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Report on Human Resource Management

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Report on Human Resource Management


The study assignment discusses the implication of one of the most important concepts related to human resource management, which is attitude and job sat5isfaction. Maintaining the right sort of job attitude in the job is altogether crucial since it defines the human character. The right kind of attitude towards a job describes the characteristics of human beings. Thus the concept of belief is considered to be distinguished from an organizational point of view. Another idea is job satisfaction, which means to choose a satisfactory job for a living. Thus it can improve performance and imply satisfaction towards the operation. On the other hand, the idea helps analyze the impact of its overall operational procedures in organizational behavior and motivation along with a suitable conclusion at the end.


 Attitude and job satisfaction

The concept of attitude is based on the evaluation. These evaluation techniques might be favorable or unfavorable that mostly concerns with objectives, people, or other sorts of events. Thus the workplace attitudes can be both cognitive or cognitive. Thus the attitude concepts are primarily associated with the theories of motivation. Beliefs generally relate to what a person knows, and the affective components relate to peoples feeling.

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Moreover, organizational managers tend to be more concerned about the effectiveness of positions in the workplace as well as understanding its behavioral components. The behavior is related to how people generally behave over the situations. According to the research optics, it is seen that most people seek consistency based on their attitudes and their overall behavior. Inconsistency shows when people feel discomfort and individuals seek for a stable state where dissonance is minimum to the extent. The in the process of reducing this kind of noise, it can be said that the desire to reduce this kind of conflict will mostly be useful in understanding the degree of individual beliefs that have curved over all the elements in case of following the overall workplace attitudes. It is essential to maintain the right kind of position in the workplace since it defines personality.

Moreover, it can generate positive rewards for the employees of that organization. Along with this aspect, the concept of positions causes changes in behavior, and it also ensures future action; these behavioral aspects are moderated mainly by several verified tools that specify its social pressures and whether a person’s directly experiencing all these moderate changes. The prominent points of job attitude researched are job satisfaction, job involvement, and other sort of organizational commitment.

Moreover, the employee desires are sufficient to maintain some kind of communication changes, identification of changes in job, and the third attitude is based on the overall commitment to the organization which is highly effective, continuing and having satisfied normative experience .these are related to its correlation and affectivity (Stamolampros et al.2019)

On the other hand, a perfect job attitude is related to its organizational support and the degree to which the organization is looking to support when the researches are deemed for their requirements. Thus it is essential to have a voice for decision making and ensuring supports from its supervisors (Rashidin et al.2019).

Lastly, there is an approach called employee engagement on which the employees are highly involved, and they are highly satisfied with the context. Thus it is essential to understand a passion statement and try to teach its overall changes from the operational perspectives as a whole. Therefore attitude occurs when people do not put their valuable time into their jobs or do not put more energy and attention to their operational perspectives. The organization needs to keep its employee attitudes intact based on their work mood as well as trying to support them properly (KIM 2019).

On the other hand, the concept of job satisfaction is also considered useful in workplaces. It is all about imposing a positive feeling in its operational activities. The most widely used approaches help measure job satisfaction in a single rating summation made up of several job facets. Since global rating has more complex scores, thus the countries like the United States and other deprived countries, it is seen that the people are very much satisfied with their jobs (Cavanagh et al.2019).

According to the statistics published in the United States, the job satisfaction rate of people is dropping. American workers are seen as more satisfied with their jobs, their superiors, and peers, as well as their co-workers. Thus the rate of job satisfaction is limited to them, especially to the higher earners. Moreover, personality also affects on job satisfaction. Hence people with positive core self-evaluation will be more satisfied with their jobs, and similarly, the negative core evaluations can also ensure a negative effect on its core operations (ÇANKIR and ARIKAN 2019).

