychiatric patients as a result of human-animal interaction. Another bit of benefit that individuals gain from horses in the helpful relationship is from the physical touch and feel of the animal. Notgrass & Pettinelli, (2015) saw that horses bring a feeling that all is well with the world and warmth into nature. Keeping contact with a horse can be gainful in light of the fact that the inclination can divert a patient’s consideration and the creature may give sentiments of acknowledgment, comfort and an increasingly loosened up state. In customary treatment, injury casualties might be activated by words or expressions into separation states. The use of horses to heal human disorders presents a positive approach in the medical sector.



EAT limitations

A considerable number of individuals associate financial constraints as a significant limitation of horse therapies. The expenses of acquiring an equine therapist is generally high which also acts of functioning as an equine specialist as a restrictive factor. There are various multifaceted expenses which are associated with the keeping of horses which involves feeding, health treatment for horses and the expensive environment that a horse should be kept. Different issues around subsidizing are ascribed to the absence of protection inclusion for private equine treatment work. Moreover, people ascribe the present economy and the significant expense of training as an extra budgetary weight.

Pieces of literature in many studies only pay attention to highlight the benefits of EAT therapy without clearly addressing the negative considerations of including animals in therapy practices. Few authors have highlighted the contradictions related to the use of horses in healing. An investigation by Duffy explicitly takes note that individuals with a background marked by hostility toward animals may not be appropriate for EAT. Unique precautionary measures to guarantee the wellbeing of all members, including the animal used for the practice, must be embraced with the end goal for equine-assisted therapy to be both compelling and moral. Duffy (2018) likewise takes note that a few customers will have hypersensitivities that limit the sorts of creatures that they can work with. Although this approach creates constraint, it does not, however, make AAT impractical with so many individuals.

Social support by animals

The significance of social help to human health has been viewed as one of the top issues from the beginning of time. Kemp et al. 2014 argues that the lack of social support from family and friends together with depression is viewed as excruciating and disagreeable conjectures since the olden days.  Social orders have utilized the mobilization of social activities as techniques for discipline. This, indeed, shows dejection is really the fundamental discipline strategy. Several studies have supported that there is a significant role that social support plays in the reduction of stress that is brought by chronic life.  With the contention underrating the impacts of horse therapy, numerous specialists presently acknowledge the judgment that the principle benefits emerge from the mending limits of prolonged effects of supporting social practices. Hypothetically, this vital impact of social help ought to be applied to any real social affiliation. It is witnessed that positive practices are shown in human being and horse relationship according to which both of them love and respect each other (Frederick, Hatz & Lanning, 2015). Even with the expanding proof for the recent anthro zoological study, the possibility that animal orderlies socially benefit the well being of humans did not receive a considerable credit because many people have not realized the influence equine-assisted therapy.

Treatment model

            The present examination will inspect the effectiveness of equine-assisted experiential treatment. This treatment joins experiential therapy with detailed equine exercises to offer customers the chance to work through uncompleted business, ease mental misery, live entirely in the present, and change damaging examples of conduct. In EAT, horses fill in as impetuses and similitude to permit clinical issues to surface. This form of experiential treatment, without the consideration of the equine segment, is clarified in detail in past works, and members have revealed significant decreases in mental indications and improvements in mental prosperity in the wake of experiencing treatment. The center experiential treatment methodology in EAET depends on the hypothesis and strategies of psychodrama.

At times we can see our difficulties in another manner whenever we have a chance to think about an animal. Equine treatment is a sort of therapy that utilizes equine exercises to treat physical, enthusiastic, and conduct issues (Lee, Dakin & McLure, 2016). Horses are social creatures. They can reflect the sentiments of the individuals working with them, and they are responsive. They are additionally enormous and threatening animals, which means individuals working with them, must figure out how to confide in them. This makes steeds perfect for essential medicines, including animals.

