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Psychoanalytic and Operant Conditioning Theories

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Psychoanalytic and Operant Conditioning Theories

Rape is a sexual act with a person by the use of force without that person’s consent. The action is usually done by individuals who feel powerful than their victims. In most cases, women are the most victims because some men consider them as sexual objects. Men can also fall victims of rape, especially underage boys who are coerced to do sex with mature older women. Rape can also take place between a man and another man. In this context, a more powerful man forces the less powerful man to submit into doing sex with that person. Rape in all its forms is unacceptable in all societies across the world. The act infringes individual rights where the victims suffer psychological torture. Young children may also fall victims of rape where their lives become endangered. Individuals who fall victims of rape may take a long time recuperating. This is because of the negative picture that is painted on their minds which becomes difficult to control. Rape perpetrators have long been classified as influenced by unbridled sexual desire. However, recent researchers describe the act as “a pathological assertion of power over a victim.” From this perspective, the underlying fact is that rape is an unprecedented act where the victim does not give consent to the sexual desire of the actor. From this backdrop, this research paper will examine rape and the motivation behind it. The research will apply two significant theories of sexuality, including Psychoanalytic and Operant Conditioning Theories to explain the phenomenon. The two approaches will be briefly described and linked to how they help understand why rape happens. Consequently, the approaches will be compared and finally, a conclusion drawn.

Description of the Phenomenon (Rape)

Rape can be described as sexual intercourse with a person without his consent. Formerly, rape was understood as forced sexual intercourse between a man and a woman. In this perspective, the woman was usually the victim. However, the definition has changed in recent times to include sexual intercourse against a person’s wish. A rapist or a victim is described as a child or adult belonging any gender and can as well be a child. Even though rape can happen between individuals of the same gender, it is mostly committed by men against women. The concept has also broadened to include sexual intercourse between couples without either of the partner’s consent. Furthermore, sexual slavery and forced prostitution can also be described as rape. This is because the victims are coerced into engaging in sexual activities without their consent. Additionally, another form of rape also exists where minors or very young children are forced into sexual activities. This grave act has been on the increase in recent times where children are lured into sexual activities by adults. In any other form, rape is considered to be a sexual act where the victim does not give informed consent.

Rape is understood to emanate from a patriarchal system where women are considered to be inferior to men. In these societies, men consider women as sexual objects whose primary purpose is to satisfy men’s sexual desires. Many sources can explain the causes of rape. These causes confirm that rape is a heinous act that presents a serious crime punishable by the law. During the case proceeding involving rape, the victim is asked whether he gave consent or not. It is from this argument that judgment is made to ascertain whether the act was rape. Furthermore, rape victims are affected psychologically. For instance, most rape cases are not reported to the law agencies for investigation. During the cross-examination in court, the victim may also suffer from mental torture, where he will recall the actual act leading to emotional discomfort. Many rape victims also do not report their ordeal with their family members or law enforcement officers. This also complicates the healing process where victims keep it to themselves. Even though some cases are taken to court, there are high chances that those accused of rape will get acquitted. This is because it is difficult to prove evidence of rape without the use of a third-party witness. Usually, rapists plan to attack their victims at odd times when the victim is vulnerable, and no one is near to see. Rapists take advantage of the victim’s inability to defend herself. Through threats or forceful act, the victim gives in to a rapist leading to sexual intercourse without consent.

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Rape as a form of sexual violence has a devastating effect on the victim. Mostly, a victim’s psychology is affected entirely. As a result, depression pops in where the victims feel hopeless for a long time. This feeling affects the behaviour of the victim and the way he relates to other people. Most victims also experience the post-traumatic disorder. For instance, they develop feelings of anxiety, fear, stress, and challenging to cope with the situation in the future. Rape victims also experience severe pain and injury. In some instances, rape leads to death as a result of a struggle between the victim and the rapist. Some rapists may also resort to killing their victims if victims to avoid being identified and prosecuted later. As can be seen, rape often happens without the consent of the victim. The act is also detrimental to a victim psychologically.

