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Russian-American relations after 1991

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Russian-American relations after 1991


The United States (U.S.) and Russian relationship is a major discussion topic in today’s American foreign policy.  Currently, U.S. is the largest world military and economic superpower despite the fact that some economic problems like 2008 economic depression.US is the most influential North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member which has grown despite the conclusion of the cold war. On the other hand, the dissolution of Soviet Union considerably weakened Russia. However, the country as powerful military and is an important regional nuclear weapon. Moreover, Russia lost its global superpower status to both the U.S. and China. The two countries maintain both trade and diplomatic relations. The relationship was stronger in between 1991 and 1999. However, it has significantly deteriorated since 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia federal republic. The U.S. has unsuccessfully worried about Russia for over 20 years, and today relationships are still not good.

Relations from 1991 to 1999

In 1991, the dissolution of the Soviet Union ended the cold war. As a result, the commonwealth of independent states (CIS) replaced the union of soviet socialist republics (USSR). CIS was formed with an objective of coordinating as well as collaborating important policy issues like finance, security, crime prevention, immigration, and free trade. During this period, there were warm relations between the U.S. and Russia. In 1990s Russia was under the leadership of Boris Yeltsin while the U.S. was under George W. Bush and Bill Clinton leadership. The two countries signed arms control treaty was signed in 1993 and it was intended to prohibit usage of MIRVs (multiple interdependently targetable recent vehicles on ICBMs(intercontinental ballistic missiles). Both countries ratified the treaty but it was abandoned in 2003 without being implemented. This was due to the withdraw of U.S. from anti-ballistic missile treaty. Trade relations were improved during the period, and the Russian president initiated a friendly relationship with American president Bill Clinton (Llewellyn & Thompson, 2018).

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The deterioration of warm relations

Despite the warm relationship, several reasons led to the beginning of U.S. and Russia relations weakening. In 1997 Poland, Czech Republic, and Hungary acquired NATO membership. Many people in Russia felt that NATO expansion to eastern Europe was provocative to its interests. Russia was against the Yugoslavia bombing in 1999 by NATO military operation in a move to intervene Kosovo war. Boris Yeltsin verbally attacked America president Bill Clinton in a visit to China (Llewellyn & Thompson, 2018). Yeltsin verbal attack was due to president Clinton criticism for Russian tactics in Chechnya he reminded the U.S. that his country was a nuclear superpower.

Relation from 2000 to 2009

Vladimir Putin was elected as Russian president in 1999 while George W. Bush as U.S. president in 2000. 11th terrorist attacks occurred in 2001 shortly after the elections. These attacks triggered Russia and U.S. foreign policy changes, and there were serious disagreements between the two countries. In 2001, Moscow was annoyed by Washington intention to pull out from 1972 anti-ballistic missile treaty which was significant in reducing arms during the cold war. The U.S. aimed at moving forward with a missile defence system plan. During this period, Russia was more self-confident in international affairs while U.S. foreign policy was progressively unilateral. U.S. leadership was blamed by their Russian counterparts for entertaining anti-Russian uprisings particularly during 2003 Georgia rose revolution. Also, the U.S. was blamed for Ukraine orange revolution where Putin leadership felt it was an invasion into its area of influence (Llewellyn & Thompson, 2018). In 2003 Russia was against U.S. invasion of Iraq as efforts to gain access to central Asian Oil and gas, which was Russian geographical area of interest.

In 2007 and 2008 there was disagreement over U.S. pan to locate a missile station in Poland. The U.S. had planned to construct anti-ballistic missile defence in Poland as well as a radar located in the Czech Republic. United States suggested the system was aimed at protecting itself and Europe from Iran and North Korea potential nuclear attacks. However, Russia felt that the system was a possible threat and responded by testing RS-24 (long-range intercontinental ballistic missile). Russia claimed that RS-24 could defeat every defence system and warned it would target the Czech Republic and Poland if the U.S. build the new defence system. Furthermore, President Putin visited Iran to support a nuclear power program. In 2008, Russia announced that it would retaliate militarily if the U.S. deployed an anti-missile defence system proximate to its border.

