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 Resilient recommendation plan

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 Resilient recommendation plan


Currently, we in a society that has been considered to be very challenging. There is a very heightened sense of uncertainty and constant reminders of the unpredictability of what might happen anytime. There are unpredictable events that may occur at any time, which include climate events, terrorist attacks, youth riots, the credit crunch, and mass redundancies. For most of the planners in South Melbourne beach, Australia, there is a full sense of unease that has been occasioned by rising levels of seawater that has proved that it can be a disaster to the installments that are found to beach adjustments to the sea line. Among the suggested solutions that have been advised that can be useful in dealing with situations of sea-level rise in the South Melbourne beach is resilience It appears that resilience is replacing sustainability in everyday discourses in much the same way as the environment has been subsumed in the hegemonic imperatives of climate change (Davoudi, 2012).In that, all activities that have been carried out in the name of building up a resilient environment to exist, there is still a considerable literature gap when it comes to the definition of resilience. The following report is going to critically define the origin of the term, analyze the Resilient recommendation plan that has been suggested for the rising seawater in South Melbourne, and come up with new solutions in that regard.

Definition of Resilience

Resilience is a discourse that many planners have recently included in their discursive repertoire. However, it is essential to understand that resilience is not a new concept at all. The term resilience was adopted from the Latin language. The word is taken from the Latin phrase res-lire, which meant to spring back. The term was a first applied by the scientist and physicist to define the characteristics of the spring and sometimes the behavior of the resistance of the materials to the external forces. The term resilience was used in the ecological discourse in the 1960s, along with the rise of the systems thinking. The introduction of the term in the field of ecology leads to the situation of the fact that multiple meanings of some words changed. A seminal article by that was published in 1973 by Canadian theoretical ecologist Crawford Stanley Holling where he defined a distinction between ecological resilience and engineering resilience.

Engineering Resilience

Holling defined the term of engineering resilience as the characteristic of any system to return to equilibrium after a disturbance. In this case, it is essential to note that disturbance may be a natural disturbance, which may include flooding, social upheavals and earthquakes and landslides, banking crisis, and sometimes revolutions. In this perspective that was set by Holling,  the measure of the resilience will be determined by the resistance to disturbance and the speed by which any of the systems will be returned to equilibrium. Therefore, the faster the order will be back to normal, the more resilient it will be determined to be. In that definition, there is a huge emphasis that is set on constancy predictability and efficiency.

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Ecological Resilience

Contrary to the engineering resilience, ecology resilience has been defined as the size of disturbance that will be absorbed before any system has changed its structure. In ecological terms, resistance is not limited only on the premises of how the systems bounce back aftershock and how much disturbance that system will take to remain within the critical thresholds. Therefore, resilience in the ecological lenses is mainly concerned with the ability of the system to adapt and the ability to persist. Ecological resilience, as Holling has described it, is that it diverts from the idea of a single, stable equilibrium, and it accepts 300 Interface the existence of multiple equilibria, and the possibility of systems to flip into alternative stability domains. Irrespective of this difference and the idea that they are meant for different disciplinary traditions, the standard concept is the two ideas is the fact that they both trust in the sense that there can be a point that can be considered to be equilibrium, be it a pre-existing one to which a resilient system bounces back (engineering) or a new one to which it bounces forth (ecological).

The first recommendation was mainly about raising the part of the ocean drive with 2metres with the flood walls being constructed on the proposed ocean drive that is one-meter-high on the ocean side and building the flood channels that are spaced to the distance of 200 meters and that they should be sloping back to the sea.

The second recommendation that was proposed in this case A contingency plan should be provided to those property owners that have decided to stay back. The program will include providing material that supports them to be flood resistance. They should be ripped off from the right to sell their property

The problem that has been identified in South Melbourne beach is the fact that due to the high cases of sea levels rise, and there is a flood that will occur from time to time and will affect the residents or business establishments that have been set along the coast of South Melbourne. The accessibility of all the establishments that are found in the ocean drive road is through the ocean drive road. The ocean drive road is vital because it can be used as a relocation road from the parts of the flood. Therefore, the act of making the ocean drive road to be very resilient was very important. It is important to note that is the whole structure of the Melbourne South beach keeps the ocean drive from flooding is one thing that might be the variation of then lives will be lost and those that will be saved in case there is any flooding that has taken place. Therefore, raising the parts of the ocean drive, as suggested, is a plan that will be beneficial. Creating the floods wall be very important in protecting the ocean drive from excessive water in case there is a disaster. The flood channels that have been proposed to be erected on the ocean drive a new wall will be very instrumental in directing excess water back into the sea. The ocean drive road that is located in the Melbourne south beach is the longest adjacent road to the sea. The way in most cases will act escape route in matters of the excess floods. The ocean drive is a massive stretch in Melbourne. In Australia, the ocean drive is the longest drive that along with the cost.

