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The American model of religion

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The American model of religion

Religion and the aspect of law and politics have been related for centuries. Apart from the overall concept of Christianity and Islam in modern society and the involvement in ruling parties. The traditional religions in a different part of the world have been related to politics. In different African, for instance, the conventional beliefs and religions impacted and controlled the political processes. In the Buganda Kingdom in Uganda, which one of the few monarchies remaining in the continent, King Kabaka often asks for guidance and advice from the different religious leaders who are considered to speak to the gods directly. The same impact of religion on the political system was experienced in the formation of different nations across Europe. Christianity, either in the form of Catholicism or Protestantism, was central in the advice and control of the countries. However, the formation of a new nation, the United States created acceptance of different forms of religion. The American model of religion is based on Christianity as the primary religion according to the first immigrants; even so, the freedom of worship is extended to all, thus allowing different religions to be practiced.

The American people are religious nature. Despite the different sects and religions, the people following a form of religion in the nation has been relatively high since the founding of the country. As the authors of American Grace How Religion Divides and Unites Us, “Eighty-three percent of Americans report belonging to a religion; 40 percent report attending religious services nearly every week or more; 59 percent pray at least weekly; a third report was reading scripture with this same frequency” (Putnam and Campbell 19). The majority of Americans are believers in different forms of religion. The leading religion in the nation has been Christianity, followed by Judaism and Islam. The belief in religion allows the majority of Americans to have a sense of belonging. Moreover, religion forms the basis of the laws in the country. In that, the writing of the constitution looked into the punishment for killing, respect of the marriage institution, and hard work, all of which are represented in the tenets of the three main religions. The religious outlook allowed Americans to develop a constitution and the rule of law that did not go far from their beliefs.

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Although the majority of Americans are believers in different religions, the model of religion in the country allowed for the separation of power and the sacristy of religion. In that, the formation of the nation was not based on the principles of a specific religion. As described in the text, “The third-largest “religious” group in the United States is actually defined by the absence of religious affiliation—the “nones.” There are more nones (17 percent) than mainline Protestants (14 percent)” (Putnam and Campbell 29). In that, a notable percentage of the American population is not affiliated vany religion. The aspect of secularism and sacristy was not directly related to power in the founding of the nation. Unlike in Britain, where Protestantism under the Anglican church or in Rome where Catholicism is the main religion and influential in the election of leaders, American power politics was not directly influenced by religion. Even though the politics of religion have been used to gain support or oppose candidates in different ways during elections, the aspect of binding religion in the power systems was not considered in the founding of the nation.

The model of American religion is based on the first immigrants into the nation. The majority of the initial settlers were from Europe, thus were protestants and Catholics. The massive immigration of the group meant they were the majority of the population. As highlighted in the lectures, “religious pluralism (1776-1865) 1. Multiple protestant traditions, 2. 1830-1865 massive catholic immigration” (‘POLI136_Notes_Jan13’ 2). the first wave of the settlers was from the two sub-groups of the Christian religion. The immigrants led to the establishment of the religion as the basis of the ruling, thus leading to the politics that was polarized by the sect in Christianism. As the historians explain, “In 1960, Kennedy faced overt

hostility to his Catholicism, even in polite company. We find it no coincidence that this was also a time when there were many social barriers to relationships between Catholics and Protestants” (Putnam and Campbell 17). The political divide in the initial stages of the nation was based on the protestants versus the Catholics. As the initial settlers, the aspect of religious discrimination and fight between the legitimacy of protestants and Catholics had affected the political stunts. However, more leaders such as Kennedy openly disapproved of several catholic concepts and was publicly supported by protestants. Even so, the principles of Christianity were viewed as the basic principles of human beliefs, thus influencing the majority of the American citizens to adhere to either Catholicism or Protestantism. As a result, all the Christian religion was viewed as the primary religion of the nation.