The relation between 2009 to 2012

The tension between the U.S. and Russia eased during this period under Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev presidencies. The agreement required the abandonment of Iran nuclear program as well as permitting foreign inspection. In 2009, President Obama visited Russia and held meetings with his counterpart president Medvedev and Putin on new economic school. Obama and Medvedev signed a new treaty on strategic reduction of their nuclear weapons. The treaty was known as new START and sought for reduction of nuclear weapons held by each side to 1500 from a range of 1700 to 2200 according to 2002 Moscow treaty. However, despite the progress there were bad relations in 2012. The U.S. has traditional mistrust and fear against Russia, Russia democracy drift away, and demanding of eastern for military, economic, and political integration (Polyakova, 2019). Russia under Putin leadership tended to move away from democracy, manipulate trade policies, promoting NATO division among NATO, and desire to recover superpower status.

The relation between 2012 to 2015

The year 2012 market the start of president Putin third term. United States official indicated that the relationship with Russia was grounded on their mutual interest. In 2013, the two countries agreed that Syria’s chemical l weapons would be controlled internationally and destroyed. In 2015, president Obama accredited Russia deal with controlling Iran nuclear program.

Tensions increased in 2012 when a Russian official suggested a possibility of striking Eastern Europe missile defence sites to put emphasis on Russian demands. Two missiles were intercepted off U.S. Alaska coast in air defence zone. Afterwards, it was discovered that a submarine made a patrol within Gulf of Mexico without us navy detecting it. After the U.S. signed magnistsky act, Putin responded by signed an act to prohibit adoption of children from Russia by American citizens. U.S. accused Russia in 2014 for violating the Intermediate-range nuclear forces (INF).

U.S. and Russia relations worsened in 2013 when Edward Snowden was granted refuge in Russia. Edward Snowden was a U.S. government contractor who copied and released several copies of confidential government documents. U.S. prosecutors wanted him for criminally charged for theft of government property as well as espionage. As a result, U.S. cancelled president Obama and Putin Moscow meeting (Thomas Graham Jr, 2019).

The U.S., European Union (E.U.), and some U.S. allies imposed six sanctions rounds between 2014 and 2016. Three rounds targeted people close to President Putin by barring them entries and freezing assets. As a consequence, Russia responded by banning specific food imports and imposed some entry restrictions to some officials who were against Russia.

The United States imposed sanctions on the Syrian government in 2011 and urged the resignation of its president after the start of the Syrian civil war. However, Russian intervened and increased its support for the government against U.S. sponsored rebels. Russia started an air campaign in Syria to support President Bashar Al- Assad government. Its invitation for the U.S. to join Baghdad information centre established by Russia collaboration with Iran, Syria, and Iraq to organize military efforts (Polyakova, 2019). U.S. military personnel refused to cooperate with Russia by criticizing how the campaign was carried out. Furthermore, the U.S. condemned the Moscow meeting between Russian President Putin and Syrian president. Russia was aiming at normalizing its relations with the U.S. as well as the entire west, but a proxy war was created between the two countries. The disagreement between U.S. and Russia was revealed during two Syria peace talks at Vienna, particularly on the political future of President Bashar Assad.

The relation between 2016 to 2019

The Russian government was accused of hacking and leakages during the 2016 presidential election campaign. The U.S. security official suggested that the Russian government was attempting to influence presidential election results as well as discrediting its political system. However, President Putin dismissed the accusations by the U.S. After trump win and before inauguration a Russian official (Kremlin) accused Obama administration of attempting to completely damage the relations to make normalization hard for Trump administration. U.S. administration ordered the CIA to review interruption of the presidential election. However, Trump (president-elect) disapproved the review that Russian government influenced his campaign. Furthermore, Russia claimed that Obama administration approved 2017 national defence authorization act to cause chaos to new administration as well as obscuring international relations.  However, president trump thanked the Russian government for not ousting U.S. diplomats following expelling of Russian diplomats.

In early 2017, U.S. president Trump conversed with his Russia counterpart on how to improve their relations. In the same year, the U.S. imposed fresh sanctions on 8 Russian companies in relation to INKSNA (Iran, North Korea, Syria non-proliferation act). The relations between the two countries were further aggravated by 2017 Syrian airbase cruise missile attacks by the U.S. due to Khan Shaykhun chemical attack. Russia oppose the attack claimed it was a violence act. The two countries admitted that they relation was frozen with no any signs of progress. In the same year, the Russian president claimed their relation with the U.S. was on a record low since 1991 (JANG, 2018). Russian confirmed that it failed to receive formal U.S. government greeting on its national day the first time. Moreover, the U.S. denied ExxonMobil permission to recommence draining oil in Russia. As a result, the firm filed a case challenging U.S. government on its violation of Russia sanctions.

