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Research Consultant Paper: Abusive Managerial Behavior

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Research Consultant Paper: Abusive Managerial Behavior


Today, organizational change in management is a normal phenomenon. As a consultant hired by the organization, my work will be to determine the most profound and complex issues and circumstances that the association is confronting. I should execute diverse business and organizational behavior knowledge of the matters that this association has to give proposals and ceaselessly improve by and large execution of the association. The problem I chose to delve into is abusive managerial behavior in institutions. Administrators within an association can decidedly or contrarily impact the attitudes and behaviors of subordinates during working environment communications. In numerous firms, directors utilize their capacity to abuse and disrespect their juniors, and the most upsetting reality about oppressive boss conduct is that there is no legal protection against these activities except if they include sex, race, and ethnicity.

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Abusive supervision is characterized by ‘subordinates view of the degree to which bosses take part in the economic showcase of antagonistic verbal and nonverbal practices, including physical contact’ (Zhang & Liao, 2015). Abusive conduct additionally causes work environment aberrance, which is characterized as ‘deliberate acts that undermine the interests of associations and its individuals’ (Michel, Newness, & Duniewicz, 2016). The purpose of this research consultant paper is to explain and clarify the issue with abusive managerial behavior, talk about the effect it has on workers and the organization, examine the plan created to address the issue, give reasons why the affair happened and its persistence, and disclose the program to fix the problem from the viewpoint of an association’s head.


Plan to Address the Problem

The initial phase in addressing the issue is to realize that there is an issue that should be tended to. Without workers making authority mindful that issues exist, there is nothing that individuals from the administration can do resolve it. When the problem has been accounted for, then my initial step to address the problem is be to discuss with the aggrieved parties, utilizing basic conflict resolution techniques. Intermittently these issues can be settled with a straightforward conversation where both parties can talk about their issues. After the underlying report, I would start to record the director’s activities and contact different workers for feedback. If it is resolved that these practices are more extraordinary and require more consideration than merely having an underlying discussion between the employer and employee, I would have a one-on-one conversation with the manager to talk about the issues and afterward place them on a presentation upgrade program. They would need to address their conduct during a probation period, and if the behavior does not improve, at that point, the supervisor will have the right to terminate the worker.

Identification of Reasons Why the Problem Occurred

Abusive manager behavior can happen for a few reasons such as large egos and the “know it all mindset,” distressing working conditions, unlimited flexibility, among others. Large egos assume a significant role while examining abusive administration. If a manager thinks that they are the best at what they do, this can prompt harsh conduct when they are addressed. Many people will, in general, partner upsetting working conditions with abusive supervision; however that isn’t generally the situation.

Another reason is due to the flexibility and limited monitoring of managers and their activities. They are given the flexibility to deal with their groups in any way they feel within the organization. As a result of the hands-off methodology and the way that directors aren’t firmly observed, they think that they can do whatever. This opens the entryway for both cases of abuse of power and abusive behavior, mainly when the manager flourishes for control. Another reason is if the manager was brought up in an offensive domain; at that point, to them, there is nothing amiss with their conduct. Likewise, a boss could have recently encountered this kind of management during their vocation, and to them, it appears to be viable. The administrator could have additionally utilized this strategy previously, and it worked for them. In this situation, they could have been centered on results that they did not consider the impacts their conduct had on subordinates, and now they feel that this conduct is alright to proceed.

Persistent Problems

After discussions with individuals from different groups, I am presently ready to give a couple of reasons why the abusive supervisor practices can proceed within the firm. The fundamental explanation, as I would see it, is that workers do not report these practices to human resources. Even though these practices aren’t viewed as illicit human resource manager could step in and handle these issues. By and large, the absence of experience with a worker can affect their choice to report these practices. Inexperienced employees regularly feel that nothing can be done after they gripe to initiative or HR, so why say anything. They likewise think that they aren’t as significant, and their voices won’t be heard. Inexperienced contracts additionally feel that they need to take this treatment, they don’t know about their choices, and for the most part, they are lost and bewildered about what to do. The most crucial purpose for not announcing new contracts is the ignorance of how this will influence their vocation. Right now, we are fortunate to begin our professions directly out of school, so we are reluctant about getting things done to imperil all that we have worked for.

Abusive managerial practices are likewise tenacious because frequently enough supervisors do not think anything is not right with their traditions, and they don’t perceive any mistakes in their manners. Similarly, when they have pulled off acting along these lines for such a long time, and there have not been any ramifications for those activities, then they will keep moving in the manner in which they do. I think most workers set up with these sorts of practices since they are hesitant to go to HR basically because they dread reprisal.

In any case, the most significant motivation to me about why these practices proceed is the way that there isn’t an outlet for workers that are not legitimately affected to report these practices. Much of the time, different workers are very much aware of what’s happening, but since most organization’s come up short on the outlet to report things when you aren’t straightforwardly affected, then terrible circumstances keep on occurring. The firm should have an outlet to where items can be accounted for secretly. Yet, without the worker that is being manhandled declaration, the complaint is not paid attention to, and being modifying this is a piece of my arrangement to defeat this issue and guarantee that is does not occur once more.

