role of the place of residence on human behavior
Essay 1
My curiosity in understanding the role of the place of residence on human behavior has led to the realization that one’s family, school, and neighborhood shapes perception and attitudes that defines the approach to life. In my case, the experience of interacting peacefully with loved ones in a humble home has contributed immensely to the adaptation of values that I treasure in life. The duties performed as a member of the household and the task undertaken in school as a student has, in many ways, defined the approach to interaction with peers and strangers in the public setting. I have realized that one’s place in the world is influential in dictating the view of life, and such applies to many people I know. My sibling is an ideal example of a person affected by family, school and neighbourhood because our setting has formulated his friendship and actions towards conserving the environment. Associating with him has proven that settings formulates the foundation of associations. In this essay, the specific place for interest worth describing to understand the implication of the association on the experience in life is family, school, and the area of resident.
My neighbourhood has a profound influence on the meaning of being a sister to the members of the family. The place inculcates in individuals the values that guide the nature of interaction with the rest in the globe. As a result, I believe that neighbourhood and siblings are my world. My beliefs held towards peers and strangers is reflective of the values instilled at home in the setting. I tend to exude traits that replicate the values inculcated in childhood through interaction with family members and peers in the neighbourhood. Due to the implication, the contextualization of the role of the environment is necessary for the quantification of the implication of the place on the approach to relating with other human beings.
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As the eldest sibling in the family, the neighbourhood means a lot because of the desires to champion environmental conservation issue in the area. I intend to initiate projects that prove that the place has a deeper meaning to life more than any other place I know. The return to the area after studies means a lot to me, especially in my quest to improve the wellbeing of the family member. I aspire to use the knowledge gained from school in promoting peaceful coexistence among members to encourage responsible exploitation of natural resources in the area. I equally plan to exploit the skills gained through interaction with loved ones and peers in sharing ideas on ways of conserving natural resources in the environment. The desire emanates from the belief that mutual coexistence and understanding is necessary for the progress of humanity as a whole. The habit of interacting with a responsible parent who reiterated the need to use household resources cautiously inculcated the urge to engage in environmental conservation initiatives.
The quest to protect the vegetation and engage in cleaning is the norm in the neighbourhood that I inhabit. The practice is common even among the elderly in the community. The group join hands with the young in cleaning and many other activities that have ensured that the setting has an appealing outlook. The residence in the place has provided the opportunity to conceptualize the significance of engaging in noble action. Just like the rest of the neighbours, my parents had the habit of reiterating the need to live harmoniously and use home resources cautiously. The view inculcated a sense of community that inspired cordial relationships with the rest in the neighbourhood. I interact with people from diverse backgrounds on the way to school and such facilitated development of socialization skills, as well as, environmental conservation ideals.
Outside the home, the approach to interaction in the world of choice is characterized by mutual relationship with friends and the loved ones. I equally project the same on encounters with strangers in the public sphere. I tend to express compassion towards the young and associate freely with the elderly in an attempt to champion peaceful coexistence among humanity. The urge to promote the practice arose from the realization that human beings desire affection, although the approach to interpreting the desire varies. Additionally, the desire to promote harmonious coexistence and encourage responsible exploitation of natural resources drives my action in the neighbourhood. I express the same at school and home on the belief that peaceful coexistence is essential for the progression of humanity. The issue for concern in embracing the value is protecting the environment for the wellbeing of humanity. The significance of redressing the issue is that commitment to such action makes the world a better place for all. Cases of conflict that arise due to mismanagement of natural resources or overexploitation of the same are likely to cease in the adaptation of the values. As part of my ideals, the values for prioritization as a responsible citizen is being passionate, truthful, and open-minded. The desire to uphold the tenets ought to guide reaction in the public areas. I seek to act per the legal stipulations governing relationships amidst citizens. The approach to expression at the household will also project similar values.