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Reasons for the Increase in Destination Weddings

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Reasons for the Increase in Destination Weddings

The Asians first practiced the destination wedding in the early 1980s. The practice then spread to Mexico, Miami, Las vigas, and in South America, it then spread to the rest of the world. The destination wedding was viewed as an exploration activity as it was practiced after or before the actual traditional marriage ceremonies in many communities. The couple were wedded traditionally and then taken to some cool place to spend their honeymoon. They were taught by the elders on what to do to make their relationship last.Several beaches and hotels were then constructed to accommodate more couples who come for their honeymoon. Beaches such as Miami, las vigas considerably grew to accommodate more people who come to enjoy themselves whith their loved ones either during the holidays or on their honeymoons. Mexico is also one of the cities which has significantly developed due to destination weddings taking place in the City.

A destination wedding has become more widely spread and is now being practiced by several people in the world. It is estimated that over 15% of all marriage ceremonies are destination weddings.  A destination wedding can simply be defined as an event where the bride and groom plan an about marriage, and the marriage ceremony is conducted far away from home and invite only their close friends and family members to a designated location and make the event sabbatical. This type of wedding ceremony is mainly practiced in places like Moscow, Hawaii, Mexico, and wildly in Las Vegas. This type of marriage ceremony is viewed as one of the best as it gives the couple an adequate time to interact and to speed more of their time together, these enable them to share more of their thoughts as compared to the traditional wedding ceremonies. It is also affordable as there are no many expenses compared to the traditional marriage ceremony, as the couples can choose the number of people to attend the ceremony and even the venue they can afford.

According to the study and research conducted by the different analyst, it was found that an approximate of 25% of the wedding ceremony are destination wedding. Over 340,0000 destination wedding occurs every year, and the couple does pay for the expenses incurred alone.  Most of these wedding takes place in December with an average of 19%, will others spread across the months, with January having the list attendance. In comparison to the traditional wedding, there are still more individuals preferring the conventional method of marriage compared to the designated weddings. 52% of the total marriages conducted are always traditional, with a total of over 60,000per year. Destination weddings are mainly held in August and December. Compared to the Designation wedding, which mostly takes place in December. There is always an increase in traditional weddings in January as compared to that of designated marriage. We find that even when the most couple prefers designated weddings in recent days, some still value and prefer the traditional system of marriage. As an emerging method of marriage, most of the coupeswho conduct this type of marriage are always innovative, and those who like new ideas..

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The designated wedding also experiences some challenges which need to be given close concern and possible solutions that will help solve these problems on their occurrence. As one of the socializes event, Designated wedding face challenge of overdrinking by the attendance. There are always free beer and refreshments in these ceremonies, and we find that people take advantage of this and tend to drink more. Designated weddings also provide a god platform for socialization, and their fore people may want to release themselves free from stress and have an excellent enjoyment unfettered from home. These led to them taking more beer than expected. Another challenge faced by these types of weddings Is the lack of sufficient capital. The weddingis always more expensive as compared to traditional marriage, and hence couples find it more costly and unaffordable by many.To hire a wedding venue in some of the prestigious cities like Miami and Las vigas are expensive and less affordable by manycouples who would like to conduct the designated wedding. The food and also the refreshments and beers are costly in these restaurants. Hence, this type of wedding ismainly practiced by financially stable couples while the less wealthy parties the traditional marriage ceremony.

Bringing items from home is also one of the significant challenges faced in destination weddings. Not all of what you may want in your marriage ceremony are always available in the destination chosen. The items needed may also be much expensive in restaurants. For example, the restaurant chosen to hold the wedding might overcharge things like flowers wich you camm\n find cheaply at your local home area. One is hence forced to carry some of the items that might be expensive, or those that might be unavailable in the booked restaurant to reduce the cost. The other challenge faced is the fluctuation in the number of attendances. Guest attendance does fluctuate, for example, when you invited a hundred, but due to unavoidable circumstances, only fifty show up. Being sure of the attendance will help to reduce the loss of resources in terms of accommodation, money, food, and many more.

