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Story Type Analysis: Fantasy

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Story Type Analysis: Fantasy


            Fantasy refers to a type of literary genre where the storyline cannot happen in real life. The plot is one that involves the use of magic or witchcraft that takes place in a place that is fictional or undiscovered. The main theme of the fantasy plot is to combine an array of language, architecture, and technology, such as to resemble the European medieval ages. I consider fantasy the most interesting story type in that it involves the use of supernatural settings, including sorcerers, witches, and mythical creatures and animals that talk like humans. According to Ekman (2016), fantasy often concentrates on imaginary aspects such as monsters, superheroes, magical creatures, fairies, and mythological heroes, among other concepts that exist outside the realm of reality. Fantasy has become popular in most media recently, although it is most predominant in literature. The most interesting aspect of fantasy storylines is that a simple plotline can be transformed into a fantasy story type with ease. For instance, one can change an innocent story of a child sleeping to hearing voices and flickering lights in the room.

It was common for Leisy to sing a lullaby to her dolls before bed. She often interacted with them in a pretentious manner and acted as though they were actual. However, Friday the 13th was a special day. Alone in her room, Leisy started hearing unanticipated responses from her dolls. Every time she sang a lullaby, the dolls would sing in unison. Leisy was too young to understand. She slept innocently, thinking that her mother was singing along. Little did she know that she was living amongst the haunted in the village of Walalanaka.”

            The story of a young and innocent Leisy has changed to a fantasy that involves supernatural and unusual practices.

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In a bid to explain fantasy storylines, I will consider different category which includes medieval, epic fantasy, fables, and mythological. Some stories are medieval in nature, such as the royal court, King Arthur, among others, which have a medieval setting. The storylines in these plots often involve the use of protagonists who are human and face antagonists with supernatural powers such as evil witches, breathing dragons, or powerful wizards (Ekman, 2016). Others are often set on a world that is epic or imaginary in nature, such that they feature a hero in the quest. This genre has continued to gain exponential significance in the present media. The most famous examples of this genre include The Hobbit, The Chronicles of Narnia, and The Lord of the Rings, among others. Fairy tales are also a common phenomenon and often entail the use of fairies, witches, and gnomes who use their magical powers to achieve good or evil (Bishop, 2003). Such tales often follow the storyline of a wicked stepmother, fairy godmothers, prince, and princesses, flying dragons, and magical unicorns. The famous Snow White is an example of a storyline in this genre. Grimm’s fairytales such as The Little Mermaid, Ugly Duckling, and Tales of Mother Goose are common stories in this genre. Mythological fantasies often entail the use of folklore and myths that are ancient and explain the existence of the world, creatures, universe mysteries, and weather, among others. Stories about Roman and Greek mythology, Hercules, Greek Gods, and epic tales such as The Odyssey and The Iliad are an example of fantasy storyline in the mythology subgenre. Fables often represent animated animals with a moral lesson such as Mercury and the Woodman, which deems to teach the viewers that honesty should be upheld at all times.

Examples of Fantasy in Literature

Game of Thrones (Novel)

HBO’s Game of Thrones is a famous fantasy storyline that is based on the book A Song of Ice and Fire. The Game of Thrones is a fantasy narrative that is positioned in an imaginary world that involves dragons and giants, among other non-existent features. According to Sandqvist (2012), the use of dragons makes it difficult for people to behold in that they are thought to have become extinct, thus appearing more magical.

Analysis and Context

The game of thrones was in 289 AC in the land of Essos and Westeros. The narrator has assumed an omnipresent narrative and has managed to present the fictional storylines from nine diverse points of view. The tone used is rather tragic and frightening such as to create a horror perspective. Unlike other fantasies, this storyline has presented many conflicts that simultaneously such that protagonists and antagonists are not universal to the entire story but are rather relevant to the distinct conflicts that each party takes parts. This is evident between protagonist Eddard Stark and antagonist Cersei Lannister. The presented war is said to have started following the death of Robert in seven kingdoms that causes various characters to claim the throne on the basis of varying reasons. As a result, a civil war is caused to begin between the different parties involved (Needham, 2017). The storyline achieves its climax after the different characters manage to declare themselves as kings, after which the battles between the different kings begin.

