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Social, Political and Environmental Issues in International Healthcare

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Social, Political and Environmental Issues in International Healthcare



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In most countries, sepsis infections have been declared a threat to human life. Sepsis is the life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by the dysregulated host responding to infections, and it mainly affects the newborn babies, pediatric, and adults worldwide (Howell and Davis, 2017 pp.847-848). Sepsis requires fast attention to reduce the mortality rates due to this has to lead the development of the management method have been introduced to improve the quality of life. To improve health care internationally, experiments and research has been conducted in order to create awareness of the infection.

Description of some of the issues in health in relation to Sepsis

With the need for development and increased interest in improving the quality of healthcare, there is an increase in global healthcare. The word Sepsis is a Greek word meaning decaying of the body organs. The modern definition of sepsis was developed after several experiments and recognized that it developed from the harmful microorganisms, and it was referred to as the germ theory. The sepsis made the health workers focus on how the disease attacked human beings and realized the harmful bacteria invaded the human blood system and caused physical or subjective symptoms. In the twentieth century, many experiments and clinical trials were conducted to help the development of the immune response system to fight the bacteria. The heterogeneity of the bacteria process led to increased difficulties in the ways of treating and understanding the sepsis bacteria.

Sepsis is a life-threatening disease its challenge to various countries preventing the achievement of health development even in developed countries. The disease causes the dysfunction of organs leading to the existence of problems to the survivors even when discharged from hospitals for many years. The existence of problems leads to their investigation on how to improve the quality of life to the patients of the three types of sepsis which include uncomplicated sepsis, septic shock and SIRS. The lack of body responding to various infections if not recognized by the doctors it can lead to the infection of sepsis causing the organs to fail leading to death. The research indicates that individuals whose bodies are not responsive to pathogens increases their risks of being affected. The infections can affect everyone at the community level and also at the hospitals endangering the patients since sepsis is antibiotic resistance (Manning, 2009 pp.1143-1148) et, al. Those affected by the bacteria infection can end up having Sepsis but those who are at risk of being affected include the patients in hospitals, elderly, pregnant women HIV/AIDS patients, patients with liver problems, cancer and kidney disease and those with, low immunity.

The improvement, on clinical outcomes have led to the decrease on mortality rate, it is an indicator that the experiments are successful leading to improved health care reducing Sepsis deaths. The deaths caused by sepsis indicates the genetic variation in genes involved in immune development responses to infection of Sepsis.

Clinical representation.

The human body is able to respond to various infections but in asepsis the response made by the body indicates higher infections and dysfunction of different organs preventing the body to function well even leading to death. The clinical representation indicates sepsis varies as the it depends on where the infection occurs example; if the infection attacks the respiratory system, the patient will have fever, mental alteration .to address the issued the professionals should work on the lactate levels of the patient, the level of white blood cells, level of plasma to improve the conditions of the patient (Manning, 2009 pp.1143-1148) et, al.

In 2017 it was estimated that over 10 million people died internationally died from sepsis this also marked the reduction of deaths from previous years, this is achieved through the improvement of health care due to better sanitation and the improvement of better treatment. The decrease of white blood cells in the body, antibiotic body resistance and the increased application of chemotherapy (Gostin and Friedman, 2015, pp.2621-2622). Organ transplant drugs have led to the increase of Sepsis increasing the mortality rates. The sepsis response cases are highest in low and middle income earning countries the although it complicates all the countries due to its infection. When sepsis symptoms are recognized during the early stages it can be easily reversible reducing its effects.

Sepsis develop in different stages which include the severe sepsis which is characterized when the skin starts discoloring, decrease in blood clotting cells breathing problems, heart problems fever due to high temperatures and vice versa increased body weakness. Septic shock is another stage characterized by all the symptoms severe sepsis and the blood pressure continuous to lower increasing the effects of Sepsis. Septic shock has over45% of the mortality rates having the severe septic also endangers one from future infections both infection can cause blood clotting over the whole body blocking the flow of the oxygenated blood to various body organs (Gostin and Friedman, 2015, pp.2621-2622). The infants also can also be affected by sepsis within their first month of life. The doctors classify the neonatal sepsis into two either the infection was acquired during the birth or after later onset this will help the doctors to decide the type of treatment to give. The underweight infants and premature infants are highly vulnerable to having after birth sepsis since their immune system is very low.

Pathophysiology of sepsis.

The increase in researches have led to the development enhancing better understanding how the immunology and the pathobiology of sepsis, when the injury occurs the body responds to increase the immunity of the body to kill the pathogen (Howell and Davis, 2017 pp.847-848). This occurs when the body receptors which include endotoxins bide the pathogen to protect the body. Sepsis creates intersection between the hemostatic pathways and the inflammatory pathways which are released by the endothelial cells. The dysfunction of the body tissues is caused by the failure of low oxygen in cells caused by the failure of red blood cells which can lead to increased mortality rates.