When people do not like jobs anymore, they try to exhibit a variety of behaviors. These can be constructive as well as destructive. The responses to this process will look to show dissatisfaction that thoroughly manifests voice, loyalty, or negligence to work. Thus reduced job satisfaction can cause job absenteeism, reduced effort, or willingness to shift.  The possible outcome for job satisfaction will imply its performance, citizenship behaviors, and workplace deviations. The relationship between workplace productivity and job satisfaction is highly positive. But the pleasure may not always lead to satisfying productivity or increased organizational performance as a whole.

Furthermore, it can also be said that a satisfying job can raise its overall customer satisfaction and corporate loyalty. Apart from that, there is also a consistent negative relationship based on its service organizations. The constant harmful contact will be useful in understanding the significant changes implied in job satisfaction. Hence it can be said that job satisfaction predicts a substantial range of behaviors associated with its business concepts. As per the shreds of evidence, it is suggested that there might be some critical differences in understanding the idea of job satisfaction as well as these are highly effective also in the eastern cultures (Tuan and Rajagopal 2019). These cultures are more acceptable in hiding negative emotions, and the managers can positively impact it’s through satisfaction levels, basically in its challenging work, just rewards and recognitions, and through implementing positive work conditions as a whole for the organizations. Moreover, the highest pay scale can attract the customers positively as well as these are also helpful in finding a positive outcome in creating a satisfying work environment as a whole.

How motivation builds job satisfaction

Motivation s important to trigger employee performance. Although the things that motivate one person may not work for others, thus it is essential to find out what significant actions are in the highest levels of employees’ performance. Moreover, in addition to employee performance, it can be said that the staffs are likely to have a higher level of job satisfaction and try to implement better morale. Thus below are some of the motivational aspects that are highly related to the concept of job satisfaction and a positive attitude. These are as follows-

Personal satisfaction

Doing their jobs and to the best of abilities. These employees need sure positive feedback from managers to help them use the way they are performing. Thus this can be done by the implementation of positive performance evaluations and regularly acknowledge combinations and achievements (Kabir et al.2019).


Money is a stronger motivator for employees. Thus the staff who feel that they are well companioned will likely be considered as the highest performers. Moreover, there are specific incentive programs, and there are the highest chances of earning bonuses. Thus these employees underpaid or undervalued, and these are likely to lack motivation tom excel beyond their essential job duties as a whole. Thus motivated people can earn more money (Souto et al.2019).

Personal goals

The staffs look to induce the individual goals, and rankings are done based on the operations. Their ambitions merely motivate employees. Employees that are having potential growth of evaluation are highly motivated to perform based on their operational levels. Thus these are ways of achieving job security (Green and Zhou 2019). Furthermore, the employees who fear their positions may also be motivated to increase their productivity in the areas of the highest level can try to decrease the option off the loss of jobs.



Identifying the major motivators

The significant motivators are considered to be one such significant factor regarding the implications by asking about the overall employee outputs. According to this process, it can be said that professionals can also increase their global performance levels. In addition to this to giving specific valuable insights, the global business approaches will look to demonstrate specific changes based on its operational procedures in trying to explain the significant business aspects as a whole (Idiegbeyan-Ose et al.2019).


There are some professionals motivated by a desire for recognition. The employee recognition programmed will like to acknowledge the facts that reward and recognition in varying its overall contribution to enhancing the performance as a whole. Thus aspects like company awards, a commendation in the form of doctors, or recognitions in the way of public forums that can often motivate staffers to push themselves to increased levels of productivity (Zhao et al.2019).