In July 2017, the U.S. urged Russian to stop its support for hostile Syria and Iran regimes. In the same month, Russian imposed punitive measures as a response to U.S. additional as well as organized sanctions against Moscow. Russian government demanded the U.S. to cut down the number of its diplomats and technical personnel in Moscow embassy as well as St. Petersburg consulates. The decrease of U.S. diplomats was a response was due to expulsion of Russian diplomats at Washington in late 2016. After signing of U.S. sanctions against Russia law, Prime minister Medvedev suggested that hopes of improving the two countries relations were ended. Russia protested against a planned Russian trade mission building search. As a result, the U.S. instructed Russia to shut down it’s two diplomatic building in New York and Washington D.C.

In early 2018, there was political controversy when directors of FSB, GRU, and SVR had an unannounced visit to Washington D.C. The tensions will possibly increase due to U.S. air and artillery attack on eastern Syria. The attack led to several deaths including Russian citizens, in Russia there was a political scandal it was the deadliest attack between us and Russia citizens since the end of cold war. In the same year president trump expulsed 60 Russian diplomats and closed the Seattle Russian consulate. The U.S. was attempting to demonstrate support for U.K. view on Salisbury poisoning alleged chemical attack in Douma. Russia, foreign affairs ministry, accused the U.S. of extorting other countries. During the same year, the relationships between the two countries were worsened by a U.S. missile attack against Syrian government targets after the alleged chemical attack (JANG, 2018). There was a diplomatic clash between the two countries where Russia military threatened to attack U.S. military targets if there was massive U.S. strike against Syria.

President Trump requested readmission of Russia into G7 in 2018 after it was expelled in 2014. U.S. Congress members criticized president trumps remarks during their first formal meeting with President Putin. They accused Trump for siding with Russia government after 2016 presidential election findings instead of accepting the intelligence results. Some view president Trump as under Russian influence du to his pro and anti-Russia remarks on Crimea, North Korea, Syria, Russian oil draining, and U.S. election interference.

In 2019, U.S. states business that was involved in Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany. These businesses were seeking to market more liquefied natural to European countries. The sanctions were not only criticized as severe by Russia but also German.


Currently, the U.S. and Russia relation has drifted apart because of disagreement of the two countries on various policies as well as other issues. Some of the issues are arguments over U.S. missile and defence system in Poland, Russia human rights violations, Syria war intervention, and misunderstandings on the influence of Russia in Ukraine and Georgia.

President Putin policies attempt to ensure that Russia reclaims influence in both eastern Europe and Asia. Russian government perceives that the U.S. is aggressive supper power and can threaten Russia by locating missile and defence systems at its border, particularly in Poland. U.S. capital city, Washington D.C. has positioned itself into traditional Russian area of influence by supporting pro-western policies and ideas like in Ukraine and Georgia.

Majority of U.S. citizens feel that President Putin is an authoritative leader. Furthermore, they view Russian president as dishonest individual who is willing to use is cold war tactics such as Ukraine separatist movements and misinformation.  However, the breakdown of U.S. and Russia relations suggests that the two countries are actively competing against each other. The U.S. and Russia relations will continue to be shaped by their long term and short-term challenges. Some of the problems are resource depletion, population change, wealth, and income inequalities. Finally, factors such as climate change and China growth will shape the two countries relations.











Jackson, B. (2018, December 7). U.S.-Russian Relations, 1989-2019: Self-Awareness and History – by Bruce Jackson. Www.Hudson.Org.

JANG, S. (2018). US-Russia Relations Since Trump’s Inauguration:  From “New Cold War” Toward “New Era.” The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 219(1), 741–754.

Llewellyn, J. L., & Thompson, S. (2018, October 19). US-Russia relations since the Cold War. Alphahistory.Com.

Polyakova, A. (2019, January 20). Are U.S. and Russia in a new Cold War? Brookings; Brookings.

Thomas Graham Jr. (2019, January 7). U.S.-Russian Relations in a New Era. The National Interest.






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