The Impact of New Media
Prompt 1: The Impact of New Media Paletz, Owen, and Cook suggest that new media change: . . . the relationship between communication on the one hand and government and politics on the other. They make more information than ever accessible and available. They facilitate narrowcasting, the creation of content, and blogging. There are limitations on their influence and on their ability to enhance public life. Nonetheless, the new media are rife with political potential, particularly for civic education (28). Drawing on the assigned materials on the impact of social media assigned throughout this quarter consider the positive and negative impacts on public life and politics. On balance, does new media enhance politics and civic engagement or not?[unique_solution] Why? As you structure your response, consider the impact of social media on institutions, political culture, information, polarization in the electorate, and the specific effects on campaigns and elections. Be sure to draw on the assigned materials, including The Facebook Dilemma, to support your discussion. Why? As you structure your response, consider the impact of social media on institutions, political culture, information, polarization in the electorate, and the specific effects on campaigns and elections. Be sure to draw on the assigned materials, including The Facebook Dilemma, to support your discussion.