Directions: The Research Portfolio will be developed and discussed in class throughout the semester. Purchase a binder (or create a digital document, but keep hard copies) of all materials created for or obtained as the result of your research for the Semester Research Project. This portfolio must accompany submission of the Final Research Paper.
You will maintain a portfolio of research notes and all study-based materials (consent forms, interview guide, etc.) beginning with the process of topic selection and proposal development. You will submit the complete portfolio at the end of the semester. The portfolio should be organized (e.g., one section for interview guides, one section for consent forms, one section for transcriptions and/or notes) and the information in it easily located. [unique_solution]The Research Portfolio should contain the following items based on the type of project you have chosen:
Written Proposal, revised with any changes suggested by your instructor
Interview Guides, interview notes, transcriptions
Observation notes, reflections
Written Proposal, revised with any changes suggested by your instructor
Notes, observations, dialogues, or relevant photos
Written Proposal, revised with any changes suggested by your instructor
Samples from artifacts (images, speeches, dialogue excerpts, plot summaries)
Notes, observations, analyses, or thoughts about artifacts
Written Proposal, revised with any changes suggested by your instructor
Artifacts (images, photographs, script, poems, etc.)
Notes about how presentation is organized and presented, as well as an explanation for why, how, when, and where it is/was/will be presented