Research question: “Will a person’s education level affect his possibility of committing a crime.”
There we need to understand how the crime happened in the society. Policymakers are on the lead on understanding different demographics of how crimes occur in society. Most of them want to understand the relations between crime and education. They want to determine whether the crime is education are related in any way (Brown, 2001) The research, in this case, seeks to understand how education levels in the society will contribute to the rise of crimes in the society or how it will c0ntribute towards someone committing a crime. The research, in this case, will be conducted in a school set up and will also involve the people from the public and some prisoners.
In this study, trying to determine whether education levels contribute to the standards of crime in society will entail several participants. The key participants that will take part in this study include ten students from a local university, ten public members, including the learned and those who did not finish their high school. Finally, I will involve ten prisoners who have been locked for comm9ting various crimes in society. In this case, seven of the inmates are high school dropouts, and three of them finished high school and have a diploma. In this case, I will come up with regroup them into various categories where everyone will be required to come up with a different opinion concerning this research. The sampling methods, in this case, involves a total of 20 participants who come from various levels of society. They will be awarded a small token for their willingness to take part in the study. I will alert the participants a few days before the research takes place. It is to remind them to be prepared to take part in the survey. The inmates, in this case, will be required to take part in the study one time as the others can take part in the study for a couple of times.
The participants will be required to go through the set of guidelines and procedures. The instructions are for them to agree on whether they are willing to take part in the study. They will be required to sign against the guidelines of the study that they have agreed to take part in the is one way of protecting the research and protecting the information presented by the participants. The next thing is for the participants to be handed the questionnaires where they will be required to go through them and understand. They will be necessary to read first before answering anything. After reading, they will ask for any clarification and anything they feel like it is not understood. Here, they will be presented with various questions on how education levels will affect the criminal activities in the societies. The inmates, on the other hand, will be required to present how they got themselves in jail and their levels of education (Cook & Kang, 2016). The students will also be required to give their opinions on education and crime. Finally, the people from the public will also be required to fill a questionnaire on their education status, whether they have been involved in any crimes, levels of education, and how they feel whenever they are idle. This is some of the critical questions that will help us determine how education levels contribute to the education of criminal activities in the society. The other thing is that the participants will not be required to discuss with their partners. They will answer the questions based on their understanding. They will be given some time to fill the questions. Finally, after completion of the first questionnaire, they will be presented with a different paper where they will state whether education leads to the rise of the crime of reduction. They will tock where appropriately. After completing their studies, they will be presented with a small token as a sign of appreciation for taking part in the study.
Part 2
This is an experimental study since we will have to collect data from different individuals. The data will be collected from thirty individuals. The data will then be analyzed, and they finally come up with a final result for the study.
Some threats are likely to affect the study from being a success. One of the threats is the;
Selection-maturity threat: it will not affect the research in the sense that the research was conducted using the shortest time possible.
Selection-mortality threat: it was of the main risks that were experienced through the study from the three groups of participants. The reason is that some of them were not able to answer their questions right. They did not take part in understanding the questions before answering them.
From the study, it is evident that some of the students did not take keen on answering the questions. The other thing is the public members that took part in the study did not understand the topic well, ending up coming up with incomplete answers (Cho, 2011).
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