Equine treatment is focused on illustrations. These allegories genuinely reflect a wide range of levels and are utilized to raise an individual’s consciousness of issues they convey. Equine treatment is a successful methodology to learn abilities, for example, collaboration, correspondence, and critical thinking. As individual problems emerge inside the equine setting, customers have genuine chances to work through such issues.  It gives a unique environment to confront fear and increment of certainty and confidence.

Studies conducted over the last three decades have proven that a relationship can be created between human beings and horses. Recent theories have emerged to clarify that people can develop their social capability and from having a horse in their lives. Until now, not many pieces of research have potentially explored this theory. The estimated social and passionate advantages of cooperating with horses are believed to inspire Equine-Assisted Therapy. EAT are programs that use horses in objective coordinated treatment. EAT programs have been demonstrated to be particularly powerful for socially and genuinely disadvantaged children and adults.

Study objectives

  • To identify the relationship between EAT and other forms of therapies like AAA
  • To determine the effectiveness of animal involvement in human therapy and how the two relate to each other
  • To evaluate the necessary measures that can be initiated to promote AAT towards human health development.

Study questions

  • What is the effectiveness of equine assisted therapy?
  • Why is EAT important to both adults and children?

Study procedure:

The following databases will be used for this research proposal

  • Google Scholar
  • PhycINFO
  • PunMed/Medline

Key Abbreviations used in the paper

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Therapy
  • psychotherapy



Anestis, M. D., Anestis, J. C., Zawilinski, L. L., Hopkins, T. A., & Lilienfeld, S. O. (2014). Equine‐related treatments for mental disorders lack empirical support: A systematic review of empirical investigations. Journal of clinical psychology70(12), 1115-1132.

Burgon, H. L. (2011). ‘Queen of the world’: Experiences of ‘at-risk’ young people participating in equine-assisted learning/therapy. Journal of Social Work Practice25(02), 165-183.

Carlsson, C. (2017). Triads in equine-assisted social work enhance therapeutic relationships with self-harming adolescents. Clinical social work journal45(4), 320-331.

Carlsson, C., Ranta, D. N., & Traeen, B. (2015). Mentalizing and emotional labor facilitate equine-assisted social work with self-harming adolescents. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal32(4), 329-339.

Duffy, A. M. (2018). Equine-Assisted Learning in Mental Health Care: A Natural Fit with Recreation Therapy?. Journal of Therapeutic Recreation Ontario13, 87-98.

Frederick, K. E., Hatz, J. I., & Lanning, B. (2015). Not just horsing around: The impact of equine-assisted learning on levels of hope and depression in at-risk adolescents. Community mental health journal51(7), 809-817.

Johansen, S. G., Arfwedson Wang, C. E., & Binder, P. E. (2016). Facilitating change in a client’s dysfunctional behavioral pattern with horse‐aided psychotherapy. A case study. Counseling and Psychotherapy Research16(3), 222-231.

Kemp, K., Signal, T., Botros, H., Taylor, N., & Prentice, K. (2014). Equine facilitated therapy with children and adolescents who have been sexually abused: A program evaluation study. Journal of child and family studies23(3), 558-566.

Lee, P. T., Dakin, E., & McLure, M. (2016). Narrative synthesis of equine‐assisted psychotherapy literature: Current knowledge and future research directions. Health & Social Care in the Community24(3), 225-246.

Malinowski, K., Yee, C., Tevlin, J. M., Birks, E. K., Durando, M. M., Pournajafi-Nazarloo, H., … & McKeever, K. H. (2018). The effects of equine-assisted therapy on plasma cortisol and oxytocin concentrations and heart rate variability in horses and measures of symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in veterans. Journal of equine veterinary science64, 17-26.

Notgrass, C. G., & Pettinelli, J. D. (2015). Equine-assisted psychotherapy: The Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association’s model overview of equine-based modalities. Journal of Experiential Education38(2), 162-174.

Smith, T. (2018). Does Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) positively increase socialization skills in children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) compared to no interaction with animals?.

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