Different methods and techniques can solve some of the possible solutions to these problems faced in designated weddings. Overdrinking and gaudiness of the attendance can be solved by merely reducing the number of beers in the venue to avoid much alcohol consumption. When the number of beers is reduced, there will be no overdrinking among the guest. The reduction will help to control the audience as they will be sober easily. You can also hire some trustable guards to take care of the violent individuals who accidentally over drank. They should be humbly taken outside in a relaxed and safe place to have access to clean air to have a deep breath to come back on their sense. They should be gently be reminded that they are a bit too loud. Telling these people, they are drunk and making fun of them by capturing their behavior and asking them irrelevant questions will make them more violent and can cause more harm. They can also bee helped by avoiding serving them with more Champaignuntil they are a bit sober. Financial challenges can be solved by making these prestigious restaurants more affordable by either dividing them according to the different social classes and also reducing the prices. Making the restaurants more affordable will attract more couples who would like to have a designated wedding but lack the capital.

Bringing items from home can be easily solved by the resort making all that s necessarily available in the hotels and by also reducing their cost. We find there is scarcity in the supply of essential products and services that are needed by visitors who come to the hotels. The restaurant’s managers are advised to go with a permanent solution to solve the problem. One of the solutions is to either manufacture or plant these goods. Products such as rose flowers should be made every time for the customers. The fluctuation of the attendance can bee solved by only inviting close friends and relatives who will do everything to attend the ceremony. Free transport and accommodation should also be provided by the couples to increase attendance, high attendance is also one of the challenges, and it can be solved by strictly inviting a few people. Asking a few guests will help reduce the expense involved.

Reasons why people move away from their homestead and travel to different places, cities to have their wedding, is that. Designated weddings are always private and provide much more time for couples to be together.  A destination wedding offers more time for the couple, and we find that the couples spend most of their good moments in a closed room, giving them quiet time to discuss and to planabout their future lives and responsibilities as the newlywed couples. They get to know each other better. Another reason why people prefer designated weddings is that always private as it is only attended by a small number of people who are invited. These make the wedding ceremony to be orderly and pleasant. Humans also what’s to be unique and do something different from others. Designated weddings are one of the new and less common marriage ceremonies. Innovators prefer these kinds of marriage compared to the traditional one as they want to be among the first lot to experience the new idea. Another reason why people nowadays prefer destination weddings as compared to the traditional one is that most of the couples like traveling and nature exploration as their hobbies. These types of wedding ceremonies allow couples to travel to different places in the world, exploring and interacting with people from different ethnic groups. The couples can move from the continent Africa to Las vigas to have their wedding ceremonies, and they will travel across the globe and have a new experience by finding new associates and friends who can advise them on their way.

There is a different type of people who attend the designated weddings ceremonies, and the couple themselves always invites these people. A wedding is one of the social ceremonies, and hence people tend to invite their loveones and relatives to experience a good time together. For these reasons, designated ceremonies are always well planned to accommodate different types of visitors to make it more entertaining. It is mainly composed of the groom’srelated friends who might sometimes be his brothers. Usher also attend the designated marriage ceremonies;they are invited to sing hymns and the love songs during the process. These will help to make the activity more entertaining and active. The pride and the groom also attend the ceremonies as they are the ones to be celebrated. Parents and family members from both sides also attend the ceremony, and they are always happy to see their child prosper and wish them all the best in their marriage, they are also believed to give blessings to the couples. Bestman and Bestlady also do attend wedding ceremonies. The groom and the bride always choose them. The best lady’s primary functions are to keep the pride company. The best man on the other side assists the groom by giving her company.

Destination weddings are one of the most prestigious and more attractive ceremonies to take place, and couples are always excited. They do not know how to plan for the wedding ceremony, location, and venue to conduct the marriage process. These types of weddings are not possible without proper planning and allocation of resources, and adequate plans need to be laid down for the achievement of your dream wedding. These are some of the critical processes to be followed to achieve an auspicious destination wedding ceremony. Chose your destination; this is the first step to consider in the process. The destination is determined based on several factors, such as accessibility, capital availability, and the interest of your partner. Weather and also the climate condition of the place are also put into consideration. Wedding as a social activity, the weather should be carefully considered. The ceremony needs crisp weather conditions to be more successful. Hot and sunny weather conditions are mainly suitable when the activity is taking place at the Beach; the cold climatic condition is always the most preferred in malls and hotels.Familiar with the chosen area, and when planning for designating wedding, you have to hire someone familiar with the venue to give you direction and audience. Thirdly you have to set the budget, and you need to keep in mind the capital you would like to spendand also the kind of wedding you want. You need to organize your guest list, send an invitation card earlier to avoid any inconveniences, agree with the vendor on some of the terms. You also need to book a hotel or restaurant to spend and also organize how your visitors will access the venue on the wedding day.