Analysis from Psychoanalytic Theory

Psychoanalytic Theory is based on a psychology scholar Freud. Freud believed that human behaviour was determined by two factors, including death and sex. According to Freud, personality exhibited three significant sections. The first one is the id which is the most popular. The id contains libido. The id functions concerning the feelings of fulfilment and gratification under the pleasure principle. The second section is the ego which controls the id. This implies that the id is directed in a rational way aimed at preventing self-destruction. The last part is the superego which has been described as conscience. According to Freud, the superego urges controls directs the ego to do what is moral and not realistic. The three personalities work in coordination to dictate behavior in all situations.

It is from this perspective that Freud came up with the theory of psychosexual development. The theory holds that all children undergo five major five stages of development whereby his body parts act as sources of pleasure. The steps include oral, anal, phallic, latent, and genital. He argued that every child must pass through every stage failure to which he will be fixated in future if he passed through a single stage. For instance, a person who did not pass through the oral stage may find himself chewing pens and sticks in his adult life. From this argument, he developed what he called the Oedipus Complex. The Oedipus Complex is based on boys, whereby they desire for the love of their mother while hating on their fathers. He also developed the Electra Complex. He implied that at their young age, girls get psychological trauma due to the lack of a penis or sexual desire for their fathers. To this extent, the theory explains the origin of sexism and sexual behaviour.

This theory provides essential information regarding rape. For instance, the approach offers factors that motivate people’s actions. Inborn factors drive rapists. The method provides that the most fundamental element of personality is the id which contains libido. The id functions when to satisfy individual desires. For example, rapists are driven by pleasure. They find pleasure when by raping their victims. Rapists may be individuals who feel inferior to other people. Their inferiority is especially dominant in their personality traits. Because the rapist thinks and acts immediately, he is controlled by his ego. In this sense, he lacks the ego. The ego is an important part of one’s personality. It makes an individual think from a rational point of view. This implies that a rapist contains fewer egos. However, a rapist can as well have a normal ego because he knows that the act he is doing is not right. That is why rapists target vulnerable individuals, including the mentally disturbed, young children, and the elderly. These individuals have no power to defend themselves. A rapist also does not have the aspect of the superego. This is because a rapist acts in an immoral manner. According to the theory, superego directs an individual’s ego not to do what is real but what is moral. Rape is an immoral thing where the victim does not offer rational consent.

From this analysis, the theory exhibits strengths and weaknesses in understanding rape. The most significant advantage of the psychoanalytic theory is that it helps understand the nature of human development. The approach also helps understand how the human mind behaves. Using rape as a case study, the theory can help understand the motive behind the act. On the other hand, Freud’s theory exhibits weaknesses. For instance, the approach is too broad as it generalizes human behavior. The proposals of the theory cannot be scientifically proved. For example, one’s ego cannot be proved scientifically. Therefore, it is difficult to evaluate human behavior by relying on this theory as a basis of understanding human behavior.

Analysis from Operant Conditioning Theory

Operant Conditioning Theory holds that “when behaviours are reinforced, they tend to be repeated; in contrast, when behaviors are punished, they tend to occur with less frequency” (Lehmiller, 2014). This implies that when pleasurable behaviors happen, they tend to reoccur, but when the consequences of the behavior are not pleasurable, they don’t happen again because of discouragement. This form of learning occurs when the behaviour is accompanied by punishment or reinforcement. Lehmiller (2014) further argues that reinforcements work effectively than punishments when shaping individuals’ behavior.

The theory of Operant Conditioning is significant to the understanding of sex. Normally, sex is a behavior that can be enhanced through either punishment or behavior. Consequently, sex acts as a variable that can increase the frequency of sexually-related activities. For instance, individuals who draw pleasure from sex will feel motivated to involve in sexual intercourse more regularly. On the other hand, people who consider sex as a punishment or unpleasant will avoid engaging in the activity or will do it with less frequency. For example, an individual may find a pleasure to engage in sexual activity. This individual will often invite or lure his partner to the house where he will engage in sexual activities more frequently. Similarly, another person may view sex as a painful and unpleasant act. That person will do everything necessary to avoid engaging in the activity. This theory is, therefore, helpful in the understanding of how individual behaviors are shaped.

