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Reasons for Latin American people fleeing their countries and move to the U.S

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The sixth episode, entitled, peril and promise explore the migration of Latin Americans from Cuba, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala. The exodus covers a period of about thirty years. The refugees first settled in Miami and gave rise to several concerns. One, most immigrants, about two hundred and fifty thousand, had a criminal record, and this worried the Native Americans. The arrival of the refugees also made Miami a bilingual state. The fact that most refugees could not speak English gave rise to an English only campaign aimed at dropping bilingualism and adoption of English as the official language of communication as imposed through a constitutional amendment.

Reasons for Latin American people fleeing their countries and move to the U.S

From the film, the Latinos fled their countries to escape death squads, political unrest, and civil wars. The civil wars in El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala, increased gang activity that kidnapped and maimed people plus the political demonstrations and protests that threatened human life, prompted people to seek asylum in the United States.

The most important reason for giving asylum in the U.S.

Civil wars is an essential reason for granting refuge. Civil conflicts displace people, destabilize the economy, and cause increased levels of insecurity. Humans can’t thrive in such environments, and most of them run to seek refuge in safer and more stable environments. Granting asylum to such persons restores faith in humanity and allows for peaceful coexistence.

In summary, the arrival of refugees from Latin America tripled the population of Latinos in the United States around that period. Despite the adverse effects of their presence, the Latinos did well in sports, economically, and in the entertainment sector. They also provided labor in farms and homes, jobs that the Americans were unwilling to take, and therefore became a beneficial factor in the United States.




















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