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The benefit of studying Sociology

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The benefit of studying Sociology


Sociology refers to the study of human relationships, societies as well as the behavior of a human being in a group. This field has a diverse subject matter, ranging from religion to crime, from state to family, from social class and division of race to shared beliefs of a common culture, and from radical societal changes to social stability. Such diverse subjects in sociology play a vital role in understanding how social and cultural structures shape the actions and consciousness of human beings. The primary role of sociologists is careful gathering as well as an analyst of evidence-based social life, which develops and enriches human understanding of fundamental social processes (Webber & Bezanson, 2016).

My experience as informed by history

Sociology has shaped my perspective on areas such as colonization, industrialization, and capitalism. For instance, I have out that colonialism has been part of the global capitalist system that has caused social changes, exploitation, and uneven development. On the one hand, it produced dependency but also lead to a lot of destruction, according to history the nations that were under the colonial rule of western European countries were greatly exploited since the majority of their rulers had selfish motives of amassing resources to enrich them at the expense of many people living in abject poverty (Webber & Bezanson, 2016). They also robbed of health and other great opportunities which they could have used to improve their lifestyle to enhance the growth of the society. Therefore, colonialism has played a major role in producing unequal economic relations across the globe. Most of the citizens in the countries that were colonized suffer from the poor standard of living, while the majority of countries that colonized them are among the first world countries.

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In the capitalist society, the working class or proletariat owns their labor power only as opposed to their results of production.

The capitalist employs a working-class for a living wage but end upkeep the fruits of their labor, which is quite unfair to work individuals. Such a system denies many employees the power to determine their destinies and the ability to shape their future (Webber & Bezanson, 2016). This is because they are deprived of the right to determine the character of their actions, define and enhance their relationships as well as own or enjoy the value of the fruits produced to their action. Hence, the capitalist has caused the alienation of people, making them appear like slaves. It has been quite unfair to underprivileged individuals in the society who work extra hard, but the fruits of their hard work are enjoyed by others.

Industrialization is important since it has enormously contributed to growth in society. However, it also led to societal changes that created unhappiness among people. Many sociologists agree that social solidarity is an important component of social life, which can well be understood as a sense of community (Webber & Bezanson, 2016). For instance, a decrease in social solidarity is the major cause of suicide among many people. Besides, individualism, which is highly emphasized by protestant religion as opposed to Catholicism, led to an increasing rise in chaos. This explains why there is a higher rate of suicide among Protestants compared to Catholics. There is very little effort by professionals and experts in different fields to come up with a good remedy to solve this problem such that society can reap many benefits from the process of industrialization.

Sense of how and why I fit into society

Sociology has offered me a sense of how and why I fit in society. I have learned that one fits in the society by making the effort of understanding the nature, character, and behavior of surrounding people. It is hard to move along with others without taking time to understand their goals, vision, and aspiration of life as well as what they like and dislike. In the process of learning such qualities in people, one established a relationship that enables him to fit in their life. In regard, one will understand how to behave around each individual to keep the relationship intact. The failure to understand people’s behavior and character is very detrimental to peaceful coexistence in society. People will not be one in mind, and therefore they cannot have the unity that enables them to work in unison for the benefit of society. In this regard, sociology has taught me that it is vital to understand and respect them for me to fit well in their lives.

Besides, I fit in society by identifying the gaps and challenges that require my skills, ability, and knowledge to be solved for the benefit of the entire society. Due to the population explosion, increasing urbanization, and industrialization, as well as the advancement of technology and science, there is a rapid occurrence of social changes in world societies (Steckley, 2017). In regard, individuals with complicated and new social problems that need urgent attention before they get to a point where they cannot be controlled. Without the support of sociology, I have learned that it is hard to understand and solve such challenges. Through the study of society, I have been able to locate such problems and, therefore, a researcher for the root cause such that I can devise practicable and last solutions to them. My sociology knowledge has enabled me to help many people come out of challenging situations, which could have caused them to make a wrong choice and therefore risking their future.

Moreover, I fit in society to enhance the growth and preservation of culture. Due to the advancement of technology, there have been too much erosion of culture and moral values in many societies of the world. This happens mostly to young generations, which doesn’t take time to understand their culture and way of life, which will not augur well with their future. Society needs to understand the importance of preserving their culture throughout generations (Webber & Bezanson, 2016). Culture increases the overall well-being as well as the quality of life for both communities and individuals. It cements unity, sense of belonging, and cohesion in the society, and therefore failing to preserve culture will take the society down the drain in the future. Hence, the study of sociology generated a great need for me to help in the growth and preservation of culture in society. I do this by teaching others on the importance of culture and the steps they should take to preserve it. This will play a significant role in creating strong societies in the future.