This storyline has employed the use of foreshadowing after the death of Eddard in the first chapter, who discovered the direwolf that had been killed by the stag. The dire wolf, in this case, has been employed to symbolize the house Stark while the House Baratheon is represented by the stag. The death of Eddard results after he gets convinced by Robert’s wife to declare treason. Paradox is illustrated in character Tyrion Lannister. As the youngest son from the house Lannister, Tyrion is the least loved because of his physical appearances, and the fact that his mother died during is birth. Although he is the least loved, Tyrion’s situation changes when he wins the battle of Greek Fork, after which he takes the position of Hand of the kind where he acts on behalf of the king.


This device is also evidenced in that some of the elements represented in the film have been adopted from actual historical events or places. According to Sandqvist (2012), this plot was founded on actual events that occurred in England between the years 1455 and 1487, a period when various military conflicts occurred that was referred to as the Wars of the Roses. The war that happened was caused by financial issues that caused the mental instability of Henry V and the war that lasted for a hundred years. The resemblance depicted in the House Stark and HouseYork, as well as that between House Lancaster and House Lannister, has been caused by the conflicts that exist between them. In the same manner, Margeret de Anjou has been compared to Cersei Lannister because of her ability and ambition to manipulate the king. Another instance that shows a close resemblance to real life is the Eddar Stark whom service to King Robert is compared to that of the Duke of York who had served various positions in England (Rastogi, 2011). In the same manner, just as Eddard was killed, so the Duke of York deaths was caused by loyalists from the Lancaster.

There is an evident relationship between the places that are described in actual countries and in the book. The North has been given a version of the Slavic Eastern Europe where there is a sparse population and cold climate. The people who inhabit Essos and Westeros and the actual communities are actual. For instance, there is an allusion between the Huns and Mongols because of the customs and styles adopted.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

Game of Thrones has used an iron symbol to represent power. For instance, when Daenerys is taking to Drogi about having his unborn son on the throne, she is more concerned about the power represented by the throne. The book has been used to represent a power that is higher than the king’s seat in that it is representative of the power that the king has.


Twilight is a famous series of different romance films that are based on different novels by Stephenie Meyer. The film starred Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, and Kristen Stewart.

This movie has adopted two distinct settings, which are contrasted with emphasizing the aspect of difficulties experienced by Bella as she attempts to make changes to her surroundings. The overcast of Forks provides a disguise of the Cullens who lack the ability to get out into the sunlight without abandoning their supernatural nature.

Meyer has also showcase disparities between the settings depicted in the vampire world and the human world as showcased by Edward and Bella’s bedrooms. Edward’s room is old, and it is furnished sparsely to showcase the alienation from humans while Bella’s room is lived in and highly personalized. Forks, Washington, which is a major setting in the novel, has perpetual rain from the Olympic Peninsula using fog and mist in order to invite the reader to understand the differences between Phoenix and Forks, which is Bella’s home (Silver, 2010). This aspect also creates the aspect of contrast and alienation and weirdness that exists with perpetual rain and greenery. The use of supernatural powers has also been used to show the distinct nature of humans and vampires and the fact that the vampires can manage to hid their actual nature under the overcast skies. Their proximity to actual nature makes it easy for them to wild their way by hunting the wild animals they need in order to control their love for human blood and maintain the connection they have with humanity.

The movie has depicted various themes that have made a successful attempt to connect the world of fantasy with the actual world. The themes of sex, prejudice, alienation, feminism, Mormons, and the search for mother’s love has been depicted. According to Meyer (2009) Twilight showcases the connection between the mortal and immortal or creation with supernatural powers. It has represented nuclear families in the world as depicted by Bella as a result of the absent father. The characters show a connection with humanity in that the vampires also value love and the aspect of connection with their families. However, this is lacking in Edward’s life, who has lost his connection with both parents.

The storyline has been criticized for showcasing the aspect of feminism, which was probably caused by poor mothering. The aspect of powerlessness in women has been criticized as a bad imagining of women in society. The indecisive character depicted by Bella Swann could cause the female base to get the unintended message (Meyer, 2009). The novel’s message for women has received direct and indirect questioning in that Meyer has shown women in a rather dispiriting and deceptive manner. This aspect has caused fans, feminists, and thinker to squabble on the most effective way in which they can receive the love story without feeling the urge to view women through the depicted lens.

