Rouch Draft on the story ″Minor Heroism″ by Allan Gurganus
4 page essay Rough Draft on the story ″Minor Heroism″ by Allan Gurganus Directions: Write a 4 page rough draft essay exploring a theme in a literary story, adding research where appropriate to your discussion. You must use at least 6 outside sources and conform to MLA guidelines for citing sources and using a Works Cited page. Grading Criteria: essay form and parts (intro., thesis, supporting paragraphs); use of specific examples and quotes; quality of research elements; MLA rules and guidelines; overall clarity and grammatical rules. [unique_solution]The files I have attached contain the outline, thesis, introduction, and work cited sources needed for the rough draft essay. I am looking for a fast, convenient, and great quality service from the best writers out there4 page essay Rough Draft on the story ″Minor Heroism″ by Allan Gurganus Directions: Write a 4 page rough draft essay exploring a theme in a literary story, adding research where appropriate to your discussion. You must use at least 6 outside sources and conform to MLA guidelines for citing sources and using a Works Cited page. Grading Criteria: essay form and parts (intro., thesis, supporting paragraphs); use of specific examples and quotes; quality of research elements; MLA rules and guidelines; overall clarity and grammatical rules. The files I have attached contain the outline, thesis, introduction, and work cited sources needed for the rough draft essay. I am looking for a fast, convenient, and great quality service from the best writers out there