Sensory Integration
Sensory Integration is a process that takes place in the brain, which allows a person to takes the information he receives using the five senses, organize the information, and give feedback. Medically it can be defined as the process by which the patients receive special exercises meant to strengthen their tactile as well as Vestibular and proprioceptive. People spend different time for leisure, playing and for social participation, taking activities in their daily life, sleeping and resting and lastly in education as well as working. People with autism are usually associated with incompetence when taking actions in terms of education, working, and social participation.
What makes the difference between the way different individuals perceive things are the way their brains interpret them, and this led to a varying response from different individuals. People with autism may be emotional, motor, or other reactions, which are extreme and inappropriate (Bodison et al. 72). These people have decreased participation in social activities, have less engagement in their occupation. These people usually feel withdrawn, they have impaired self –esteem, they typically have poor life skills, and this can also reduce their family life.
In the case of the children, they have reduced play with other children, they also communicate less, and they also have difficulty with the sensory process. The degree at which different persons are affected by the condition differs from one person to the other. With the adults who are working, they are usually antisocial. They have reduced participation in social activities that why there is a need for the children to part in the sensory integration process as this could save them the same effect in the future when they grow up.
Work cited
Bodison, Stefanie C., and L. Diane Parham. “Specific sensory techniques and sensory environmental modifications for children and youth with sensory integration difficulties: A systematic review.” American Journal of Occupational Therapy 72.1 (2018): 7201190040p1-7201190040p11.