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Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense

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Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense

Summary of the content

Chapter 1: Putting the World to Rights

Justice is an essential aspect of human wellbeing, considering that it helps in creating a more structured emphasis on essential concepts that present a detailed level of understanding of human principles and development. Justice is comparable to a dream in which we yearn for something that we think is close but yet far away.  Determining better levels of change present a more structured system where the needs of individuals can be adequately assessed and provide a basic structure that influences a better level of engagement (Wright, 2010, p.4).  The courts have been tasked with providing justice through a just and fair due process. The level of engagement means that it is possible to provide a focus on specific elements that influence decision making within the justice system.

Justice within the current society is sold to the rich, with the poor left to suffer. The unbalanced nature of society presents an entirely different approach to dealing with issues that seek justice. The development of social classes was mainly aimed at segregating the level at which justice can be offered, which is contrary to better approaches that have been developed in implementing change approach (Wright, 2010, p.8-11).   Massive injustices have been orchestrated by those who wield power against the poor. This is not a society that we all want but a peaceful society where the rule of law is upheld and ensure united and peaceful coexistence. Christians believe that the coming of Jesus Christ played an integral role in defining better approaches that define individual morals and principles that influence their level of engagement (Wright, 2010, p. 13-16).

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Chapter 2: The Hidden Spring

Spirituality presents a well-defined context within which it is possible to help in developing a transformed system that focuses on building individual religious beliefs. There have been major deviations from religious beliefs that present a more reliable approach that helps improve the level of engagement within the society. Spirituality is developed on the basis that there is an understanding of the level of interconnectedness by a supreme power (Wright, 2010, p.17-19). How we believe and perceive information defines our personality and ability to maintain focus on the will of God. The different religious perspective that is being propagated by the west usually is strategic and help maintain a focus on a specific issue that maintain a more exceptional system for change that help improve the level of change (Wright, 2010, p.23).

The interest in spirituality is essential and help improve the level of development and emphasis on better process that promote positive development. Spirituality is an individual belief in supreme being explained by the presence of principles and values. Different individuals have different spiritual beliefs that define their interactions and decision making. Human development is influenced by diverse factors, which play an essential role in determining individual wellbeing based on how they can interact with their inner-self based on the underlying principles, and values, which shape their character (Wright, 2010, p.25).

Spirituality outlines specific elements that we consider in making a decision. A religious individual focuses on spiritual concepts that help in maintaining a proper system that builds a strong change based on the religious values and principles that are developed. Spiritual realism builds a stronger emphasis on individual development, considering the need to maintain a proper focus on the level of development (Wright, 2010, p.28).

Chapter 3: Made for Each Other

Relationships provide a major platform where it is possible to help maintain a unified system which helps create a stronger platform that can help create a diverse context in improving the level of emphasis on important changes that help maintain an enhanced level of development. People rarely chose to be alone most of the time, but only considering the different approaches that help in creating a highly diverse system that improves individual development. Building a positive relationship is an important consideration that has been developed, providing a greater change in the existing elements that help in shaping the level of wellbeing (Wright, 2010, p.29-30).

Relationships come in different shapes. It is upon individuals to identify necessary changes that can promote positive interactions with a well-defined system that defines a change process in improving the level of commitment. Building a strong change approach creates a well-established system that needs to focus on better values to enhance the level of understanding among individuals. Relationships help develop links that would be difficult to create using different approaches (Wright, 2010, p.35).

Sex is an essential aspect of a relationship, although not all are sexual. This creates a well-defined emphasis on different approaches that help shape the level of development. Decision making within a given context presents a high emphasis on the nature of relationships and the need to evaluate individual values. Therefore improving relationships define a well-developed system that helps in developing unified systems for successful service delivery (Wright, 2010, p.38).

Chapter 4: For the Beauty of the Earth

Beauty is a critical aspect that describes the world and all those better measures which present a highly specific system that improves change development and important processes that help improve focus on different changes that help improve the level of change (Wright, 2010, p.40). However, beauty is a very evasive thing that presents different approaches that help define a more substantial system that helps maintain a stronger context for a higher level of change . beauty is the truth, and the truth is beauty. Both of these factors focus on similar elements that help in defining a unique system for change. Understanding the fundamental factors that influence individual wellbeing makes it challenging to implement better policies that promote successful change development (Wright, 2010, p.43).

The beauty that we love and cherish is one part of the truth that should be effectively managed in improving the level of commitment. However, beauty is not always the most important in truth. There is a need to focus on elements more than the defined interferences. Christian traditions are developed on the need to understand truth and God. Defining change help put into consideration the values and religious beliefs that guide individual decision making. The idea of God coming to our rescue when stranded presents an understanding of different aspects of religion and Christianity (Wright, 2010, p.48).


Chapter 5: God

God is the supreme being who presents a more robust understanding of the wellbeing of his followers. We are in existence because of his merciful nature and ability to help in performing a more significant platform for change. God created the world and played an integral role in maintaining its existence through the development of better principles that help in improving the level of engagement. I believe and hope for eternal life, which is essential in building my positive relation and development (Wright, 2010, p.56).