The challenges that lead to the increase of sepsis is most of the countries do not do not comply with the world health organization requirements there are few workers who cater for the patients. The labor force might not be enough to give thee necessary support required also the lack of facilities where the patients with sepsis can be monitored easily are not available increasing the level of deaths (Bhusal, 2019, pp.81-88) et, al. To reduce the sepsis effects research has to be conducted involving the partnership of various departments countries, patients doctors and the professionals to create a sustainable health environment for all the in individuals all over the world. The improvement of health departments will also lead to the improved health care.

International, economical environmental and political issues of Sepsis

       Sepsis being organ life threatening dysfunction of organs due to the inability to regulate the body response to infections. Sepsis being a major problem to the health of individuals globally this decreases the cost of living to the individuals due to the high costs associated with treatment of every developed country the pathogen disease of septic shock and severe sepsis the death caused by the infections and there is also the availability of resources increases the efficiency in their facilities (Bhusal, 2019, pp.81-88) et, al. To improve the quality of life the medics must consider the number of the organs that are affected, septic shock this increase the cost on the tests that are to be carried om the the low and middle countries where they are not economic stable they are not able to offer the quality care required recording higher cases of deaths.

The existence of chronic illness puts the life of individuals in danger since the longer they live means the costs required to cater for their treatment also increases and if they are not able to pay this will lead to increased mortality rates internationally (Manning, 2009 pp.1143-1148) et, al. The health care facilities are also affected economically since to be able to treat the sepsis bacteria researches are to be conducted most of the times which requires better facilities. The individuals who survive some develop the impaired quality of life leading to increased dependency also the being sent home their relatives are required to offer close attention and care to the person this leads to the severity increasing the mortality rate and morbidity becoming a burden to humans due to severity of sepsis.

The economic burden also increases when one is discharged it is estimated 45% of the total cost are incurred when one is discharged and 30% of total cost occurs when one is hospitalized this reduces productivity and increased costs to buying the medicines increasing economic burden.

The data collected from various intensive care units of twins born from 1994-2009 indicated the sepsis comparison between the monozygotic and dizygotic twin (Acosta, 2014, pp 45-49) et al. The analysis determined the impact of non-genetic of on late onset in relation to environmental effects. The infants who are born underweight are found to have low immunity responses increasing their ability of being affected by sepsis due to the environmental changes.

The severe sepsis is common during the cold seasons in UK 35% of the infection occur during the winter season while in US the cases are 17% higher during the cold seasons also during winter the cases of severe sepsis also increases the effects of the illness (Acosta, 2014, pp 45-49) et al. The respiratory infections increase due to the variations in environment changes especially when the colder months. Climate changes increases then variation of the environment increasing the risk of being infected due to the regional differences. Researches that have been carried out recently also explored the relationship between the light and the illness. Immunonoenhancement theory explained that the exposure to light before critical illness have led to the reduced risks of death rates also those in the intensive care unit when expose to natural light the patients’ illness was negligible this enables the caregivers to find out if regulating the light reduces the risks.

The governments have discovered the need to improve the health of population by setting policies that favor the health sector leading to the offering of free public medical care. The governments are able to come into partnership with other countries in order to share the resources to reduce high mortality rates caused by sepsis. The health centers should be well equipped reducing the risks (Husak, 2010 pp.39-47) et, al. The political interest on improving the life of its citizens is a major pillar to improving the economic growth of a country. The presence of drugs provided by the government increases the ability of fighting the pathogen also with the help of the government it can cater for the hospital expenses since the patient, may not be able to pay due prolonged hospitalization. Sepsis increases the threats of life and to reduce the risks the government should ensure equality in the distribution of resource and creating employment opportunities to increase the level of income enabling those who cater for the impaired due to sepsis provides their needs.

The prevalence of sepsis in Canada compared with prevalence of sepsis in UK.

The prevalence of sepsis includes the number of the individuals affected and the ability of the disease to attack other individuals. In 2017 the patients hospitalized in 133 hospitals were over 55000 thousand patients and over 11000 patients died due to sepsis. This led to the development of the sepsis management schemes (Acosta, 2014, pp 45-49) et al. The most vulnerable group in UK is the aging group and the infants due to the decrease in their immunity levels and they are likely to be attacked by the pneumonia, urinary tract infections and antibiotic resistance due to the ability of the blood poisoning. In UK there are over 250000 people affected by the sepsis. The national health service of UK has increase the ability of screening the sepsis patients, the screening increased from 52% to 87% and the research indicated most of the cases occurred in the community level while in Canada the sepsis infection has the mortality rate of 18% each year (Acosta, 2014, pp 45-49) et al. In Canada the year progresses the level of deaths increases, in Canada the males are at higher risk of having sepsis than women, the reason is that men are able to develop sepsis easily than female this can be due to the difference in genetic and the hormonal conditions. Sepsis have affected the old and lower cases to children below 5 years.

The hospitals in Canada are divided into two the private and the public, the patients admitted in the public hospitals have the higher mortality rate do to the poor services offered while in UK the services offered are of high quality reducing the risks of sepsis even the research conducted enable proper care be given to patients (Husak, 2010 pp.39-47) et, al. The health workers in UK hospitals are aware of the severe sepsis and the septic shock while in Canada the doctors are not well equipped with the information about sepsis mainly in the public hospitals (Howell and Davis, 2017 pp.847-848). The screening protocols are well managed in UK to reduce the death rates by giving the antibiotics while in Canada they do not have well developed screening ng facilities. Most of the patients in Canada require intensive care unit support leading to higher costs to cater for the expenses.

