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Supportive Submission 2- Abstract

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Supportive Submission 2- Abstract


Background: Children who are abused and neglected may face lifelong negative physical health conditions because of the physical and biological disruptions that occur as a result of the trauma they face.  Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to critique a study that was undertaken to investigate whether abused and neglected children had a higher risk of negative health conditions in adulthood as compared to children who were not abused and neglected. Summary: The study was undertaken using a cohort of abused and neglected children who were followed for 30 years, along with a cohort of children who were had similar demographic characteristics as the abused children that were also followed for 30 years.  All of the children underwent health screenings at several points throughout the 30 years period by a registered nurse.  Results: The results of the study showed that children who were abused and neglected faced more lifelong negative physical health problems than children who were not abused. Critique: The research methodology that was used increased the validity of the findings because the participants took the effort to pair the cohort of abused and neglected children with non-abused or neglected children that had similar demographic characteristics, including finding non-abused and neglected children who lived within the same areas as the abused and neglected children.  Conclusion: The practical implication of the study is that children who are abused and neglected need increase health care and health monitoring throughout their lives.


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