Operant conditioning theory is helpful in the understanding of human behavior leading to rape. The theory holds that an individual’s behavior regarding sex. According to this theory, individuals involved in activities they seem pleasurable more frequently. In this regard, rapists are driven by pleasure. They get pleasure by engaging in sexual activities with the victim. After the activity, they get pleasure. On the other hand, when rapists are punished, they restrain from their behavior. That is why rapists prefer to molest their victims in secretive areas. Rapists are aware of the consequences of their actions. They, therefore, prefer to do their actions during the time that no one is available to witness. This theory, therefore, explains why individuals develop certain behaviors toward a particular phenomenon. The theory also exhibits a number of strengths and weaknesses.

The most significant strength of Operant Conditioning Theory is that it enhances an easy way of learning an individual’s behavior. Learning people’s behavior has been a difficult task for psychologists. However, this theory provides a basis through which behavior can be studied. The theory can help in understanding rape and why individuals involve themselves in rape. The theory also provides a rationale through which crime can be punished or prevented. For instance, the reinforcements provided in the theory can help law enforcement officers draft ways of addressing criminal activities. The theory also helps determine the outcome of the reinforcement. On the other hand, the theory exhibits weaknesses. For instance, the theory does not explain complex issues. The theory only provides how simple concepts can be understood and be prevented. Complex situations such as the motivation behind an individual’s involvement on issues cannot be explained fully. Therefore, more research is needed to develop a profound way through which the weaknesses of this theory can be addressed. Integration of the theory with another approach can help understand complex issues.

Comparison of Psychoanalytic and Operant Condition Theories and Conclusion

Psychoanalytic and Operant Theories exhibit similarities, especially their approach. For instance, the two theories focus on the early experiences of individuals. Psychoanalytic theory, for, example focuses on the biological factors of an individual’s growth. These factors affect a person’s behavior. The biological factors happen universally to all individuals. The Operant Conditioning, on the other hand, also holds that one’s life experience plays a significant role in how they behave. The theory holds that when individuals do things and the outcome is pleasurable, they tend to do it more frequently. The approach also holds that individuals when individuals view the consequence of their actions as punishment, they restrain themselves from such activities. From this analysis, the two theories are interrelated based because they try to explain the origin of people’s behavior.

On the other hand, the two theories exhibit various differences. For example, Operant Conditioning emphasizes on the significance of behavior of an individual more than the mind. For example, one’s behavior is determined by the preceding motivation or punishment. An individual is motivated if his actions lead to a positive outcome. He will, therefore, be stimulated to do the same thing more often. On the other hand, psychoanalysis emphasizes the study of the human mind. The theory provides for the importance of consciousness in directing individual actions. Furthermore, Operant Conditioning holds that the behavior of an individual is learnt and is a result of external stimuli. External stimuli, such as punishment help shape an individual’s behavior. On the other hand, psychoanalysis theory holds that behavior of individuals is motivated by rationality. As can be seen, the two approaches exhibit differences, although they present similarities at the same time.

To this extent, the two theories have exhibited similarities and differences in their arguments. However, I believe that Operant Conditioning Theory is the best in explaining rape. The theory holds that when the behaviors of individuals are motivated, individuals tend to do them more regularly. On the other hand, when behavior of individuals’ is punished, they tend to restrain themselves from committing similar mistakes. This theory is significant in explaining the motivating factor behind rape. Rape is a crime which should not be tolerated anywhere in the world. The offence is done by individuals who do it regularly, especially if they are not punished. Available research shows that rape reduces when strict measures are taken against perpetrators. Therefore, this theory explains rape in its best terms, especially on how individuals are motivated to doing it.

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