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Prompt 1.

What is Intelligence?

Many scholars define intelligence in many ways. Intelligence in general, understanding refers to the mental ability that enables an individual to learn readily, reason, and act effectively with an individual’s surroundings.  Intelligence also entails the manipulation of the geometric forms and the acknowledgement of the variations of the pictured objects and their similarities, quantitative thinking, and abstract analysis.

Can Intelligence be accurately constructed or measured?

Intelligence analysts should always try to come up with recommendations that will help in making a well-grounded decision.  The diagnosis of intelligence should have the basis of the analyst perception concerning why and how events usually occur in a certain way as pointed out by (Ghahramani, and Zoubin, 452). Once an individual observes an event, and he or she thinks and knows what is happening, the perception here tends to resist change. The construction and measurement of intelligence cannot be entirely accurate.

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Who is Raymond Kurzweil?

Raymond Kurzweil is one of the world’s greatest living visionaries. He is the brain behind compelling technology and the most innovations of our era, and the founder of the various research organizations in the world. Such companies include Kurzweil Applied Intelligence, Kurzweil Music Systems, and Kurzweil Computer products. Raymond inventions include Kurzweil Cybernetic Poet, Kurzweil 250 Digital Synthesizer. The most famous invention of Kurzweil is Kurzweil Reading machine.

Why Kurzweil believes that the age of intelligent machines is inexorable

            Raymond Kurzweil, in his book “The Age of Intelligent Machines” believes that technological evolution is moving at an exponential speed. Computer technology can process more data as compared to the human brain, as explained by (Russell, Stuart, and Peter, 2016).  Computers always lack the sense of humour, other appealing abilities of the human thought, and the ability to have a small talk. Human beings need to deal with this threat before technology outpaces the human in the computational power of information. I do agree with Kurzweil that intelligence machines are unstoppable and are superior in computations as compared to the human brains.

Are intelligent machines being a blessing or a curse­?

Intelligence technology is a blessing to the human race in many ways. The technique can conduct hard, boring, and dangerous for humans. The machine intelligence can support older people and patients. Though the intelligent machine is taking over the world, individuals with bad intentions may use artificial intelligence technology to take over the world or their nations. Criminals and terrorists can also use technology to advance their evil acts that will result in economic losses.



Who is Watson?

James Watson is an American and a molecular biologist, zoologist and geneticist. He was born on April 6, in the year 1928, and later won the Nobel Prize in 2012.

Watson’s claim to fame

            James Watson’s behaviourism was one of the many articles that were founded in the year 1950s. When Watson was establishing his article, many factors had already affected the article. Watson claims to fame for his behaviourism article since revising the views and learning principles, the role of biology concerning the behaviour.

 Artificial intelligence­(AI)                          

Artificial intelligence concerns developing computer programs that can conduct tasks that would need information if human beings perform tasks. The artificial intelligence needs an intense level of the mental process such as memory and critical thinking.

Who is Allan Turing?

Allan Turing was a British logician and mathematician. Allan Turing was born on June 23, 1912, and he died on June 7, 1954. Allan made a lot of contributions in the philosophy, logic, mathematics, and cryptanalysis.

What is the Turing Test?

            The Turing test was developed by the computer scientist Allan Turing in 1950. The Turing test is useful to determine whether computers can think intelligently like the human brain.


Can machine the same type of intelligence as humans?

The computers lack a sense of humour and an ability to have a small talk. The machines also lack the attractive qualities of human thought. In recent years, through the technological evolutions, computers are now mastering the gradual diverse of array performance that entails human thought. Computers are far outpacing the human brain in computational power. Therefore, artificial intelligence can pose the intelligence qualities that human have making inform judgments.

Why people fear Artificial Intelligent and are also significant investors in AI

            The artificial intelligence can be programmed to do something dangerous. The autonomous weapons can be programmed to kill using the technology of artificial intelligence. When these weapons land on wrong hands, they can cause devastating casualties. People like Bill Gate invests in artificial intelligent since technology can provide many job opportunities. The technology of AI is capable of improving human lives and make human beings healthier and happier.

Prompt 2.

What is drone technology?

            Drone technology refers to the use of spacecraft or the unpiloted aircraft. The military usually use drones since they do not put the lives of pilots in danger, generally in the combat zones. Drone technology is beneficial in the military operation since they do not require rest, drones usually can fly over a long distance as long the drone has fuel.


Why the United States is increasing the use of drones

            The American government is increasing the use of drones since the drone technology for safety concerns. Government agencies frequently use drone technology to monitor hurricanes and storms without putting the lives of pilots at risk, as outlined by (Floreano, Dario, and Robert, 466). The government is encouraging the use of drone technology since the technology is useful in the distribution of fertilizers to farmer’s fields and to monitor remote pipelines.

What ethical dilemma does this pose?

            Drone operators can operate one or more drones at ago. The aviation authority and pilots are raising the concern over a possible collision with an unpiloted aircraft that is capable of bringing down a plane. A drone used for camera and video camera usually violates the privacy rights of people. The drone operators can take pictures and videos of people without their consent.

Why the military is so expensive

The military tends to be expensive when they decide not to use the drones. The military will spend a lot on their workforce since soldiers require continuous training that requires big budgets. Since drone technology does not require pilots, they can cut budgets of the military and those funds diverted to other sectors that do need funding. Drones are easy to maintain and operate; therefore, the military should use the technology to cut their operating costs.




