Significant role of data analyst
In every institution, data play a significant role in ensuring that staff is informed. From the article, it has been demonstrated that there has been a universal digital data growth. From the information presented, healthcare has developed, and there has been a succession of the use of information. This follows the availability of analytic devices, which allows the integration of data with the current situation, as stated by data analyst persons who have been involved in the analysis. Other information derived from the article is that adapting to change to new technology takes a couple of years. Many industries will use piloting as a mode of testing the working of a system. This method is time demanding.
Moreover, the importance of zip code has been outlined. The zip code gives not only health information but also the living standard of the patient. This has been much that what traditional health care could provide. From the article, I agree with the conclusion of the importance of data in delivering health services. I also support the argument that the analysis of data is useful in that it helps in determining the kind of medication to be administered to the patient.
Different data analysts are learned in other industries and can be of merit in health care. One of the lessons is that data analytics is all about pattern recognition. For this lesson, a data analyst is supposed to develop a pattern on the flow of events and later predict a possible future outcome. The second lesson is that one should ask the right question. He should be a good interviewer. This will help in acquiring the correct information, which would help in analysis. The other lesson is to start small and scale-up. One should define a point to start at and set a path to follow. The fourth lesson is that the data analysis process is interactive. The analyst should have excellent communication skills, which will help during the interaction. The fifth lesson is that data access is much essential. The skill required is one to identify the necessary information for analysis.