Social inequality

Sociology has also enhanced my understanding of social inequality, which result from a society organized by hierarchies of race, class, and gender leading to infringement of people’s right and unequal distribution of rights. It manifests in several ways, such as wealth and income inequality, unequal access to cultural resources and education, differential treatment by the judicial system and police. Besides, it is characterized by unequal rewards and opportunities for various social statuses and positions within a society or group. It contains recurrent and structured patterns of unequal distributions of wealth, goods, reward, punishment, and opportunities. For instance, racism is a phenomenon whereby the accessibility to resources and rights is distributed unfairly along the racial line. In the US context, the black experience racism where white people benefit from many opportunities and privileges compared to blacks (Webber & Bezanson, 2016).

I have learned that there are two major ways in which social inequality is measured. This includes;

  1. Inequality of conditions
  2. Inequality of opportunities

Inequality of conditions is the unequal distribution of wealth, income, as well as material goods. For example, housing is the inequality of conditions. The homeless sit at the bottom of the hierarchy while tycoon and other people of higher status sit at the top. The level of the whole communities is another example; some people are poor, plagued with violence and unstable while others are living a luxurious life, they have invested by government and business such that they thrive and provide secure, safe, and happy conditions for the place they live.

On the other hand, inequality of opportunities is the unequal distribution of chances in life across individuals. This is demonstrated in measures such as the health status, level of education, and treatment that one gets in the justice system. For instance, based on studies, university and college professors are more like to ignore email and message from people of color and women compared to how they respond to those from the white men or other people closely related to them (Webber & Bezanson, 2016). This privileges the education outcome for the people who are favored by channeling a biased amount of educational resources and mentoring to them. Another major part of encouraging social inequalities of class race, gender, and sexuality is the discrimination of community, individual, and institutional levels. For example, it is widely known that women are less paid compared to men despite having the same qualifications and doing the same work.

Social inequality is an issue that needs to be solved since it has caused many problems in society. People are discriminated based on factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, class, sexuality, citizens, and ability without considering their potential to contribute to the challenges experienced in society. If the victims of social inequalities can be provided with a chance and a friendly environment to use their potential in solving most of the problems faced, it can be a huge step toward enhancing growth and development in the society. Besides, people will be recognized based on their potential and what they are capable of doing but not according to who they are and not where they come from (Steckley, 2017).

Personal problems as socially structured

Through the study of sociology, I have realized that I have some socially structured problems. However much, I try to change them; I don’t succeed since getting a lasting solution to such issues is beyond my control. For instance, poverty has been a greater challenge in my life. Sometimes I have found it hard to acquire the necessities due to financial challenges. For instance, on several occasions, I have slept hungry due to a lack of food. This has also affected my academic life. However, I have been working hard to come out of this problem but without success. Changes in government policy reduce the income of many people and therefore trapping them in poverty since they lose benefits after earning benefits. In regard, poverty is an effect whose cause is beyond families and individuals. It is a social or structural case because it is located in arrangements or social structures that are outside the control of an individual (Steckley, 2017).

Therefore, the most effective way that this problem can be solved is by the government changing its policy in low earner and providing them with a friendly environment to discharge their duties and earn the income that commensurates with their effort. Unfortunately, the government in any country has been weakening employment rights, which continues to affect many low earners in society. Hence, they will never have a decent lifestyle. This is an area that needs to be highly observed by different governments across the globe. The change will impact the economic goals that have been established.



Studying sociology is important both for society and individuals. People learn how to engage in issues and think critically about the social problems that disrupt peace and progress in society. Students’ lives are enriched through the study of sociology and are prepared for countless careers available in the diverse world. Besides, society benefits since individuals with effective sociological training are well prepared and, therefore, can make informed choices concerning social issues and enact favorable measures to address them. In the long run, there is growth and development in such a society, which encourages harmony and peaceful coexistence among every member.














Steckley’s J. (2017). Elements of Sociology: A Critical Canadian Introduction.

Webber, M., & Bezanson, K. (Eds.). (2016). Rethinking society in the 21st century: Beyond Gender Binaries. Canadian Scholars’ Press.

Webber, M., & Bezanson, K. (Eds.). (2016). Rethinking society in the 21st century: Critical readings in sociology. Canadian Scholars’ Press.

Webber, M., & Bezanson, K. (Eds.). (2016). Rethinking society in the 21st century: Education-The Changing Meaning and Impact.  Canadian Scholars’ Press.

Webber, M., & Bezanson, K. (Eds.). (2016). Rethinking society in the 21st century: Bodies, Health, and Aging. Canadian Scholars’ Press.

Webber, M., & Bezanson, K. (Eds.). (2016). Rethinking society in the 21st century: Our Religious Selves; or lack thereof. Canadian Scholars’ Press.


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