Research integrity highlights the need for researchers to adhere to the ethical principles of professional standards required for responsible practice. This aspect has elements of both moral character and experience (Jambawo, 2018). Besides, research integrity is significant because it creates trust, which is the heart of the research process (Ketefian, 2015). Researchers must be able to trust each other’s work so that they can also be trusted by society since they provide expert knowledge on issues that impact people’s lives.
Steps Taken
The first step taken is to advise my classmate on the need to cite his or her work correctly. I will tell my colleague that the citing of the Evidence-Based Project Draft (EBPD) shows that you have done adequate research by listing the sources where one has gotten the information. This approach can act as a reference, especially to those who would wish to verify the authenticity of the information (Ketefian, 2015). Besides, I will inform my colleague that by appropriately citing one’s work, you give credit to the scholars and researchers by acknowledging their ideas.
The second step taken is to teach my colleague on how to cite his or her work appropriately. This approach will include putting an in-text citation when he or she wants to paraphrase, summarize, or quote another researcher’s work (Jambawo, 2018). Also, I will inform him or her of the need to put the reference list for every in-text citation in the paper (Ketefian, 2015). This exercise will assist readers or examiners in referring to back to the reference list to seek any clarification.
The last step is to participate in assisting my colleague on how to cite his or her work. I will dedicate my time to ensure that the EBPD is adequately cited and is in line with the set ethical standards (Jambawo, 2018). This exercise will increase the credibility and integrity of the project.
Jambawo, S. (2018). Transformational leadership and ethical leadership: their significance in the mental healthcare system. British Journal of Nursing, 27(17), 998-1001. doi: 10.12968/bjon.2018.27.17.998
Ketefian, S. (2015). Legal and ethical issues: Ethical considerations in international nursing. Journal of Professional Nursing, 16(5), 257. doi: 10.1053/jpnu.2000.9454