The best coffee shops in Toronto
Toronto is one of the best cities to live if coffee is the fuel that jump-starts your morning. This city’s coffee shop scene has an artistic twist and international outlook. So, there’s no shortage of exciting joints where they serve coffee from all corners of the globe.
Whether you’re looking for a nook in the wall, artsy joint or an exclusive coffee shop, Toronto has it covered. Here are some of the best coffee joints in Toronto:
Fika Café
Fika is Swedish for taking a coffee break. This establishment borrows heavily from Swedish coffee culture. The interior is warm and airy with wood panelling, and the shelves are decorated with old books. They also serve all types of Swedish pastries and other delicacies. It’s located right in the centre of Kensington, making it quite hard to miss.
Pilot Coffee
Experiences coffee at it’s purest form at this warehouse turned java house. It’s more than just a coffee shop. It has a tasting bar and a roaster that supplies some of the best coffee in the city. You can sit at the tasting bar to sample some roasts before taking home. Visitors are also taken through Pilot’s roasting process.
Te Aro
Te Aro puts a chic twist on industrial design. The entrances have to huge garage doors that open into a warm and inviting interior. They serve only the best coffee sourced from Pilot coffee roasters. It’s the best place to go if you like a relaxed vibe and friendly customer service.
De Mello Palheta Coffee Roasters
This is a small urban-chic coffee shop that’s operated by Palheta coffee roasters. The signage has a street art feel to it. The grey walls are decorated with abstract paintings and sculptures. Hipsters love this joint, but you can also spot some suits and ties. This makes it a melting point for Toronto’s diverse urban cultures.