Another plan that was suggested was removing the homes that exist between the ocean drive and the sea line. The idea was a very effective plan in building resilient Melbourne. The recommendation two will go hand in hand with the building of the wall and upgrading the ocean drive. The land between the ocean drive and the sea is the most vulnerable. Individuals that are located in this place live in grave danger in cases there is a flood. There is observation it was better than most of the houses in this area to be built behind the ocean drive to protect the population from diverse effects that might be associated with the flooding of the ocean drive. Shifting homes but ocean drive seems to be a good idea in creating a resilient Melbourne south beach area.

Critical evolution of plan one

The plan one is a very viable plan. Most members in the meetings that were held in the Melbourne area agreed in the construction of the two meters wall and the rising of Melbourne’s road. Most of the individuals recognized that there was a great need to keep the Melbourne road of the flooding zone. Therefore, three things have been regarded as necessary in the recommendation of the building of resilient cities. Those recommendations mirror what other researches have indicated about how safe and resilient cities can be built. In a study that was carried by the international red crescent societies, it asserted that one of the characteristics of the resilient cities is its ability to invest in human health and individual wellbeing that is, in most cases, accompanied by the personal wellbeing as central. The research suggests that the above were very important because they created a unique ability of the households or individuals or households to prepare and respond to and recover from any shocks and stresses that may have occurred. When the community is well taken care of in terms of knowledge and health, they are most likely to acknowledge the imperative nature of assets and access to more extensive resources that will be beyond the control of the communities. Other ideas have also been proposed by other organization that deals with resilience. Center for resilience cities in their plan to deal create resistance suggests that three things must be seen in any program; activating people and partners. They believe that leaders should be involved to include the elements of the local cities in building resilience cities. Apart from the towns, the center suggests that individuals should be brought along and be informed about the importance of building a South Melbourne beach society. The second principle that they have embraced is the fact that learning should inform action. Therefore, the residents of Melbourne Australia must understand that for them to act effectively during floods, they must know the resilience. The experience will be the primary contributor that will inform their actions. Finally, there is a need to believe in the transformation of places. The transformation places involve the implementation of collaborative and therapeutic design of the environmental design at the neighborhood scale, foster health and economy development systems, influence the core social systems through the integrated model, influence the core social systems through the integrated model, and lastly strengthening the communities ties and reports.

Building the walls of the ocean drive falls in the category of making the environmental design to help the cities with the problem of flooding. It is one of the suggested ecological models that have been is critical to analyze the viability of the recommendation of building the walls of the ocean drive after rising the road higher. The project viability can be checked in terms of the magnitude and the cost of such construction. It is essential to understand that in case of rising, the wall will be needed in areas that are next to the sea and can be submerged anytime in cases of sea level water rises. Some funds are required in the building of the wall that has been suggested on the ocean drive. Creating a partition on the ocean drive is expected to be very costly to the planners. The cost will be high due to the overwhelming size of the ocean drive. However, to reduce the price, there is a need to reduce the cost of these projects through private and public partnerships. Alternatively, the government can engage the community to act after providing the resources required and educating them on the primary reason why building their cities to be resilient is very important.

The second plan has a good strategy if it precedes the plan number one. The second plan of resilience in the city of Melbourne will be the action of reallocating individuals from the areas that have been considered to be dangerous. Those areas include the space between the ocean drive and the coastline of South Melbourne. Their recommendations seem to an allusion due to the number of installations allocated within that region. These recommendations must be analyzed in terms of viability, cost, time constraints, and the reactions of the affected individuals. The feasibility of allocation of community it very difficult to determine. The viability of moving most of the installations on the other side of the ocean drive is feasible, but it needs a lot of money. There will need to have a place to relocate the households that are on the beachside of the ocean drive. In case that relocations have been decided on, then planning should give special priority to homes that host families followed by commercial installations. However, it is essential to note that challenges usually accompany relocations, even in cases where there are compensations. The primary problem, in this case, will be the fate of landowners who might not be ready or willing to relocate. These challenges may be handled by making sure that houses that are so older on the side of the ocean drive that is next to the beach are renovated. There are renovations that can be done on those houses that seem to be very dangerous. Therefore, those renovations will be done on the household that is opposed to the relocations. The right to exchange ownership must be canceled on the installations that were marked for relocations so that most individuals can be encouraged to relocate.

Another thing that can create a challenge for the relocation idea is the time that is needed for the relocations. Relocations are significant plans and will take a lot of time. Relocations of the side of the beach of the ocean drive that has been asserted here as dangerous can take more than one year for there to be submitted to be a complete relocation. Another thing that will affect the relocations in these cases is the reactions by the residents who might fight the proposed ideas via the use of propaganda, court orders, and sometimes strikes and bot boycotts. Therefore, it is essential to note that.