Why the military has the black budget of unknown size

The black budget refers to those programs that the army that also includes intelligence programs that the department of defense is not providing the unclassified funding information. Other programs include those that are readily identifiable as classified programs according to the names that those programs have in unclassified budget justification records of the military. There is no unclassified, authoritative, and the total aggregate budget of the black budget of the department of defense.

What is the Military-Industrial Complex?

            The military-industrial complex of a country is the creation of the military, including the industries that produce military materials and other armaments. The military-industrial complex in a nation attempts typically to seek political support in increasing the military funding and spending by the national government.

When the Military-Industrial Complex did come in existence

            The United States government decided to expand its military after the end of World War II through their president Dwight Eisenhower. The U.S government kept a large number of their military personnel on standby to monitor and remain prepared for any military invasion after the end of the Korean War.  The private companies at the end of the wars started producing the military armaments, producing sophisticated weapons compared to the guns in the Soviet Union.




How the Military-Industrial Complex achieve its objectives during WWII

            The military-industrial complex allowed the U.S government to manufacture sophisticated weapons through privately-owned companies. Through the military-industrial complex model, department of defense were well funded. The complex made it easy to guard the country against the gaining of the unnecessary influence of other nations or individuals in the country.

How did Dwight Eisenhower and C. Wright criticize the Military-industrial complex?

            President Eisenhower, in his farewell address to the nation, warned the American people of the country’s increasing power of the military. Eisenhower had a belief that this military-industrial complex will pose a threat to the nation’s democracy. President Eisenhower believes that with increased funding of the military will lead to the formulation of policies that will not be beneficial to the American citizens as a whole.

Why the Military-Industrial Complex was essential during cold

            The military-industrial complex was very crucial in the production of sophisticated military materials and armaments. Different nations during the Cold War expanded their military defence and provided more financial support for their capacity building. Countries were ready for any military invasion that they are facing. The military-industrial complex also allowed private companies with their respective governments to manufacture military materials and armaments.



How the Military-Industrial Complex changed since the Cold War

The end of the cold war saw more changes in the security of the international environment. Expenditures on the military and the exportation of the military equipment rose after the end of the cold war as described by (Batkovskiy, 327). The demand for home security is rising as nations try to contain the internal threats that they face. Governments are now making surveillance technology and communications more critical in their line of defense.

Prompt 3.

What is the Space Race?

            The space race is a competition that existed between the United States and the Soviet Union to accomplish spaceflight abilities. The race originates in the nuclear arms between the two cold war rivals.

Why the U.S believe they have technology advantage over other nations

            The United States government invests heavily on their technological advancement than any other nations. They spent a considerable amount of funds of their federal to fund research projects on technology revolution. The technical investment has enabled the United States government to develop sophisticated armaments and military materials. The expenditure on technology is allowing the nation to produce the right surveillance materials that are improving the intelligence sector.



Evidence to show the U.S fell behind the Soviet Union

            The Soviet Union were the first launch a spacecraft. They launched spacecraft in 1957. The event of the launching of the satellite sent a lot of shockwaves in the world, as explained by (Gorman, Alice, and B. E. T. H. O’LEARY, 80). The United States government had the technological know-how on how to launch in the space before the Soviet Union, but they were late to launch their satellite.

How did the U.S overtake the Soviet Union?

            The United States overtook their counterpart in the space race since they had good financial backing and scientific research. Financial support and scientific research were vital for the moon mission. The Soviet Union had a lot of infighting and experimental dead ends that did not help the space mission.

Benefits of space exploration

            Space exploration leads to the manufacture of solar panels, and it contributed to the development of implantable heart monitors and also water purification systems. Exploration provides an opportunity to tackle global challenges. The knowledge of exploration is useful in implementing the policies that can assist in sustaining and developing the environment.

Why President Nixon discontinued the moon landing

            President Nixon decided to stop the moon landing after the rupture of an oxygen tank of a spacecraft that was going to kill the crew members. The crew of the spacecraft got back to earth using the landing module. After the occurrence of the incidence, NASA decided to stop space exploration.


Does the U.S have plans to return to the moon?

            The United States is planning to go back to the moon with international and commercial partners to explore more together and also to explore faster. The exploration will bring opportunities and knowledge and inspire the next generation of the world.

What is Virgin Galactic?

            Virgin Galactic is a company that deals in spaceflight within the virgin group. The company manufactures commercial spacecraft. The company also offers space tourism services.

What are space x and its impact on future space travel

            Space X is an American company that aims to lower the cost associated with space transportation. The company has the long term objective of developing a colony of mars. Space X Company was formed to create a single vision of creating multi-planet species for humanity. The company also builds rockets that make it safer for humans to explore space effectively.





Work cited


Batkovskiy, Aleksandr Mikhaylovich, et al. “Management of Utilization and Development of the Production Capacity of the Military-Industrial Complex.” Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 6.5 S4 (2015): 327.

Floreano, Dario, and Robert J. Wood. “Science, technology and the future of small autonomous drones.” Nature 521.7553 (2015): 460-466.

Ghahramani, Zoubin. “Probabilistic machine learning and artificial intelligence.” Nature 521.7553 (2015): 452-459.

Gorman, Alice, and B. E. T. H. O’LEARY. “An ideological vacuum: The Cold War in outer space.” A Fearsome Heritage. Routledge, 2016. 73-92.

Russell, Stuart J., and Peter Norvig. Artificial intelligence: a modern approach. Malaysia; Pearson Education Limited,, 2016.







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