Every individual who is seeking righteousness must live a true life per the teachings of the scripture as taught by God.  I have a free will and believe that I was made in his image and likeness. God is merciful and is forgiving despite our numerous transgressions. God has given us the power and the right to choose for ourselves what we want in life. This is an important concept in promoting positivity within the society, considering that it helps in maintaining better processes that define an improved level of success (Wright, 2010, p.60-66).


Chapter 6: Israel

Christian is broad and integrates different measures that help improve the level of change based on the values and principles that are explained within the religious context. Building stronger religious systems requires a stronger approach where it would be possible to embrace religious change. Contemporary society is defined based on different measures that can be detrimental to the level of change. The old and New treatments focus on vital concepts that are important in improving individual relations and the ability to promote a positive level. Church offers an individual with diverse opportunities that define a stronger system for change (Wright, 2010, p.71-74).

Looking at the ancient relationships that God developed. There was a close link between God and his people. Promoting important elements that shape the level of development is based on critical elements that build a more influential platform for change. The call of Abraham is one of the many ways that God communicated to his people. The changes that have occurred in the recent past present a different level of consideration on essential approaches that improve the level of change. The promise that God gave Abraham to become the father of all nations was fulfilled. This provides an emphasis on the nature of God and how he makes his decisions. Israel is one of the countries that God used in communicating with his people (Wright, 2010, p.80).

Chapter 7: Jesus and the Coming of God’s Kingdom

The coming of Jesus Christ presents an integral part of life among Christians. Christianity is derived from the teachings of Jesus Christ. However, Christianity offers a higher integration of better changes that help in understanding the will of God through his son Jesus Christ (Wright, 2010, p.91).  Therefore Christianity is defined based on the life of Jesus Christ and his teachings, which offer a more comprehensive perspective where it is possible to identify critical underlying measures that promote positive development. Christianity, however, does not focus on the existence of Jesus but the living God. Through Jesus Christ, we can learn important things regarding the nature of God. We learn that God is merciful and forgiving and does not always like seeing his people suffer (Wright, 2010, p.97).

People of God are those who follow his teachings and streamline their lives following religious values and principles. A belief in eternal life has been highly discussed when looking at the work of Jesus Christ and the influence he had on Christians. Jesus Christ is a unification figure in Christianity that helps in providing a more substantial platform that can be effectively undertaken to help improve the level of engagement. Therefore understanding essential aspects that reflect on Jesus Christ help create a highly structured system that can help in defining a highly diverse change that empowers individual behavior and level of development (Wright, 2010, p.97-102).

Chapter 8: Jesus: Rescue and Renewal

The Kingdom of God is complex for those who do not know but easy for those who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ came as the missing link between the believers and the Kingdom of God. The knowledge of the Kingdom of God is important and provides the need to help in the integration of better processes that help improve the level of development. However, many people thought that Jesus Christ is the messiah would solve all of their problems. However, he maintained that everyone had to work hard and accept the Kingdom of God before any success in their lives or their ability to attain the Kingdom of God (Wright, 2010, p.106).

During the time, many people were nonbelievers and were practicing contrary to the required moral standards. They viewed Jesus as an impostor; hence were always looking for ways to get him in trouble. The focus on Jesus Christ and being the messiah, while many knew that he was from a poor family, made it difficult to focus on his teachings rather than his background (Wright, 2010, p.115). Many of the Jews studied the scriptures carefully and sought an interpretation from Jesus Christ just as a way to pin him down. Jesus knew their intentions and never allowed them to stop his quest to save humanity from potential downfall. He defeated the devil multiple times, which present a strong consideration on better elements that were essential in building strong change. Christians hold numerous festivals in remembrance of Jesus Christ and his actions, which have been extensively documented in the New Testament (Wright, 2010, p.119).

2) How you will incorporate the content of the assigned chapters to your future practice as a counselor.

My strong religious beliefs guide my practice as a counselor. I ensure that my clients understand the presence of God and his importance in helping us overcome our challenges.  God is the provider of everything, and regardless of the nature of the challenge that we might be facing, he is always ready to listen and forgive. The concepts that have been defined in this case present a well-structured emphasis on different concepts that offer a more strategic focus on individual development. Different individuals have different personalities as well as behavioral, which give a highly effective system that can help improve the level of engagement. The concepts that have been addressed in each of the chapters have been quite informative, primarily based on the relationship between individuals and religious teachings, which help improve the level of commitment to changes based on significant teachings that help in shaping individual behavior and personality.

How your spirituality and theology interact with the content of the assigned chapters

My spirituality is defined with the acknowledgment of God as the supreme being and the one who helps us in overcoming our challenges. The fact that God is not visible does not deter his focus in creating a well-developed environment for change and integration of better measures that define an improved level of development. The realization of critical measures that have been addressed present different perspectives that are essential in maintaining a stronger platform for change in behavioral development.

The ability to implement better changes within society should be guided by strong religious doctrines, which form an important part in defining change and development. The church was born mainly to help in spreading the good news as shared by God. God is merciful, which explains why he decided to send his only son to help in shaping the world by emphasizing the righteousness way of life. The fact that Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead shows great power that God has over the evil. It also shows that the way of God is the right way and can help control adverse effects on the lives of individuals.




Wright, N. T. (2010). Simply Christian: Why Christianity makes sense. Zondervan.





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