Nevertheless, although Twilight has received criticism, the film, which was based on a novel, has managed to depict the connection between the two settings of reality and fantasy. Although little attention has been provided to materialistic aspects such as buildings, the novel has given additional attention to the connection between people. The author applied diverse devices, including personification, imagery, and allusion, to pass the message to the audience.

Lord of the Rings (Animation)

LORT is a fantasy film that has adopted an array of scenes that are mystical and rich with images that spring with psychic abilities. The animation has given trees, souls, and humans have the ability to walk alongside the immortals. Bakshi has provided a glorious and imaginative perspective that is ghastly to the mind and to the eyes (Raggett, 2018). The movie has undertaken a beautiful, innovative, and disjointed perspective to track the life of Frodo Baggins. The film has explained the adventure and escapades of Bilbo Baggins, a humanlike creature that has hairy feet and a rather passive attitude. The film has adopted the use of on-point depictions that have been portrayed with gloom and perfect menace. However, the film has been criticized for being anti-climactic and incomplete. Part 1 ended when the action was only beginning and has failed to provide clear resolutions as well as a critical response (Chance, 2010). The animation has been accused of being filled with curiosity, most of which are appreciated by Bakshi’s fans and despised by the rest.

Bakshi has creatively depicted the connection between reality and fantasy through the application of technology that enables one to connect what was thought to be occupied by mythical creatures and magical spells to get replaced with actors who have human characteristics. However, although Bakshi has achieved a milestone in showcasing the connection between reality and fantasy, Parker (2001) September explains that this connection has failed to emerge fully, thus causing LOTR to appear more like a practice in artifice.

Monstresses (Comic book series)

This is a matriarchal film set in Asia that is depicted in a richly imaginative world where the story of a teenage girl is set. The girl is struggling to survive the war of trauma and often shares a link with a monster that has tremendous power and a connection that causes the two to become a target for supernatural and human powers (Liu, Takeda, Wooton, & In Smith, 2016). This film has shown a link between the mortal and the immortal in how magical creatures and humans find themselves in continuous interaction and struggle for significance. Magical creatures, the Arcanics appear like a human is out to avenge the death of her mother. Maika, a human, has also been overtaken by a demon that controls her body and mind, making it difficult to control and understand herself.

This graphic novel is filled with a story of slavery and racism that has depicted the power of womanhood while concentrating on the aspect of artworks and exceptional creativity (Narcisse, 2015) however, although has adopted the use of a strange and frightening tone and theme of feminism it has been criticized for being too dark and violent and its failure to address essential aspects such as racism conclusively.















Bishop, R. (2003). The world’s nicest grown‐up: a fantasy theme analysis of news media coverage of fred rogers. Journal of Communication53(1), 16-31.

Chance, J. (2010). Lord of the Rings: The Mythology of Power. University Press of Kentucky.

Ekman, S. (2016). Urban fantasy: A literature of the unseen. Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts27(3), 452.

Fetter, A., (2012, November 15). Culture. At its core, the ‘twilight’ saga is a story about. The Atlantic. Retrieved from

Liu, M. M., Takeda, S., Wooton, R., & In Smith, J. M. (2016). Monstress: Volume one.

Meyer, S. (2009). The twilight saga collection. Little, Brown Books for Young Readers.

Narcisse, E., (2015, November). Monstress is a gorgeous comic book about racism, war and slavery. Kotaku.

Needham, J. K. (2017). Visual misogyny: An analysis of female sexual objectification in Game of Thrones. Femspec17(2), 3.

Parker, S., (2001, September). The Lord of the Rings (1978/2001). Retrieved from

Raggett, N., (2018, November). The trouble with ralph bakshi’s the lord of the rings & other tolkien misadventures. The Quietus. Retrieved from

Rastogi, N. (2011). Is games of thrones racist?. Browbeat: Slate’s Culture Blog, 233-255.

Sandqvist, E. (2012). Politics, hidden agendas and a game of thrones: An intersectional analysis of women’s sexuality in george rr martin’s a game of thrones.

Silver, A. (2010). Twilight” is not good for maidens: gender, sexuality, and the family in stephenie meyer’s” twilight” series. Studies in the Novel42(1/2), 121-138.

Tolkien, J. R. R. (2012). The Lord of the Rings: One Volume. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.






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