The Dangers of Online Dating
Problem/Solution Essay Rough Draft Due February 3rd Final Draft Due February 12th Assignment Desсrіption For this essay students will identify a specific social problem in the US. First, students should speculate about the cause/causes of the problem before offering a multi-faceted solution. Be as specific as possible, especially in your identification of the problem. For instance, health care is much broader than what I’m looking for here, but if the problem you were addressing was high presсrіption drug costs for seniors, it would strike me as a much more focused approach. You should begin with a detailed characterization of the problem then move toward weighing solutions.[unique_solution] You might take the approach of proposing or considering a couple of different solutions before finally endorsing a solution that you think is best in order to convince your reader that you’ve considered the problem/solution in depth before arbitrarily settling upon something. Some Key Elements –An abstract covering the central ideas and key words in your essay –A clear articulation of the problem –An argument that details a multi-faceted solution to the problem –Body paragraphs built around controlling ideas –At least three outside sources that either support your proposed solution or help lend evidence to your articulation of the problem –Both end and in-text citations in APA style –At least five pages in length typed and double-spaced in 12-pt. Times New Roman font, not including abstract or works cited pages