Nevertheless, the hatred caused by the monopoly model of religion in Europe and the principles of founding fathers caused the acceptance of religious pluralism in America. In Europe, different hate crimes and laws were developed at the beginning of the millennium, thus limiting the freedom to follow certain religions. The most infamous event is the crusades of 1096-1291, which led to the forceful conversion to Christianity and the loss of many lives. The role of religion in the various nations in Europe and the principles in the formation of America led to a different structure of religion. Similarly, the establishment of protestants in the country allowed the ideals to govern the model of religion to be established. The concepts of tolerance and acceptability preached in the religion was adopted by the majority of leadership units in America. The model of religion in America is based on the model of governance chosen by the settlers in the nation. In the formation of the country, the founding fathers were focused on developing land of opportunity and freedom. The model of democracy was extended to the acceptance of different religions. According to the lecture, the immigrants from 1776 to 2000s were characterized by protestants, Catholics, Islam, and Judaists (‘POLI136_Notes_Jan13’ 2). The coming of the different religions meant that the nation was based on different beliefs. In that, the Mormons brought the religion as settled in the government as well as the Muslims. The immigrant communities established the religions and places of worship, thus the spread of the religions. However, the laws of the nations were not oppressive as the government was not based on Christian principles. Although the Christian religion is the leading religion in terms of the number of believers, the other religions of Mormons and Jews are allowed to practice the religions without interference by the law. The pluralism was created and affirmed by the founding fathers hence has remained as the determinant of the American model of religion over the centuries.

Similarly, the development of the supportive first amendment aided in the establishment of the freedom of religion in the American model. The model of religion did not affect the manner in which people made the decisions for the governing of the state. The first amendment of the US constitution specified the lack of involvement of the American congress in matters of religion. The restriction of the government in the interference of the formation of new religions and the freedom of speech has allowed the country to have a pluralistic and free model of religion. The amendment meant “the open gate to religious politics” (‘POLI136_Notes_Jan13’ 2). The majority of Americans are seen to be united by the everyday challenges of discrimination in the nation. As the experts highlight, “Nearly two-thirds of all Americans in our 2006 Faith Matters survey said America did not have equal opportunity for all, and a clear majority supported government actions to address poverty and inequality” (Putnam and Campbell 267). The nature of American society is that injustice and other challenges are pronounced as compared to the issues of religion. The amendment and the attitude of the people towards freedom for all have allowed the model of religion in the nation to be influenced by the freedom to involve in different religions.

Although the federal government is limited from interfering with religion, current events have led to the interference of specific religions. The modern society can be viewed as more polarized by religion, especially the support of either Christianism or Islam. As the experts explain, “The United States is a nation that combines high religiosity with high and rising—ethnic-racial diversity” (Putnam and Campbell 329). The rise of ethnicity has been characterized by an increase in religiosity. The cases of terrorism have been continually related to the brown race, mostly Arabs and North Africans. As a result, the Islam religion has been the center of the modern form of religious discrimination. The aspect of the first amendment fails to protect the religion in contemporary society hence going against the fundamental aspects of the model of religion. This is because the places of worship are attacked continuously and spied by a variety of security agencies. Moreover, the constant harassment of people in the mosques has been expressed as modern disapproval of the right to worship in any denomination in the country. The polarity in the principles and policies to deal with terrorism has led to an increase in religious politics. The majority of the conservatives have been seen to lean on Christianity as the primary religion of the nation, thus terming the liberal views of freedom as being against the basics of the nation formation. The modern society is becoming polarized, thus going against the basic model of the nation.

In conclusion, the model of religion in America is based on the aspect of pluralism and freedom awarded by the first amendment. Even so, the history of the nation expresses Christianity as the initially established religion of the nation. Even so, the nation formation and the development of the political system did not rely on the guidance and interference of a specific religion. As a result, all Americans were allowed to practice the religion that they preferred without any repercussions. The freedom to worship or not worship is awarded to all citizens in equal measure. The lack of interference by the congress and federal institutions has led to the ability of Americans to view the common social challenges as being independent of the religious affiliations of the people. Although certain modern events have led to the abandonment of the laws, the nature of American politics is not heavily influenced by religion as compared to issues of race, social challenges, and policies.

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