Social Anxiety Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder is the fear of social situations and being judged or humiliated by others.
Social society disorder impacts someone’s life as follows;
a)Strong Physical Symptoms.
People with Social Society Disorder experience intense physical symptoms such as; Nausea, Rapid heart rate, and sweating,when interacting with others.
People with Social Anxiety Disorder may feel depressed due to lack of personal relationship and a long period of isolation related to social avoidance.
c)Use of drugs or alcohol
People with Social Anxiety Disorder may sometimes use drugs or alcohol to reduce their fear during social events with others.
d)Isolation from others.
People with Social Anxiety Disorder may isolate themselves from others from the fear that they will be humiliated or judged negatively.
e)Low self esteem
People with Social Anxiety Disorder always have a low self esteem when they are expressing themselves.
f)Sensitivity to critism
People with Social Anxiety Disorder are always sensitive when they are being criticized by other
Does Social Anxiety Disorder prevent them from working?
Yes,Social Anxiety Disorder prevent them from working.For example;
a)Those with Social Anxiety Disorder may turn down a well-earned promotion that might involve public speaking,due to fear.
b)Some people with Social Anxiety Disorder, may involve themselves in too much drugs or alcohol,so that they may develop confidence in working with others.And this might cause them loosing their jobs.
c)Individuals with Social Anxiety Disorder sometimes underachieve at work to avoid the attraction of being promoted.
Does Social Anxiety Disorder prevent someone from maintaining family or marital status?
Yes;Social Anxiety Disorder prevent someone in maintaining family or marital status.For instance;
a)Those with Social Anxiety Disorder may not be romantic to their partners making them not able to maintain their marital status.
Does Social Anxiety Disorder prevent someone from maintaining finance?
Yes;Social Anxiety Disorder prevents someone from maintaining finances.For instance;
a)Someone can be economically devastated because they have difficulty in interviewing and getting a job.