Strategies to Overcome the Problem

Problem-solving requires excellent skills, and that is why I drafted several solutions. First, for one to be promoted, several factors should be considered, such as leadership skills and the relation of the individual in question with his/her colleagues. Completion of projects assigned on time also portrays hard work, commitment, and diligence. Also, I would provide employees with questionnaires to get feedback on how they view the management.  A good leader is born to lead and not to impose him/herself on others. They know how to navigate and handle different situations without being abusive to their juniors (Mackey, Frieder, & Gallagher, 2015). Good leadership leads to productivity, especially for workers.

Annual seminars, training, and workshops would also go a long way in dealing with the current abusive managerial leadership. Seminars provide leaders with time off from work to relax, mingle, and share issues, reflect, and find solutions. Time and again, they are human beings who need to be reminded of their role in the firm, strengths, and weaknesses continuously. This will make them feel appreciated as well as improve on their weaknesses. They should be reminded to act accordingly and follow the rules and regulations of the organization. As a consultant, I will interact with the management to make code of conduct for this institution for workers to follow and actualize in their day to day activities. The Code of Conduct ought to incorporate a prerequisite that experts adhere to the moral models directed by their expert associations (Boerner, 2016). After the successful implementation of the teachings, I will review the firm to check whether any abusive practices introduce and make a lattice to show how well this preparation is helping the firm to deceit from unethical practices.

Long-term Plan to Overcome the Problem

To the extent of helping lower-level workers, my fundamental objective and long-term plan as a consultant hired by the company would be to make workers feel safe and secured from the abusive managers. I intend to have seminars and meetings with junior workers and individuals from the initiative barring their quick heads to open the entryway of communication. I would also express the significance of reporting abusive practices, and I would center on the way that the organization doesn’t represent reprisal from administrators (Liang et al., 2016). This is a significant point since workers will, in general, keep down information since they don’t confide in the no reprisal strategy. Likewise, I would make yearly manager performance audits that are completed by direct reports. I would trust that workers would sincerely round out these surveys and give helpful criticism that chiefs could use to change their conduct. The exhibition audits will likewise be utilized by the administration to distinguish if abusive practices are available and permit workers to voice their interests without addressing the human resource officer who might intimidate them as he/she is part of the top management. Ultimately, the most significant piece of my plan is to make an outlet for the staff that is legitimately receiving abuse from supervisors to report, and it is paid attention to.


Abusive supervision is characterized as ‘subordinates view of the degree to which bosses take part in the maintainable presentation of unfriendly verbal and nonverbal practices, barring physical contact’ (Zhang & Liao, 2015). Instances of oppressive manager practices incorporate undermining, ridiculing, threatening boisterous attack, tattling, and pointless hostility. Abusive heads practices impact workers’ confidence, mental and physical wellbeing, the impression of the organization, decrease in work duty and fulfillment, and eventually home life communications. Abusive conduct, at last, makes a toxic workplace, and it is recommended by Tastan that “a harmful work environment can rise above into an unfriendly workplace” (Tastan, 2017). To address these issues, individuals from the initiative are required to be proactive in shielding representatives from these sorts of oppressive practices.

As a consultant hired by the firm to restored order and end the vice of abusive leadership, the measures I put in place to ensure this issue and guarantee that it will never happen again includes performing better assessments while advancing senior-level workers into the executives positions, actualizing yearly chief execution reviews for subordinates to voice concerns and give criticism, remembering the conversation of morals for consistently activities to exhibit the significance of the theme, and finally ensuring that all employees have a sense of security and know about their choices and how well they are provided. In the wake of researching the issue, I currently understand the initial step is to state something. As a lower-level representative, we regularly question for what reason do leaders permit these things to occur and for what purpose do not they attempt to determine these issues. Yet, a significant certainty is they cannot resolve a circumstance that they are not aware of.


Boerner, C. M. (2016). Is Your Organization Sending a Clear Message about Its Ethical and Compliance Principles? Journal of Healthcare Compliance, 35-38.

Liang, L. H., Lian, H., Brown, D. J., Ferris, D. L., Hanig, S., & Keeping, L. M. (2016). Why are abusive supervisors abusive? A dual-system self-control model. Academy of Management Journal, 59(4), 1385-1406.

Mackey, J., Frieder, R. ‘., & Gallagher, V. ‘. (2015). Empowered Employees as Social Deviants: The Role of Abusive Supervision. Journal of Business & Psychology, 30 (1), doi:10.1007/s10869-014-9345-x, 149-162.

Michel, J., Newness, K., & Duniewicz, K. (2016). How Abusive Supervision Affects Workplace Deviance: A Moderated-Mediation Examination of Aggressiveness and Work-Related Negative Affect. Journal of Business & Psychology, 31(1), doi:10.1007/s10869-015-9400-2, 1-22.

Tastan, S. B. (2017). Toxic workplace environment: In the search for the toxic behaviors in organizations with research in the healthcare sector. Postmodern Openings, (1), 83-109.

Zhang, Y., & Liao, Z. (2015). Consequences of Abusive Supervision: A meta-analytic review. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 32(4), doi:10.1007/s10490-015-9425-0, 959-987.




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