Structure guidance*
Please be aware that there is no one way to complete the essay, rather there are multiple ways that you might tackle it. By all means apply techniques (E.g. PEEL, 5 paragraph structure etc) taught in English, History, Psychology etc etc in your essay. The following guidance is just that, guidance, rather than a set of rules. That said, you essay must have clear structure, whichever route you decide to take.
– Intro. Start with a personal anecdote about your own experience as a learner, (clearly connected to the title e.g. your own theories, your summary or own interpretation of key terms rather than dictionary definition). Mention the title and raise 2-3 original and related KQ´s (Remember these don´t have to be explicitly stated as a question). Mention primary AOKs that will be discussed.[unique_solution]
– Body. This can either be divided into 2-3 KQs or 2-3 AOKs depending on the student. Both ways work fine. A possible paragraph structure is claim, explain, example, link to prescribed title or counter-claim, explain, example, link to prescribed title.
Please refer to the examples in the files of Managebac. BNDS example 3, for example, and Example Essay R were awarded 9 or 10 out of 10.
Within those body paragraphs, you must make claims and counterclaims about how knowledge works in the AOKs. These can be directly responding to the title and/or your own KQs. At least two solid counterclaims are necessary.
You are allowed to challenge and fight the question. Either way make sure you offer an element of balance to claim/counter claim trying to reach a definitive conclusion in the process.
- End. Finish with the implications section, where you make a final claim about why the understandings expressed in this essay are important in the real world today, especially for you as individuals or members of a learning community if possible.
Make sure you have some in-text citations (don´t go overboard on this) and a list of works cited (Not a bibliography or works ´read´) using MLA 8 format. This shows the overall academic ´health´ of your essay.