Supplemental Assessment Strategies
The intake interview is the most efficient assessment tool accessible by the clinicians who work with children as well as their families. It is during the intake interview that clinicians know the child and their families. It is during the interview that clinicians get in contact with most of the crucial personalities in a child’s life. The intake interview takes a long time and can be tedious to a care provider who is new. Nevertheless, given enough time clinicians can collect the information that is required; they can be assured that the task is doable.
To be adequately prepared for every family, clinicians can give child intake forms to the parents before the intake interview is arranged. The intake forms need to give the clinician a history of each child’s life in the current and as well as previous family. The intake forms topics include preferred name or nickname, age and date of birthmother’s pregnancy and delivery, other families and living arrangements among others. Before the start of an intake interview, clinicians need to identify what information to they need collect, so as to be fully prepared. The clinicians also have to inquire about the presenting problem. They should also inquire about family relationships. The clinicians also need to know what to ask about social and cultural factors. They have to ask about the Recreation, interests, and hobbies.They should also inquire about the Developmental and Health issues. They must ask about plans for the future and fantasies. They have to take note what to observe while asking the questions (Spencer , 2016).
concept of dynamic sizing
The intake interview can be formatted in many various ways One proposed format is to have the entire family together, to divide the family into several subgroups. Also, it is important to note whether a therapist wants to perform the task alone or with therapists. The clinicians have to deliberate on the final thoughts concerning the interview.
Play Therapy
Family structure is involved with family functioning as well as boundaries are concerned. Its main concerns are family stability, divisiveness, and closeness. Family competence is the ability of a family to perform the work assigned to families. Family Process is sequences of interactions between the family and its surroundings. Family relating is the last aspect of family functioning reaches outside the family system. The clinicians should consider basic information about the client whom they have identified. It is essential the clinicians identify types of discipline strategies the parents use, how frequently they are applied, who implements them and about the appropriateness of particular degrees.
suggestions for culturally competent practice
The Association for Play Therapy (APT) has endorsed the advantages of cultural competence. Play therapist researchers should consider the advantages of cultural diversity. Children may take note of the environment of play therapy as it relates to cultural issues. There are some various ways to be knowledgeable of diversity issues and welcome children from all backgrounds. Multicultural competence involves developing a systemic way of how racist and biased views can be taught in families and other forms of social systems (Spencer, 2016).