Technical communication
Hello Kiran Dommaraju,
You have posted a good discussion but allow me to add a few points. Technical communication when it comes to the running of a business. Technical communication can be in different forms (Kimball, 2016). The communication can come in the form of instructions that guide users on how to use a particular product. The other form is communication using technology. This includes the use of social media, help files, and web pages. Technical communication is useful to different people within the organization. Employers need to ensure that technical communication is used in training programs. The training programs will help the employers in gaining new skills which will improve their productivity. In technical communication, we have different specialists in this field. They include instructional designers and indexers.
Kimball, M. (2016). Tactical Technical Communication. Technical Communication Quarterly, 26(1), 1-7. doi: 10.1080/10572252.2017.1259428