The two recommendations that have been raised in this case can be handled in the case of Melbourne South Beach. The proposals one and two cannot be handled in isolation; therefore, there needs to some other recommendations that will help in tackling all the suggested recommendations. After critically analyzing the condition of the Melbourne South beach, there is a need to come up with the following suggestions that will help to harness the situation of the high sea levels in the region of Melbourne south in case they arise.

The first recommendation that is suggested in making sure that there is a need to find a land in the relocations of the individuals who want to move on the side of the Melbourne South beach that is next to the beach. Therefore, city planners need to find land in areas where flooding will not be a problem. Accordingly, to handle this situation effectively houses that inhabitant families will be the priority in the relocation of the land for the new homes.

The second recommendation will be the handle the landowners who have preferred to stay back. Therefore, the government will have to identify the property owners who have preferred to stay again in their land. For these cases, a contingency plan will have to be developed to handle this individual who is not willing to give their land for another that is in another location. Therefore, the contingency plan will be reconstructing the wall buildings that the members have remained in those areas that have been identified to be vulnerable to the very high levels of sea rises. That plan will be the action of providing the individuals that remain with the contingency plan that will help the individuals that stay in the areas of danger. The contingency plan will be very involving the items that will be needed by those individuals to help them get out in the areas of threat in case of floods. Therefore, the contingency plan will provide things such as boats and food life jackets, emergency copters that can be used in the rescue mission in case of the floods. Another contingency plan will be making those house to be flood ready. The apartments in those areas that are likely to fall in the undersea water will be upgraded. The upgrading system will involve the action of making some of the houses have roofs that can be used to escape the floods. The lifeboats can be launched on the roofs of these buildings.

Another set of recommendations that have been suggested as part of the fur part recommendation is building the part of the ocean drive and walling it. After finding land for the relocation of the household that wants to relocate and upgrade the houses that seem to be old. The next part will involve the action of building the walls on the ocean drive road to make sure that it can be salvaged from the floods. Upgrading the ocean drive is very important. It will eliminate the ocean drive from the areas that are considered to be dangerous during the wave and still make the ocean drive to be accessible

The third recommendation will be the act of making sure that the ocean drive road has been salvaged from the excess water that may arise in the case of the floods and high sea levels. Therefore, that situation will involve the action of making sure that walls are made on the ocean driveway so that it can make sure that the water wall that has been constructed can be able to keep the ocean drive away from flooding. The kind of walls will be significant to make sure that the ocean. The ocean drive is fundamental in the South of Melbourne beach, which because it is the primary road that is served by other ways that go to the beaches and the coastline. On the ocean drive, the flood channels will be constructed on the walls, and there will be used to return water to the ocean. The flood channels will be used to makes sure that water that has accessed the ocean drive will be diverted back into the sea through the new channels that have been constructed in the ocean drive wall.

Another recommendation that has been suggested that work best in this case scenario, when combined with already documented situations, is the drilling of channels that connect the two wetlands. The channels will be critical in making sure that the two wetlands water are balanced so that cases of flooding are reduced. This proposal will be achieved by the action of constructing an interconnect channel between the two wet wetlands. That kind of idea will be very instrumental in making that that the level of water is balanced during the flooding period. This technique will be beneficial in naturally balancing the water without the use of dams or flood gates. It is essential to notice that if this technique manages to adjust the amount of water effectively, the wall the has been constructed on the ocean drive road will be significantly protected from any of the cases of flooding that might occur.

Therefore, it is essential to note that those are the four recommendations that can be applied at once to make sure that Melbourne South Beach can be constructed in such a way that it shows its resilient nature that will make it be habitable even if the cases of the flood are on the rise. The initial two recommendations that had been suggested are some of the suggestions that can be applied to help in making sure that this city is resilient. However, some of these recommendations cannot be implemented alone they have to be involved in conjunctions with other suggestions that have been included to have an effective system.

In conclusion, there are unpredictable events that may happen at any time, which include climate events, terrorist attacks, youth riots, the credit crunch, and mass redundancies. To deal with these cases, planners have to makes that they construct Cities that are resilient in case of these unfortunate calamities. Resilient cities are cities that will stay natural calamities that can affect it, such as flooding. In the case of the Melbourne South beach city, their recommendation that can make it resilient to the high seawater level in case of flooding the action of relocation and building the floodwalls on the ocean drive. However, this recommendation will note effective alone unless they are applied together with other suggestions such as finding lands for the relocation of the individuals that want relocate, contingency plans for those don’t wish transfer by making their flood safe and m providing them with equipment’s to escape

the flood



applications20(3), 343-357.





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