Religion philosophy
Religion philosophy has become a distinct innovation discipline for the past 200 years and still counting. Main topics in the subject being how divine nature existence, how humankind relates to the religion and place of the religious life which is thought to be with the human since the invention of the philosophy. Philosophers come in with examined facts of the truth with relations of justification for the claims.
Anselm came up with a philosophy that he described as proslogium. He proofed by giving an example that when even a fool hears of the existence of a jerk, he/she understands and supposes in reality by following alone. He says there is existence in the mind of a being. However, Anselms’s argument fails to due to presence of other concepts of Gods incoherence (Himma n.p)
Paley argued that the world’s complexity suggests the presence of a sovereign being. He, therefore, indicates that there exists a designer who is God (Meyer 3). Paley’s argument significantly fits with the flow of biblical stories of God and creation.
Pascal is unimpressed by any attempt to justify the existence of God. He warns people against convincing themselves by the increased proofs over the presence of God. He concludes by saying that no one knows of the reality. (Hájek n.p) Pascal says that God exists since it isn’t a bet and brings in the idea as a probability.
Byron analyses his proves on the religious philosophy in a poem. He analyses the evils of the Scottish Calvinist, which he says was led by the perceptions of God. He sought for substitute answers to the rejection of Calvinist doctrines. (Paterson-Morgan n.p) He found out definite possibilities of dualisms existence in his various examinations. However, he fails to identify the dualist’s religions.
Paley’s arguments bring out the best cases since his work and flow of events in his research work rhymes with the biblical stories of religion and the existence of God. He vigorously defends his ideas, and this makes excellent arguments in the philosophy.