From the organizational point of view, there are specific theories like Maslow’s need hierarchy theory of expectancy theory that is considered to be useful in understanding the possible impacts based on attitude and job satisfaction as a whole3. However, the nee hierarchy theory is helpful in a work setting and being able to understand job satisfaction contexts. Thus with every organization, the concepts of financial compensation or benefits can help the employees to meet their primary physiological needs. Safety needs can manifest through employees’ needs of being physically safe in the work environment, which also includes the factors related to job securities and the implementation of policies. Hence this process can primarily improve the aspect of job satisfaction. Apart from this aspect, there are specific changes in the overall positive mindsets or having a sound work environment. Thus whether or not the people feel to be a part of organizational changes, then it is also essential to be capable and to be active at the same time in understanding the consequences regarding maintenance of attitudes. Although this process is separate, it can be said that there is one more step that can maintain the operation of a positive attitude and job satisfaction. Hence these attitude aspects are also highly helpful in mitigating the process of self-actualization. Therefore organizations are looking to improve specific basic needs of progressing to the high-end satisfaction and trying tom maintain high-end requirements as a whole (Liang and Yeh 2019). However, this approach is considered to be much more popular as it fails to find the cognitive process in the employee’s operational perspectives.

Furthermore, the method also lacks empirical supporting evidence and also tries to cope with the false aspects in the final stage of meeting self-actualization techniques. The change also requires a clear definition in understanding the self-actualization concept as it is paired with the idea of difficulty measurement techniques as a whole. Hence all these measurement techniques have been effective in trying to impose the final goals that are achieved in this course.





The job characteristics model is also one such important factor that can surely be used to understand the aspects of employee attitude and job satisfaction levels. It is seen that when the work environment encourages people to motivate their characteristics. Hence five such features are skill varieties, task varieties, the significance of tasks, autonomy, and feedback. Thus the physical stages are considered to be useful since it’s very much helpful in understanding the psychological stages subsequently. These stages can lead to a potential outcome that includes job satisfaction. From the organizational point of view, it can be said that five improving five main core aspects of job satisfaction. Dimensions will subsequently be looking to lead a better work environment and try to enforce the level of job satisfaction in an effective way as a whole. Thus unlike Maslow and Herzberg’s theory, this job characteristics model has helped to understand the direct impacts in core job dimensions based on its potential job roles and activities based on every critical psychological stage. Furthermore, it can also be said that based on the peer reviews of every subject, the role of irrational forces in job satisfaction and attitude in the workplace has been clearly defined. Thus these stages have a crucial role to play in this regard.


 Impact of attitude on organizational behavior

Beliefs can positively or negatively influence the overall actions of an employee. Thus a person may not be aware of his or her position, but all of these happen due to reactions. Therefore a person who has a constructive manner will work towards its coo workers such as pledge and sociability can positively look to pressure people around them. Thus positive attitudes can help to understand and try to manifest a person’s behavior. Therefore positive attitudes are good attitudes, and these are also termed as productive.

Moreover, a positive attitude can try to improve the mood of those people around them. Similarly, people who display negative attitudes can also perform for that reason. Hence people with these types of mentality can look to express specific changes in the overall operational perspectives as well as effectively meeting the requirements.


The attitudinal categories are based on differentiation. Thus it is essential to understand different types of attitudes. Hence these are as follows-


Logical or rational means shape attitude. Therefore when an organization appeals to people to be reasonable and explains its assigning tasks in pursuing its strategies, it can effectively try to generate some logical sense behind the functions as a whole.

Ego defense

People who tend to use their attitude in protecting ego in a workplace is considered as a common type of negative reaction. This negative attitude can try to manage a foolish effort to understand how to defend their works. Moreover, it is essential for managers to carefully manage the situation and similarly offer the best possible solutions rather than simply identifying problems.

Value expensive

People need to develop the center values at times, and these standards are overt and trouble-free. The manager needs to be awake of the fact that the employees can value their perspectives based on their overall operational procedures. Hence having such kind of awareness is considered to be useful in this regard.


From this research report, it can be concluded that the thought of attitude and job happiness in the workplace is most favorable. The notion of trade happiness occurs when people are satisfied with their jobs, and they try to maintain all possible changes for the satisfaction of the customers. Moreover, there are specific motivational models like Maslow’s need theory or job characteristics module that have been useful in understanding the significant consequences based on the process of operational activities as a whole. Apart from this aspect, positive and negative attitudes have also been addressed promptly to understand the needs and responses of maintaining workplace antiques.



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