In recent days we find that many people prefer conducting destination wedding rather than the traditional one, this is because of the following reasons. Destination weddings are relatively more affordable as compared to traditional weddings. Out of the millions of marriages conducted in the world yearly, a total of 55% are destination weddings, with only 30 % done traditionally. In the year 2019, 25,000 destination wedding was recorded out of the 60,000 marriages conducted in the united states and another part of continent Europe. The average wedding cost in the united states of America is calculated to be $ 26000, which is a lot of money to be spent on a single day of celebration. This amount does not even include the honeymoon charges and other crucial expenses likely to be faced like the car charges and many more. On the other side, the destination wedding causes an approximate of 8 to 15 pounds, and these charges include the extended stay in theprestigious restaurants, delicious meals, activities fees, and also the wedding ceremony combined. The ceremony is often free in some hotels when you book for several days. This type of wedding hurts the social ad cultural activities of Society. A destination wedding is cheaper compared to traditional ones. And hence mostly preferred by many, this leed to cultural errors. May will prefer destination marriage rather than the traditional ones, and this will be passed from generation to generation leading to erosion of the CommunityCommunity as the new generation might even forget that traditional wedding exist.

Three hundred thousand destination marriageshave been done over the last three years in different continents in the world. Las Vegas is the principal place where these activities are conducted, and people prefer the site due to the hospitality of the residence and also the excellent climatic conditions of the area. Another reason why people prefer the destination wedding is that the traditional one is that the process enables one to explore new places and to have new experiences.  A destination wedding is conducted in areas far away from home and hence allows one to travel across the world, meeting new peopleand having new experiences. Compared to the traditional wedding which is less expletive as the ceremony is done in the homestead.  Destination as the marriage process involves much of traveling and exploration, this type of wedding leed to cultural exchange. People adopt different cultures from visitors who come to have their destination weddings. Some Cultural practices adopted are sometimes unfavorable to the visited CommunityCommunity. Visitors usually carry different behavior with them; some of the unfortunate cultural practices carried by tourists are sexual immoralities; they traffic drugs and many more methods. This leed to the youths copping and adapting these cultural practices, which are against the norms of the Society.

The destination wedding is preferred because it does not involve much planning process as compared to the traditional marriage ceremony. 55% of destination marriage ceremonies are always planned within a duration of three to five months as compared to the traditional one, which might take a total of over one year designing the activity. Thirteen thousand destination marriages always take place in three years as compared to the traditional one, which takes several times to plan and only third come to completion.  When one concludes to conduct a destination wedding, the only thing he has to do is to choose the destination. After that, you only need to book the traveling ticket to the place and estimate the possible expenses required. Other planes like food, accommodation, and many more are catered for by the resort. And hence you have time to relax and think of other productive activities. The resorts also offer wedding packages that include all the possible things you may want. Traditional wedding tends to be more time consuming as there is some process to be undertaken before the wedding ceremony. The conventional marriage tends to take several times as compared to the destination one. It also needs to allot of capital employed to finance the long process and procedures. Dowry payment in traditional weddings requires a lot of time for the groom to study the culture and norms of the pride community to decide on the mortgage. These led to people practicing the destination method of marriage as compared o the traditional one due to its few planning processes.

In conclusion, designated marriages are mostly preferred because of the following ways, and they are relatively cheaper as compared to traditional marriage ceremonies. A destination wedding can be twice less expensive compared to the traditional one making it more affordable. It also creates room for traveling and exploration, and destination marriage is always conducted far away from a couple of residents. The ceremony is always taken to parks and the beaches, this enables one to explore and appreciate nature. Apart from the advantages, there are lasso some of the shortcomings of carrying out designated wedding ceremonies. These challenges can be summarised as costly; traveling sometimes can be very tiresome and expensive. For example, moving from Africa to Europe are occasionally expensive and therefor making it unaffordable by many. It also leed to cultural borrowing, which can sometimes be very dangerous as it leed to cultural erosion and decay. We find that human beings do copy and put it practice some ideas borrowed from others. Drug taking and prostitution are some of the bad cultures that are always borrowed from the designated places. Designated marriages are one of the best and enjoyable and hence should be encouraged as it leads to socialization that helps bring people from different culture and ethnicity together.  It also creates employment opportunities, places such as Las vigas has developed economically because of the destination weddings. There are several hotels which employes many works such as the chefs, security guards, and many more, this hence help solve the unemployment problem.





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