In Canada infants have the higher death rates with 56%while in UK the elderly is highly affected the blood poisoning infection requires faster attention to reduce the deaths of individuals (Borthwick, 2017 pp 235-240) et, al. The rate of infections in UK increases during the summer season while in Canada bit increases during the winter season the higher rates have affected the economic nature of individuals due to increased hospitalization. The cost required to cater for the medical attention are very high increasing the dependency rates. In both countries sepsis remains challenge as pathogen morbidity and mortality rate is increasing.

Management of sepsis  

The world health organization have developed the need for prevention aiming to achieving the sustainable development goals on health. Individuals are called upon to be vaccinated always enabling people to avoid being infected (Borthwick, 2017 pp 235-240) et, al. Sepsis is mainly caused by bacteria, reducing the viral infections example chicken pox through vaccination there are very few chances of having sepsis. The ability of having good immunity system increases the chances of overcoming the blood poisoning disease.

The patients should always seek for treatment in order to treat the infections during the early stage reducing the mortality rate increasing the health care of all the individuals by being given the right antibiotic (Howell and Davis, 2017 pp.847-848). Increasing the hygiene levels reduces infections, increased washing of hands reduces the spreading of bacteria viruses and fungi in relation to improving the natural health perspective this reduces the risks of even the caretakers being affected. The ability of taking care of wounds properly reduces the skin infection and sepsis, this requires to proper treatment during the process of healing aiming to increase the quality of life through awareness creation. The application of the methods will lead to the recording of lower cases of deaths.

The healthcare departments have developed methods that can be applied to manage the severity of sepsis, resuscitating is applicable to both ill patient and the non-septic patients this involves the application, of adequate oxygen at 95% to increase its saturation to improve the quality of life of septic people (Shaw and Baue, 1963 pp.75-86). The application of starch fluids is discouraged and if the patient hypertension is very high quality care should be offered. The blood sugars should al sways be maintained at the normal levels which is less than 10mm reducing the rate of infection the WHO will be able to achieve the goals of being able to reduce the mortality rates by sepsis infection.

Ensuring patients have accurate fluid balance reduces sepsis cases this will have the positive effects on controlling the urinary system sepsis enabling the patients to recover easily. Since therapy can cause sepsis hospitals should administer the antimicrobial therapy drugs to minimize the prevalence rates by targeting the pathogens leading, the doctors will be educated and trained how to handle the patient this will lead to the achievement by reducing the risks associated with sepsis globally (Shaw and Baue, 1963 pp.75-86). Sepsis infection is a concern even in developing countries the development of better life standards requires financing ease the process of training, development and buying of drugs to improve quality medical services offered. The world health organization through good relationship between countries researches can be conducted leading to the development drugs that can cure sepsis.


Sepsis has led global attention researching how to reduce the effects of provide better reflection   will use the Gibbs model of reflection. The model includes of the following the description, feelings, evaluation, the analysis, conclusion and the action plan. For me the most significant, sepsis reduces the quality of life by causing dysfunction. This infection targets everybody but mostly affects the infants and elderly (Borthwick, 2017 pp 235-240) et, al. At first those affected by sepsis if they are not treated the infection will lead to death I prefer when one has an infection one should go the hospital for the administering of antibiotics. Due to the better handling of risks I prefer that diagnosis for every patient to be taken in order to track the infection during the early stages.

My feeling and thoughts towards sepsis is when one is not having high immunity levels the infection can easily kill the patient, i feel the people should be educated on how to improve their immune system to fight sepsis. Improved immunity will reduce the morbidity and mortality rate helping world health organization to attain its healthy goals. The care givers should also be able to communicate with the patients politely to improve their comfort. I have significantly my knowledge of the information relating to sepsis better understanding enables to create the awareness to others, this enables people to understand the sign and symptoms of the be responsible citizen i encourage people to attend hospital checkups and those who have the infection should be ready to take the antibiotics.

I believe the increase in research and experiments can provide better results to treat sepsis, this requires better resources increasing the ability of achieving the world sustainable goal (Howell and Davis, 2017 pp.847-848). The improvement of public hospitals will also reduce the mortality rate for better services can be offered. Having the information even those people who offer home based care can be taught on the measures to take to prevent the spread of sepsis in developing countries increasing the ability to fight the problems caused by sepsis. If the methods to preventing sepsis are communicated if one is faced with the infection one will be able to apply the positive attitude to control and manage the infection increasing the better quality of life. Now that I have gained knowledge I cannot fear to attend a patient suffering from sepsis infection.


The effect of sepsis is felt internationally due to increased, mortality reduce the deaths the research must be conducted to come up with better means of treating the infections. Awareness should be created worldwide to encourage people to be vaccinated to reduce the infections cases (Howell and Davis, 2017 pp.847-848). Governments should provide better working facilities and better environment to enable the doctors to give quality services also the training and development of health workers to increase their efficiency threating sepsis.
















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