The Caste System.
Caste system describes societies that are stratified based on hereditary groups across the world. In its biological formation in South Asia, particularly India, it was established on a belief that all living things are characterized with specific qualities. The perception of all aspects of individual lifestyle in terms of social status, occupation as well as food defines the bottom line of the caste system. The system in South Asia was first encountered in the 16th century when Portuguese aliens experienced racism in social formation. The top-ranked occupational categories of people in India were known as varnas, and the Jatis were the hereditary occupational sets of people among the varnas. The attributes of social groups and rules discouraging intermarriages portrayed the existence of a racist culture. Hinduism comprised of outcasts who performed all sorts of miserable jobs prone to diseases and pollution. Contrary to the Hinduism were Brahmins were considered pure. Political and social forces of the caste system is a major concern in South Asia despite the official ban of caste discrimination and widespread changes by the Indian government.
The nation’s economic prosperity in India was severely affected by the caste system. Unequal access to new opportunities like urban employment and agriculture portrayed the negative impacts of caste (Axmann et al,170). Land and agriculture deteriorated as a result of caste power which led to upper-caste to withdraw from the village economy. Caste impacted the urban labor market, specifically in the industrial labor force (Mosse et al,430). For instance,
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Dalit women faced unnecessary exploitative work oppressions, which was associated with torture and mistreatment.
In America society, inequality is widely evident in terms of race and class. A tax plan induced to Republicans was attributed to class welfare (Mudliar et al,230). In America, students were exposed to the spirit of social link and networking critical to the professional progress. Despite the college degree, it is shown that Americans raised from poor backyards earned meagre wages (Axmann et al,170). African-Americans and low-income people had low intelligence quotient as a result of the caste system, thus associating American inequality to genetic variances.
The perception of all aspects of individual lifestyle in terms of social status, occupation as well as food defines the bottom line of the caste system. Unequal access to new opportunities like urban employment and agriculture portrayed the negative impacts of the caste system. Caste system affected the urban labor market, specifically in the industrial labor force. In America, students were exposed to the spirit of social link and networking, which was critical to the professional progress. Despite the college degree, it is explicitly shown that Americans raised from poor backyards earned meagre payments.